Chapter Six

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Hanako Hatake Does not own Naruto~~~'


Age: 10

Naruto age:12

Hanako POV:

"My name is Hanako Hatake. I don't have any likes and dislikes, and I have no dream." I said to everyone. Sakura and Naruto start yelling while Sasuke has some interest in his eyes. "WHAT?! ARE YOU RELATED?!" Naruto yells. "YOU HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME AND YOU LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!" Naruto and Sakura yell. "Yeah he's my dad get over it." I say to them. "Anyways, tomorrow you will be doing a survival test." Daddy explains. "But Kakashi-sensei, we did test like this in the academy, why do we have to do it again?" Sakura asks like a little angle. "YEAH AND WE PASSED THE ACADEMY ALREADY SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO?" Naruto yells. "You're not gonna like it." I say softly. "Out of the twenty-seven students that passed this year, only nine will get to stay ninja, the other eighteen will go back for more training. There is a 66% chance you will fail this." Daddy says. "Don't eat breakfast tomorrow unless you want to puke, and don't be late." Daddy says before dropping me and going back home. 'Really, he couldn't take me with him...?' I though as I sat on the floor. Sasuke left then so did Naruto, so now it was just me and Sakura. 'Shouldn't she go after Sasuke?' I thought to myself as she stood up and stared to walk away. I just sat there, and didn't move. It was a long day and Daddy didn't even take me home with him. Well might as well walk home. As I started to walk home, I looked at all the buildings, I realized I never see them because I always run home. I never got to play out on the streets like the other kids my age get to. I sighed and pushed those thoughts out of my head. I can't get attached to anyone; just in case they die. Like my old team, team silver. We were the strongest team ever, but then-The Akatsuki came, and killed every single one of them, and I couldn't do anything to save them. That's why I can't get attached to anyone but daddy and Gramps. There all I have and all I need. As I finished my thought, I realized I was home already. I stepped inside and took off my shoes. I looked around inside the house and saw Daddy on the sofa, reading his book. "Hi Daddy. Thanks for taking me home with you." You said, throwing a shoe at him. "Sorry but I thought you could talk to your new team members!" He said rubbing the back of his head. "Why would they talk to me?! Sasuke is an emo who's scared of me, Sakura is still mad at me for touching 'her precious Sasuke' and Naruto doesn't see anyone but him Sasuke and Sakura! I told you they all avoid me! This was the most stupid idea I've ever been forced into and uncle Gai makes me race him!" I scream, annoyed by this whole thing. Daddy had gotten up and walked over to me. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Hanako, this is all because you still need a childhood, you should be happy like others. Not an eight-year-old in the Anbu black ops. I want you to have a child hood, the hokage wants you to have a child hood too." Daddy says hugging me. "I don't need something as stupid as a childhood." I said looking away, not wanting to see the look in dad's eye. "If I have one, ill be soft again, and I can't do that. Were going to the hokage so I- we can go back to the way everything use to be like." I said trying to leave. "No, you are a part of the team, even if you don't want to be." Dad said sitting me in his lap as he sat down. I growl but don't move. He rests his head on mine, that always seems to calm me down. I took in a deep breath and let everything go. "I'll go make dinner and the bento for the others." I started to walk to the kitchen and pulled out everything for dinner and then three bento boxes. I started to make the food.


Hope you likes the chapter!!!! Thanks for reading! Untill Next time!


Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now