Chapter Twenty Two

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Hello! And welcome to me posting at school during lunch on my friends computer.

Fun times.

Anyways! Enjoy the story part!


Age: 13

Sasuke age: 15/16

Hanako POV:

My friend.

I can't do this.

What am I thinking?!

I freeze while the others go at him. Itachi...

He activates his sharingan. I look at him still. I can't move. He hasn't put me under gen-jutsu, but he did to Naruto. He starts attacking nothing.

I jump down and slap him. His eyes widen as he looks at me.

"Snap out of it. Don't look into his eyes." I take my hand off of his face. Sorry Naruto.

"Right! Thank you!" He jumps back up. I am not going to watch this. Lets just, hide behind a tree. They got it? Right?

I stepped behind one of the larger trees, in hope to hide from this battle that will most likely kill me.

I slide down the tree trunk until I'm sitting on the floor.

My eyes closed, my mask almost falling off.

I doze off, thinking about simple times, when it was just me, dad and Gramps...

I miss them all, but things change...

My eyes snapped open as something hits my face. I looked up at whoever it was.

Naruto...? Wait.

If he slapped me... that means.


I look around to see, my mask clear over next to a different tree. I look up wide eyed at them.

"Hanako?" Sakura asks. I nod my head, looking down.

"Hanako! Thank god! We thought you were dead..." Naruto hugged me... My eyes started to water. Why do they care about me...? I left them...

Naruto let me go and I was crying, just a bit.

"Come on! Let's go find Gaara! Then Sasuke...!" He held his hand out to me, smiling. How can he just trust me...?

I grab his hand with my own and he pulls me up, we start running together. He didn't let my hand go. My tears were still coming as he dragged me along with him, letting my mask go into the past...


Sorry for the short chapter, but there will be an update tonight!

I hope you liked the chapter, don't forget to,






Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now