Chapter Ten

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wow there Kakashi wut u doing acting all smexy ur the dad in this story boi

I still love you tho



Age: 10

Naruto Age: 12

Sasuke POV (Hehehehe we get to see what's in his head)

I look at Hanako, she looks so beautiful....Just the way she walks, and talks and stands... I wonder what she looks like with out the mask on...*Pictures what Hanako looks like without her mask on* I just wanna... NO! Sasuke! You're an avenger! You have no time for love! But she's so perfect... You don't find her everyday... Maybe, yeah, ill ask her out on the mission! Perfect! (Wow, wow, wow my man you got to much dip on your chip) I Then go back to my normal look, waiting for the dobe and fangirl. I sigh as I see the fangirl. "Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-Kun!" She screams.

Hanako POV

"Would you just shut up with your 'Sasuke-kun! Notice me!' It's really annoying." I told her, having enough of her already. I put my head down as I heard more yelling "Sakura-Chan!" Naruto... "SHUT THE HELL UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU DECLARING YOUR LOVE FOR EACHOTHER! ITS POINTLESS!" I snap at them. They all flinch and take a step back, even Sasuke. Just then, "Sorry were late you guys." Dad. "Let's get going." He says, grabbing my hand. He whispers in my ear. "Don't yell at them if you want off the team before the chunnin exams." He said in a low voice. I nod my head slowly. "Perfect! Let's go guys!" We start walking, Sasuke in the front, with Sakura and Naruto trailing behind him. Me and dad were in the back, with Tazuna. "You really want me to put my life in the hands of some kids...?" I shot him a glare. "I'm an a Jonin, a elite ninja, and my daughter, whose much stronger than me... will be protecting you along with the others. You have nothing to worry about. Right Hanako?" Dad asks me the last part. "Correct. I will not allow you to die." I say, not even looking away from the road ahead of me. Ahead I see, a puddle? What? It hasn't rained in days. If your gonna make a hiding space, make it look real. I look over to dad and he looks at me, and nods. 'Hidden mist ninja working for Gato.' I step in the puddle, and keep walking. Just then, chains come and rip Dad apart. 'Clone. He can't die on a mission this simple a B-Rank mission is nothing.' "KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Naruto and Sakura yell. "Mist ninja." I say. They turn their heads to me. "And a little girl." They say. "Wrong." I say coldly pulling out my katana. I charge at one, as the other goes at Naruto. I slice the man's throat and turn to the other one. He got Naruto in his hand. And then Sasuke, standing on the others claw. I stab him in the stomach. "Nice work Sasuke." Sasuke blushed again. "Naruto, don't move your hand, there was poison in their claws." I say to him. Just then Dad shows up. "Tazuna, I need to talk to you." I say coldly. He nods his head. "Dad, ones still alive, the others dead. We'll be back in a minute." I say walking away with Tazuna. "This mission is clearly a B-rank mission or higher, and you listed it as a C-rank mission protecting you from thugs. We can not complete this mission. Its clear that Gato is after you, and this team simply can not protect you." I tell him. He looks down in shame. "Now, lets go. We still have to tent to Naruto wound." I say, walking back to the others. Naruto was cutting his hand with a kunai. "Naruto, that does get out the poison, but now you'll die from blood loss." I say simply as I take his hand. I did my healing jutsu and saw his hand was almost done healing. I grabbed the bandages, and started to wrap his hand. "Dad. This mission is a B-Rank or higher. A man named Gato is after Tazuna to kill him, to make sure that he doesn't finish the bridge to the main land, so he can keep control over the land of waves." I tell him. "Is that so?" He asks.

