Chapter Eleven

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oooo this chapter good


Age: 10

Naruto Age:12

Sasuke POV

What's happening?! The cute girl I have a crush on has the highest level of Sharingan and she can do what ever she wants with it! She's a power house and kills thousands of people! She's stronger than Itachi! She fly's back down to the floor, and lands perfectly. Well, that's until she passes out and falls over on the floor.

(Time skip because I cant write fight sense sorry :p)

Hanako POV

I woke up in a bed with someone next to me. I look outside and its dark out. 'How long was I out for? The most was three hours before...' I look over to the person next to me and I see... 'SASUKE!!??' He's holding my waist and our legs are intertwined. 'What happened?! Where's Dad?!' I pat my clothes down to see I'm in my night clothes. But my hair was down and spread out along the bed, most of it in Sasuke's grasp. What's going on right now?! Where's Dad?! I want dad! I push Sasuke off of me and look around the room to see that Sakura's on the other bed. I get out of that room and see dad walking around the house with crutches. "Hanako? Is everything alright?" Dad asks calmly. I run over to him and hug him. "Dad, why did I wake up changed and in the same bed as Sasuke?!" I ask him as I can see the rage in his eye. "What." (In Kakashi's head. "OH, HELL NAH") Dad started to walk to the room I came out of. He slams the door open and turns the light on to see Sasuke on my bed. "SASUKE!" He screams and Sasuke jumps up, patting down the bed. Sakura woke up too watching what would happen. Even Naruto came to see what's happening. "Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke says. "What the hell are you doing in MY daughter's bed?" He asks taking another step to him. Sasuke shot out of the bed and took a step back, knowing that he was in deep shit. "Look Kakashi-sensei! It's okay! Right Hanako!" Sasuke looked at you with pleading eyes. You sigh and nod your head. "It's okay Daddy. I was just confused when I woke up." I said in my soft voice, that always calms him down when something bad happened. He just mumbled under his breath and walked out of the room with Naruto. Sakura passed back out and hit the bed, and I looked at Sasuke. He had a small smile on his lips as he sat down. You growled and went over to his sitting figure. "Thank you Hanako." He said softly. You just started him down. "Why did I wake up to you spooning me?!" I asked him, crossing my arms. He just looked up at me. "I wanted to make sure you were okay once you woke up...I'm sorry Hanako." He told you, grabbing your hips, and pulling you closer into him. You were standing in between his legs. Your arms were on his shoulders. As he looked up at you and smiled. It almost seemed like you were dating. Wait, did he think you were dating? No, he never asked you. Right? "Hanako," What's happening? "Uhm...Will you go out with me?" He asked. 'wait, processing. WHAT?!'


ooooo looks like Sasuke asked out Hanako~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wonder what will happen next time huh



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