Chapter Seven

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Hello! Welcome back to the story! And I would like Neji here to say something for us.

Neji: Hanako Hatake Does not own Naruto. Bye. *POOF*

Hanako: No good bye kiss...*cries*

Neji:*POOF* Sorry my love. *Kisses* Bye now. *POOF*




Naruto Age:12

Hanako POV:

"Dad." You shacked you dad as he slept in, for hours ('-___-) "Daddy wake up! You're late!" You screamed jumping up and down on his bed. He groaned and threw a pillow over his face. "Nooooo Dad that's not how you wake up." You said pulling the pillow from his face, along with the blankets off of his body. You kicked him out of his bed onto the floor. "Your late." You told him as he sat up from the floor as you sat on his bed, reading your book. "Hanako-" You cut him off before he could even finish. "I. Want. Food." I said, glaring at Dad. "Feed me." I said throwing my book at him. He opened his eyes at that moment, and then the book hit him in his head. Being the overdramatic person, he is, he fell backwards onto his back, and started to anime cry.  "Get up, I want breakfast." You said as you got out of his bed. You actually had already eaten, and well, took a shower and got dressed, but that didn't matter right now, you wanted more food to eat. You walked out of the room and went into the kitchen, and took a seat at the table. I waited for Dad to come and get my breakfast ready, just so I could help Gramps with what ever he wanted me to do. Thank god I don't have to do the bell test. It's meant for team work, but they wont even work as a team, so they wont pass. You sighed as Dad set a plate of pancakes Dad made for you. Like, the only thing he can make. You shoved you mask down from your face and ate the pancakes faster than the human eye can see. Dad may suck at cooking, but his pancakes were the best. You pulled your mask back up and went into your room. You grabbed your Anbu clothes and your Anbu mask. You put both on. "Bye Daddy, have fun with your team, don't go to far with them" You said as you walked out the door. You teleported to the hokages office. You bowed and stood, not wasting any time. "Oh Hanako, hello." He said to you as you stood with perfect posture. "Lord Hokage, I would like to take my team out for training." I said to him, making It more of a demand, less of a request of question. "And where would this training take place?" Gramps asks me. 'Well, maybe he would let me use the forest of death, or maybe we should just use the real forest.' "I would like to use The Forest of Death please."  I told him, again less of a question, more of a demand. "Fine, only because I know you can protect them if worst comes to worst." He started. "You may have three days; you will be back in the morning to report how the training went. Go gather your team and you may begin." Gramps finished the details; you bowed and then left the room. You teleported to the Anbu hide out where you could keep your things, live, and just hangout. You walked up to the front gates of the head quarters and watched as the guards tensed up, acting as if they were doing there jobs the whole time you weren't here. "Stop. Name and business." One of the guards put his hand out like he was stopping you. He was wearing a panda mask, so you didn't really know who it was. "Move. I don't have time for this." You said, shoving the guard out of your way. You kept walking into the headquarters until you were at the door labeled, 'Team Silver'. You could hear talking in the room as they were there at least. They know to always be there, unless they ask you otherwise. Your team, well, you don't know their names, and they don't know yours. To the Anbu, your known as 'Silver' for the leader of 'Team Silver'. All you knew about them was there were three boys and one girl. Including you, there were five members in total. As you walked into the room, they were all sitting, on the benches, talking amongst each other. But there were five people already in the room. 'What's going on here? I never heard any news about a new team member.' "UP!" You shouted and your original four team members stood, all of them, but that one new guy. "You. Who are you and why are you in MY room?" You asked the still sitting guy. When he didn't answer, you got pissed. You had the most authority in the whole Anbu, and when some random guy doesn't listen, you get pissed. "Take off your mask." You demand the guy, he just shook his head, no. You growled. "Girl. Get. Mask. Now." You ordered the female of the group. She did as tell and took the mask from the guy. He had brown hair and red eyes. "What are you doing in my room, with my team, not listening to MY orders? You have no place to do that." You told him, kicking his face. "We have things to do, not play around here with you." You told him, standing over his fallen body. "One of you, throw him out of the room, then get ready for a three-day training session." You told your team. They did as you said. One of the men threw the man out of the room, and the rest of them grabbed all of their things. You along with them grabbed a few scrolls and your double twin blades, and put them all on your back. "Ok, Forest of Death. Go" You said as soon as you were done packing. They don't get their own time, it goes by you, and what you say. Once they were all gone, you grabbed one more thing. It was a small little half pen. You shoved it in your pocket and then made your way to the forest of death. You saw your team there, standing in a straight line. "Okay," You made your way Infront of them, walking back and forth. "You goal is to get this pen from me," You pulled out the mini pen to show them. "Get this pen from me in three days, and you can skip one day of training, the others will have to do more training. You are to survive, and fight me if you wish to pass this test. There is food and water in the forest. Good luck and." You jumped into the forest. "BEGIN!"


Hope you liked the story! Please tell me if i have any mistakes!



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