(Mini time skip so like were getting on the boat and stuff)

We were getting on the boat, and I was last. There weren't any more seats, so I had to sit in someone's lap. How nice. I looked at everyone, and saw that Sasuke had a blush on his face again, looking at me, knowing I have to sit on someone's lap. I deicide to see how much of a reaction I could get out of Sasuke and Dad during the boat ride. "Sasuke." I say. "Hn?" He asks, trying to hide under his shirt. "Help me on to the boat." I say as I stick out and hand for him to take. Dad looks at me with an amused eye, knowing what I was doing. Sasuke took my hand with a shaky hand of his own. I get onto the boat and sit right on Sasuke's lap. His face turns a deep red and buries his face in my long silver hair. Sakura looks like she can explode. "DON'T SIT ON SASUKE LIKE HES A CHAIR!" Sakura yells at me. "I said, I don't want to hear your fangirling on this mission or ever. Shut the hell up." I say to her as she sits back down. I wanted to see how far I could take this, so I leaned back into Sasuke's chest. I grab his hands and put them around my waist.

Sasuke POV

'Help, Help, Help, Help, Help, please...' I looked over to Kakashi Sensei, and he looked amused by this. I mouthed a 'help' to him and he said no. '...WHYYYYY' I screamed in my head as she wrapped my hands around her waist. I started to turn a new shade of read in the face. This may be what I dreamed of happening, but I never thought it would happen now! Next thing I know, her beautiful hair is red, just in the stop my head was in! I touch my nose and, its bleeding! No! No! She can't see this! I look over to Kakashi-sensei again, just for him to glare at me. Then the worst thing happens. "Hey Sasuke! Your nose is bleeding!" Naruto whisper yells. I glare at him then, Hanako grabs her hair and looks through it for blood. When she found the part, she did not look happy, at all, her face alone had a killing instinct. I didn't know what to say, so once my nose was not bleeding, I looked away again. My hands were still on her waist, because she had her hands over mine, keeping mine in place.

Hanako POV

Oh, thank god my mask was black, and thick. I don't want Sasuke or anyone to see my blush, or my nose bleed. 'What are you doing to me Sasuke?' I asked myself. Just then the boat ride stopped and I got of first. I waited till dad got off and I walked with him. I whispered to him. "Dad." "Yes?" He whispered back just then; Naruto threw a kunai at a bush. He threw another, and went up to it. It was a white bunny. 'wait.' "DUCK!" I scream. We all do as told as I push Tazuna down with me. Just then a sword comes at us. 'Wait? Zabuza's sword.' "Zabuza!" I yell, getting into a fighting stance with my Katana out. "Ah yes, THE Silver Assassin. Killed over three thousand enemies, born with a sharingan, although you're not part of the Uchiha clan. A master of everything they try. I never though you would be an eight-year-old girl." He says and I growl. He didn't have to say anything about me but he did. "And Kakashi of the sharingan as well. Its an honor to meet the both of you." He finishes. Me and dad pull our headbands up to show our sharingan. Because I was born with mine, I had the highest level of it, I had my eternal rinnegan. And Dad had Obitos sharingan. "OKAY! EVERYONE KEEPS SAYING SHARINGAN WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Naruto yells. Sasuke goes and explains what the sharingan is as Zabuza stares into my rinnegan. "What Zabuza? Scared ill kill you right now?!" I ask in a low tone. He just laugh's and goes to the water and disappears. Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were guarding the bridge builder. Sasuke looked to be having a panic attack. "Sasuke." I say in a calm voice. It catches his attention. "Calm down. Even if he gets us, I won't let him hurt and of you." I say turning my head to look at him. His eyes widen in shock to see my eternal rinnegan. Just then, Zabuza appears right Infront of Tazuna. "Preta Path." I said lowly making a hand sign. Dad went to push Zabuza out of the way as I took his chakra through my rinnegan. Great more chakra for me, less for him. I then pick him up with my power. 'Not human, a water clone.' I throw the water clone into a tree. I look for the real one, and see his chakra on the water. I close my normal eye, just using my rinnegan. I pick up the Zabuza on the water and take control of his body. 'Kill all of your water clones' I tell him. He goes and kills them "What the hell?!" He asks as the others look at him in shock. "What's happening?!" They all ask. "Me." I say. They all turn their attention to me. I could feel the blood coming out of my eye as I moved Zabuza. "Hanako! Don't!" Dad yells breaking me out of my thought prosses. I look around with my rinnegan and see that I'm flying over anyone with a deadly aura around me.


Hope you liked the story!



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now