Chapter Twenty One

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(None of these AMAZING pics are mine.... Credit to the artist!)

Hello and welcome back to-

Naruto: ME! MY SHOW! Hehehhehehehehe-(gets slapped)


Anyways, welcome back to my story, I do not own Naruto,

I hope you enjoy!


Age: 13

Sasuke age: 15/16

Hanako POV:

Me and dad went shopping for useless nick-nacks, no point in them but they were nice. I also got another katana, mine was on the verge of breaking.

I was just laying in bed in my oversized t-shirt, finally getting to be lazy. I had my eyes closed when I heard a poof.

I opened both my eyes to glare at the ANBU.

"Silver-Senpai! Sorry for the interruption! But there is an urgent mission in the sand village! The kazekage has been kidnapped! Please come to the Hokage office, quick!" They leave and I get dressed in my ANBU attire.

I teleport into the office to find some people already there. Naruto, Sakura, dad, uncle Gai, mini guy/ Rock Lee, Neji, and Tenten.

"Okay, everyone is here, lets get started!" Naruto yells, running out of the office. Dad had to grab him before he left.

"Lady Hokage, Mission details please." I ask her and she nods.

"The Kazekage has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki." I flinched, I had mixed emotions about them. "Your mission is to return him back to the sand village."

"Hai!" We all said, running out of the village. Oh boy, another mission with people. Dad and uncle Gai are okay but the others...? Really?

A little bit of time had passed and we could finally leave the village. We all started to run on the path.

"Temari should be on this path! If we find her she can come with us!" Sakura yells. I hate it when people know more than me.

"Lets go!" Naruto yelled, picking up his pace. I jump into the tree's, this is really boring, I would already be there, if it weren't for them slowing me down.

I start to jump from tree to tree and they didn't really notice. Until they did.

"Hey! Get down here! Your part of this team to!" Naruto you're so dumb. I just keep going like I never heard them.

"Hey!" He yells again.

"Naruto! Leave it! If she goes ahead, she can do more work!" Sakura for once you're not useless. I hold up my hand and start to go faster. Soon enough I was at the sand village.

I went through the gates and the Kazekage office. I knocked on the door and walked in. There I saw a few people. I assume the village elders.

"Who are you! Why are you here!?" One yelled. I held my hand up and bowed.

"I am here from the Konoha, I'm here to get your Kazekage back." They all looked at me.

"Before you do, we have a problem. The Kazekage's brother has been poisoned by an Akatsuki member. Can you help?" Sasori! Damn it!

"I know what poison it is, where is he?!" They led me to a room in the hospital. There was a guy laying down unconscious in pain.

There were medical nin around him as I ran in.

"Move!" I shoved them out of the way. I took my arm armor off and put my hands on his bare chest.

Damn you Sasori.

"Get me water! And lots of it!" I yell out, they bring me buckets of water.

"Hold him down! This will hurt!" Many of them held him down as the water floated around my hands.

I put the water through his chest and into his blood system. Then pulling it out again with poison in the water.

I put the contaminated water into the same bowl it came in and they took it.

I did this until all of the poison was out of his system and back to almost normal health.

"Pen and paper." They gave me one of both and I wrote what I needed to make a cure to the poison.

I shoved the paper in a doctors face as he read it.

"I need these herbs. Get them." I demanded and they ran out of the room.

I really don't know how long that took but dad and the others barged into the room while the doctor came back.

He handed me the herbs and a bowl, I started to mix them, making a purple fluid.

"I will finally have my revenge on you! White fang of the leaf!" This old hag charged at dad. I dropped the bowl onto the table next to me and I stood in front of dad while she was flying.

I put my hand up and her fist landed on it. I gripped her hand, not even looking at her. I lightly push her away from us and she lands perfectly.

She comes at us again with a kunai in hand. Before she can get to us,

"Wait! That's not him! Can't you tell!" Old people.

"Oh! I guess you're right!" Very old.

I go back to the cure and make the guy drink it. He may be asleep but oh well.

"What's his status?!" Sakura he's fine.

"Fine now." The man opens his eyes and looks around.

He points at me.

"Who are you?" The others were looking at me, so let's go with it.

"Silver. You call me Silver." I put his hand down. "And I think you should thank me. I removed all the poison from your body."

His eyes and the others widen.

"That's impossible! There still must be some in his body!" Sakura runs over to him. She put her hair up and I sat in the window.

"B-but..." Sakura says in a shaky voice.

"How?!" She yells.

"I know who made the poison. And what he put in it." I say simply, opening the widow.

"And I know where the Kazekage is. You'll be fine, so let's go." I jump out of the window.

I start slowly walking out to the gate. As I was walking I felt a strong wind go past me.

"Come on Silver! We have to save Gaara!" Okay Naruto, I don't really care.

I start to run with them, soon enough I had pasted them. We were in the desert and I was running to a cave, one of the many Akatsuki bases.

I stopped on a tree branch, there was Itachi. Damn.

The others stopped by me. I looked down at Itachi. I really didn't want to hurt him. I really didn't. But I have to. I can't be a traitor. I love the village.

"Itachi Uchiha." My friend.


Oh the feelings. It hurts.

Anyways sorry, I wrote this at school, I hope it doesn't suck.

Dont forget to



And share it!

Love, Author chan~~~~~~~~~~~ Love you all~

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