Chapter Thirteen

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(I wish i did tho)



Age: 10

Sasuke age: 12

Hanako POV

Well I mean, he's not that bad. And he was there for me, and well, I'll give him a chance. Yeah. "Yes. I'll go out with you Sasuke." Maybe being on this team won't be too bad. I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled my mask down and had him stare at my face. He moved the bangs out of my face so he could see my whole face. "You're beautiful Hanako..." He said and you blushed. "No, I'm not. I'm ugly, I don't know what you see in me." I said with a straight face. He stroked the sides of your face with both sides of his face. "No, you're not Hanako. You beautiful and I love you so much. Never say that about yourself. Your face makes you who you are." He said, playing with your hair. You open your mouth and looked down. "I love you Hanako. Do you love me?" He asked you. 'Do I love him?' "I love you Sasuke..." I kissed..................his forehead. Just then, he moved in and kissed your lips. HE KISSED YOU! Your eyes widened before they closed and you kissed him back. It may be your first kiss, but ya know, Icha Icha Paradise. He licked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth for him. His tongue roamed around your mouth, not leaving any place untouched by him. He leaned forwards as his tongue went down your mouth more. You slightly moan into the kiss. He smirked on your lips and pulled away. "Enjoying it huh?" He asked with his Uchiha smirk. Your blush darkened and your mouth hanged open, a line of saliva connecting your mouths. Your eyes looking right into his, your arms behind your back holding your body up. Your legs spread open while Sasuke was crawled on top of you. 'Oh no he's hoootttt' (If you know where that's from, I love you) He licked his lips and went down again. He was about to kiss you before someone barged into the room. Please done be dad, please don't be dad! You looked over at the door.

Thank god it wasn't dad! It was Naruto! Once he saw you, he left. Not saying a word. You turned back to Sasuke, and he was doing his famous Uchiha smirk. You just avoided looking at him, it was too embarrassing to look at him, and believe me, it was very hard to make THE Hanako Hatake blush. Sasuke just laughed and grabbed your arms. He pulled you onto the bed and laid down behind you and grabbed your waist, pulling you into his chest, and putting his head in your hair. He started to run his hands up and down your torso. Then his hands found their way under your shirt. He started to go up and down your sides again, only this time, your shirt went up. You blushed again. You couldn't do this. No way in hell. You stood up from the bed, breaking free from Sasuke's grasp on you. You pulled your mask back up, and you ran out of the room. You heard Sasuke get up, but you ran away before he could do anything. You ran all the way to where you could sense dad's chakra. I barged into the room and went to dad's bed. "Daddy!" You called out as you shacked him. His eyes opened and he looked at your trembling form. "Hanako?! What happened?! Is everything okay!?" He asked as he grabbed your arms. "Daddy... Sasuke... He, he!" You started crying. You haven't cried in front of anyone in years. He pulled you into the bed. You cried into his chest as he rubbed your back. You were able to calm down a bit and started to tell him what happened. "He. He... he pulled down my mask, he kissed me, a lot! And then he pulled me down onto the bed and put his hands up my shirt!" You sobbed again. Gripping his shirt. Dad. Looked. Pissed. "What?!" He yelled. He stood up and you stayed in his bed. "Come on Hanako, he wouldn't just kiss you out of nowhere without you pushing- punching him off." He said looking down on you. "I said I would go on a date with him when we got back..." You said quietly, looking down. "No. First, your ten, second, your ANBU, no emotions, three, oh hell no." He said picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Come now, were gonna throw Sasuke out of the house and make him sleep outside." You hanged over his shoulder as he grabbed his crutches, walking as fast as he can out of the room. He barged into the room Sasuke and Sakura were in and went over to where Sasuke was laying on the bed, passed out. He grabbed Sasuke by his shirt and threw him over his other shoulder. He opened the window and threw Sasuke out the window. You went wide eyed as you looked out the window to see Sasuke still peacefully asleep on the floor outside. You sweat dropped as you let dad carry you back to his room. Once you got there you both fell into the bed and passed out. Right before you did, "Goodnight Hanako..."


wow there buddy, wow.



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now