Chapter Four

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Sasuke Uchiha: Yeah she doesnt own Naruto get over it.


Hanako: Anyways! Enjoy the story!


Age: 10

Naruto age: 12

Hanako POV:

It had been a few days after I started the academy. Daddy had finally come home but I didn't want to talk to him. I still had no friends and today was the day to see if we graduate or not. So just to pull it over the top i make a room full of shadow clones, then pull out my headband I got years ago and tie it over my head, covering my left eye. It had many scratches and dents but that didn't matter right now. I walked out of the room and go outside to see everyone with their families, but Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke doesn't have a family and the same with Naruto. I knew that Daddy was here somewhere and I didn't know if I wanted to see him or not. But I made up my mind, I did. So, I went to go find him. I found him on the roof top of the academy so I jumped up there with him. I hugged him. "Hi daddy." I said softly as he hugged me back, sitting me in his lap. "I passed again." I said to him as he gave me his famous closed eye smile. "congratulations my sweetheart. I knew you would do great." He said kissing the top of my head. "I love you my baby girl." He said again hugging me tighter. "I love you too daddy." We sat for a few minutes like that, listing to the others talk to their families and then leave. "So," uh oh. "Do you have any friends my little girl?" Daddy asked me calmly. "Nope. Everyone avoided me after my fight." I said back to him, not scared of him at all, if anything he should be scared of me. He sighs with his eye closed. "Looks like you'll be on a squad where you're not the leader, how odd." He joked with me, on that day, I let out my first smile in years, not forced, but a real smile. "Can we go home now daddy?" I asked him. "Yes, my dear but we must see lord third first." Daddy said. 'uh oh, I know what's gonna happen now...'

(Small time skip to Hokages office)

You bowed to the hokage and waited until you could stand again. Once you could you avoided all eye contact with Gramps.'I'm so screwed right now' you though it your head. "So, Gramps," You started before your dad so rudely cut you off. "She didn't make any friends. So now she'll be on a team." Daddy said to the hokage. "Hanako, you really didn't make any friends?" Gramps asked eyeing me. "Yep, no friends just like in the start of this stupid plan that I knew wasn't gonna work." You said. "Do I really have to be put on a team? It's stupid to put me down all the ranks." You said, wanting to go out on a mission or at least serve the hokage again. "Yes, I am putting you on a new team. Sorry Hanako, you knew this would happen Sonner or later." Gramps said to me. I growled at him and looked away before I attacked anyone. 'Maybe I can go on a mission while they go on stupid d-rank missions.' You thought to yourself. "No, I'm not sending you on an Anbu mission. Hanako, they might be suspicious if you skip." Gramps said. "Will you at least tell me what team I'm on?!" I yelled at the hokage. He looks at me and sighs. "Fine. Hanako Hatake, Team Seven along with Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno. Team lead by Kakashi Hatake." Gramps said reading off of a paper. "I am not doing your bell test." I said turning to my dad. "If I can't do anything else, you'll let me skip the test." I said with venom in my voice. "Alright, you can skip the bell test, as long as you make three bento boxes." Daddy said and I nodded my head. "Deal" I said. a few minutes later we left the hokage office and teleported back home. I flopped onto the sofa with dad and pulled out Icha Icha paradise. Me and dad read until it was about 6 PM. I put my book away and went over to the kitchen to make a small dinner for me and dad. I put my crazy hair up into a pony tail and then pulled my mask down. There was a small scar on my face like dads, so I always keep my face covered, well around dad I don't. I started to cook some ramen for the both of us. Once I finished cooking, I set it out on our table and called dad to eat. He pulled down his mask and we both ate in a nice silence. Once we finished, we said good night and both went to our rooms. I changed into dads stolen clothes just like every other day and laid down in bed. It had been a few hours and I couldn't seem to fall asleep. So, I got out of bed and ran down to dad's room, I opened the door and saw him sound asleep. I closed the door to his room and ran over to his bed. When I got there, I laid down next to him and snuggled into him. He wrapped his arms around me in a protective state. I smile softly and drift into a deep sleep.


Enjoy the story!!!!!!!



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now