Chapter Thirty One

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Age: 13
Sasuke Age: 15/16

Hanako POV:
D-Did she really just ask me that?! Am I even ready for it?!

*Flash back*

"Hanako, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it Lady Hokage?" I was a bit excited too! Maybe she's going to send me on a mission!

"Hanako, this is a bit hard for me to ask of you, but you were the best choice in this matter. Will you become the Sixth Hokage, alongside me. I need help running this village."

*Flash back end*

She really asked me if I wanted to be the sixth Hokage. I was now on the floor, laying on my back, staring at the ceiling.

"I'll let you think it over. Let me know soon." She sat back down at her desk.

I thought back to all my time with dad, and how proud he would be if I ever got this far? Should I do it? All I've ever done was for dad, so, I could do this for dad too...

"I'll do it! I'll become the sixth Hokage!" I shot up from the floor.

"Really? That was kind of fast but okay. Well get your face engraved up there, in the meantime, you are now the sixth hokage, I've talked it over with the elders and they are okay with it. Would you like a cape that says 'sixth hokage' on it?" I thought about it before nodding, with a smile.

"Perfect!" She claps and three women come into the room. Taking my measurements the running out of the room with one already made. They handed it to me and ran out. Not saying a word the whole time.

"Congratulations Hanako, you are now the sixth hokage. And once you father and the rest of the teams come back from the mission, I'll be taking a leave of absence for a month, so let's get started on how things work around here. Here is your hat..." The hokage hat that gramps use to wear. I put the hat on and smiled warmly, a small blush coating my cheeks.

For the next day she taught me all about how to hokage, as I call it, not remembering the actual name for it. I think she called it... eh I really can't remember.

They had already started to carve my face up there when I was sitting in the hokage office on one of the chairs around the room. Reading one of the many books made by the first and second hokage themselves.

Just then pakkun bursts through the office doors.

"Hm? What's wrong Pakkun?" I ask as he crawls on my lap, starting to explain what's happening on the mission dad went on.

"Hmmm..." Tsunade was thinking while I was in a full blown panic.

"How can you just sit there and think about it?! They are all about to die!" I yell at her. She only glares at me. "Screw it! I'm going down there to help..." I put on the cloak sitting on the chair and Pakkun looked a little surprised.

"Hanako? What's with the hokage cape?" he asked.

"Sixth hokage. Lead the way. Get me there fast." I glared as we ran out of the office. He was going a bit to slow for my liking, considering dad was almost about to die. I picked pakkun up as he just said directions, us going a lot faster now.

"Turn right up there and we should see a river! There's a house about there and that's where everyone is located!" Pakkun said as I ran to the house I saw in the distance. Lee and Tenten were on guard. I slowed down so that they could see it was me before they let me in.

I jumped up to the same floor that they were on, Pakkun had already disappeared when I found the house. I landed on one knee, my head down and my hokage cape flowing behind me.

Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now