Chapter Three

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Hanako: Yes ur wife lmao




Naruto age: 12

Hanako POV:

Just as we got to the training field, I saw Gramps. It took everything in me to not bow to him. I knew I didn't have to anymore, its just I AM his right-hand women, I do everything he says. And I trust him with my life.  "Okay everyone, today I'm here to watch your training. Good luck everyone, and let's start this with picking a partner, first to go is Hanako. Hanako please pick your partner" Gramps said. I sighed, I walked over to the rest of the kids and looked at all of them very carefully. "HOLD UP! WHY DOES SHE GET TO CHOOSE HER PARTNER FIRST?!" Naruto yelled at me and Gramps. I growled at him for screaming at Gramps but Gramps seemed okay about it. "Because I said so." He growled back. "Gramps, I know who I choose." I said very quietly to gramps. "Okay my child. Go on." He said back to me. I point to the boy with a duck ass hair style with the Uchiha clan symbol on his back. "You. You're my partner." I said "Hn." He looked me up and down. "No. You're just a sad eight-year-old who will slow me down." He said. My right eye twitched and I ran so fast to Iruka to grab a kunai you couldn't see me. Then I ran faster over to duck ass and pinned him to the floor and held the kunai close to his throat. "Who's to slow now?" I asked him. We were in the oddest position ever, me being a small eight-year-old who's a few inches smaller than Naruto, has a tall ass person on the floor. My hand was on his chest while my left leg was on the floor and my right leg was on his torso. Before anything else happened, Gramps pulled me off of him with a protective look on him face. "Sasuke, stop arguing, you will be Hanako's partner." Gramps said to duck ass. Sasuke did his 'hn' thing and we walked away from the others.

(Imma skip the fight part cuz I can)

Sasuke was on the floor covered in cuts and panting, while you were perfectly fine. Everyone was done with their fights, but Sasuke couldn't accept that he lost to you. So, once that fight was over you went back inside first. Well, then the fangirls storming after you, yelling at you about how you touched there precious Sasuke, or something like that. Once you got back to class you saw that the day was already over so you left and went out to see if daddy was here to pick you up yet. When you saw that he's nowhere in sight, you sighed and walked home yourself. When you got home you saw a note on your door to your room. You went over to read it. You read it over and over again until you could tell what it was saying.

Dear my lovely Hanako,

I am very sorry I couldn't come to pick you up today, but lord third sent me on a mission, I should be back very soon, in about a day. Sorry again for leaving on your first day of school. I love you very much.

love, daddy.

How nice. I should've guessed. He's never home for these things. I tore the note in half and threw in behind me. I walked into my room and stripped my clothing and changed into my dad's long shirt I stole and some shorts. I then lay in bed, thinking about everything I could've told dad about today, and maybe we could've laughed together for the first time in a while. I sighed and drifted into a sleep.


Sorry its shorter than the others lol.

Thanks for reading tell me if i messed up or anything like that lmao

Have a nice day!!



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now