Chapter Sixteen

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Whoa there buddy, don't you do this to me.



Age: 10

Sasuke age: 12

Hanako POV:

Don't you die on me... Sasuke... You care about me... I'll be back... And I told daddy to tell him that... Please... I jump out of the village. I make my way to the rain village. When I changed I had changed into normal clothes, not my ANBU because they would know it was me. I was wearing my mother's battle kimono. It was short and black. I had taken my mask off and my leaf headband off, my left eye closed.


I got to the rain village in one day? Wow, I guess having no team really changes how fast you go. I smile when I find the cave they were located in. I looked around and saw a little whole, big enough to fit a hand in it. I jump up to it, and fit my hand into it, putting chakra into in. Then, the cave opens up, I jump down and walk inside. I scowl on my face. Everyone in the front room is wearing an Akatuski cloak, glaring at me. "Who the hell are you bitch?!" A silver haired male yells and then I growl at him. "Let me see you leader. Now." I growl and someone who looks a lot like Sasuke. He takes me into the cave and then around many hallways, then stops in front of an office. "Here." He says and then walks away. I knock on the door and waited for an enter. When there was one I stepped in. I look around the room. There were papers everywhere and then a man sitting behind all those papers behind a desk. There was a woman with purple hair next to him, she leaves when they see me. "What do you want here? Who are you?" The man asks, rinnegan staring at me. "My name is Hanako Hatake, the silver assassin." I tell him and his eyes light up. "I'm here to join your group. Konoha is boring at this point." I tell him, totally not truthful. "Very well then. Here is your cloak and your ring, don't be alarmed, but it belonged to a previous member." He said and I nodded, taking both of the things from him. I put the cloak on then the ring, he stands and we both walk out to the front room. "Everyone. This is the new member. Her name is Silver." The leader says and everyone nods. 'Wow, he used my ANBU name...' I think to myself as I look at the others. Kakazu, Hidan, Itachi Uchiha, Deidara, Tobi, Zestu, Kisime, and a blue haired girl. I wave to everyone, and they wave back. I was pushed forward by the idiot Tobi as he giggled. "So, how old are you?" The female asks and I look at her. She was really pretty. "10." I say blankly. She gasps. "What's your real name?!" She asks, bending down to my height. "I don't have to tell you." I tell her, taking a step back. I look over to Itachi. Why does Sasuke want to kill him so much? Itachi's eyes hold so much sadness... I sigh and close my one open eye. I reopen it to find that everyone has moved in front of me, inches from my face. My eye widens and I step back. Only to be held by someone and pushed forwards. Itachi holds a hand out to my face and pushes my hair out of my face. They all look at the left side of my face. "Open your eye." I heard the leader say and I do as told. I opened my eye slowly, showing everyone my eternal rinnegan. Itachi's eyes widen and he pulls me out of the room. "Who are you?" He asks, staring me down. Heh, let's be a bitch. "Some one." I start and then boom. He slaps me, turning my face to the side. My eyes widen. I look back at him. "Who. Are. You?" He asks one last time and I sigh. "My name is Hanako Hatake. Kakashi Hatake's daughter. Your brothers girlfriend." I say and he sighs, taking a seat next to me. Oh boy, here we go...


Uh oh, were gonna be bad girls



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now