Chapter Twenty Seven

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(Pic is mine)
Hey guys and gals and they/them! I'm back! Did y'all miss me? I missed all of you and posting! I've been making a few video edits, by that I mean like 49 of them. So let me know is you want to see them. Let's start the story!
Age: 13
Sasuke age: 15/16
Hanako POV:
"Ah, Hanako, Tsunade wants to see you." That perv said. I sighed and walked out of the room, not sparing them a glance.
I walk to the Hokage's office and let myself in.
I look around and see Naruto and Sakura.
"Okay, now that all of you are here we can start." Lady Tsunade says.
"Hm? Start what Granny Tsunade?!" Naruto screams.
"Team seven is getting a new member. And because of Kakashi's absents, you will also be getting a team captain." Lady Tsunade explains.
"Huh?! A new team member Granny Tsunade no one will replace Sasuke!" Naruto screams.
"Silence!" She smacks her hands on her desk, scaring Naruto.
"They are outside. Sakura, show them to the location." She says. Sakura sighed, but still showed us.
We were all lined up, facing a man, known as 'Yamato', but his name is Tenzo. And surprise-surprise, he calls me Silver-Senpai.
And then, there's this pail guy, who has a fake smile on his face.
"Uh, alright I'm your substitute captain, Yamato. Let's start with introductions.
"Hello, you can call me Sai."
"Naruto Uzumaki...." I've never heard Naruto so... Low energy.
"Sakura Haruno...." Sakura didn't look too happy either.
"Okay then. Well, were going on a mission to get information on Orochimaru. And Sasuke Uchiha." Tenzo explains.
"Sasuke..." Naruto and Sakura mumble under their breath.
I tense at the thought.
"Come on then! Let's go!"
"Naruto! Calm down! We'll meet at the gate in an hour." Naruto and Sakura walk off one direction. Sai leave the other way. And me and Tenzo walk to the hospital. To dad's room.
"So, Silver-Senpai, I didn't know you were part of team seven." He tried to make small talk.
"And were going to keep it that way. So Tenzo, I didn't know you quit the ANBU."
"Ah! Silver-Senpai, Yamato, please." He begs.
"Whatever 'Yamato'." I walk faster to dad's room.
I open the door and see dad and Jiraiya. Jiraiya was sitting in the window and dad was sitting on the bed, still reading.
Soon enough Lady Tsunade showed up too.
"Kakashi. May I come in?" She asked from the other side of the door.
"Hm? Oh yes, come in Lady Tsunade." Dad responds, putting his book down for once.
She gets into the room and sees that everyone is already here.
"Hanako, shouldn't you be getting ready for your mission?" She eyed me.
"I'm already, ma'am." I didn't even look at her.
"Kakashi," We moved onto the next subject. "This is your replacement for now, code name 'Yamato'. He will be leading team Kakashi in your absence." Lady Tsunade explains.
"Wait." I pop in. "Don't you have the first Hokage's wood style jutsu?" I point at my new team captain.
"Yes he does, and that's why he's taking over your team. Because with his wood style jutsu, he can control Naruto if he ever goes into the nine tails cloak." She looks over to Jiraiya.
"The nine tails cloak. That's what I named it. During our training outside the village Naruto let his emotions overcome him, and that led to the Nine tails chakra forming a cloak around him. It grew tails until it completely transformed into the nine tails." Jiraiya started to take off his shirt.
"I've only came close to death two times, one time, I was caught getting 'research' by Tsunade, and she beat me like a drum. The other time was during our training outside the village. Naruto grew one tail, then two, it was getting harder to fight him so he wouldn't kill me. Then he grew three, then four. That's when I was able to come and bring him back to normal Naruto." His shirt was off fully by the time he said four. Up on his chest there was a pulsing area. My eyes widen slightly.
Everyone started in shock.
"So that's why I was chosen to lead..." Yamato mudders.
His sealing jutsu. To contain the tailed beasts. With my rinnegan, were unstoppable when it comes to stopping Naruto.
After sitting in silence for a bit, everyone starts to leave one by one. I stay with dad for a bit.
"Good luck on your mission Hanako. I hope you can get them all back safely." He smiled a bit under his mask.
"Thank you dad. And I will bring them all back. Safely. Just like you said. Rest up, when I get back you'll be good as new. See you soon." I waved and walked out the door.
This will be one hell of a mission. To see that jackass Sasuke again...
Here I come. Get ready for hell on wheels.
(If u know that I love you)
Thank you all for reading and for getting my story to 3.8K reads! It means a lot to me so thank you. Maybe we could get it to 4K? So please share it, and vote on it, and just stay tuned for more! Let me know if you want me to post a certain sort of chapter or you guys have suggestions bc I have some bad writers block, so I would be okay with some one shots. And maybe I'll do a face reveal, but only if you tell me to! See you all soon!

Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now