Chapter Five

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Hanako Hatake does not own Naruto!


Age: 10

Naruto age: 12

Hanako's POV:

I woke up the next morning in dad's arms, the smell of pancakes, and dads light snoring. I opened my eyes slowly, already dreading the day, just remembering what I'll have to do today. 'Go meet my team...! Yay...' (RIP so much sarcasm) I tried to get out of dad's deadly grasp, but he made it a bone crushing hug. You pulled your arms out and grabbed his shoulders. I started to shake him lightly. "D-daddy... I can't breathe..." I said lightly, with my last bit of breath. When he didn't let me go, it was drastic measures time. You took a deep breath and yelled, "DADDY WAKE UP I NEED HELP PLEASE!" I yelled as loud as I could in his ear. His eyes shot open, and he looked around franticly to find you. "Hanako?!" He said still half asleep. "Yes Daddy?" You asked sitting on his lap as he sat up from his laying down position. "Are you okay Hanako?!" He asked as he grabbed your small waist. "I am now. You were killing me." You said calmly as you fixed your dads large shirt to fit you better. "Right, sorry Hanako." Daddy said to me, his head slightly down. "It's okay daddy, let's go eat breakfast." You said getting off his lap, making your way off his bed. You walked out of his room and into the kitchen. You looked at the clock in the kitchen. "NINE AM?!" You screamed looking at the clock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP BEFORE I WAS LATE?!" You screamed as you ran to your room, changing as fast as you could into dad's old clothes. "BYE DAD IM LATE ILL SEE YOU LATER!" You yelled running to the school. When you got to the school you busted through the door and ran up to your seat, not listening to anyone yelling at you. You took your seat in the back and pulled out your book like nothing ever happened. Next thing you know you hear that pink head fangirl yelling at someone. "NARUTO GET AWAY FROM MY SASUKE!" She yells. You look up from your book to see that the Naruto kid is on Sasuke's desk, there having a stare down, well right before pineapple head leans back onto Naruto, making Naruto and Sasuke kiss. Oh, how mad the fangirls were at that moment. Once they separated from there make out session, Naruto was on the floor bloody and bruised. 'Wow they are very possessive over him.' You thought going back to your book. After that happened Iruka went to calling the teams, because you already knew what team you were on, you didn't pay any attention to what they were saying, you just stayed in you book. "Okay everyone! You can all have lunch and then come back to meet your new sensei!" Iruka said before walking out with everyone else walking out behind him. You waited until everyone left before you jumped out the window. You ran all the way to the hokages office. When you got there, you barged into his office. "GRAMPS! GRAMPS!" You screamed slamming his door shut. "Hm?" He looked up from his papers. "Yes, my child what seems to be the problem?" He asked putting his papers down. "This is the worst day ever! My team wants to kill each other and then there gonna want to kill me!" You screamed at him. "My child, they might want to, but can they?" He asks. "...No." You said as you dropped to the floor. "But I don't want to be with them for hours because daddy just wants to be late." You said sprawling out onto the floor. "*sigh* You can stay here until you want to go back." He says and you perk up. "Really?! What kind of work do you have for me?!" You asked getting of the floor, both hands on his desk. "You can find your first mission for your team of gennin. It must be a simple D-rank mission, remember that Hanako." He says handing you the papers for the D-rank missions. "Right Gramps!" You said sitting in the window cell. You pulled out all the missions. Some were simpler than the others, some were to go dog walking and then some were to cook someone's dinner... 'wow these missions aren't even missions. There chores people are too lazy to do.' You thought deadpanning. You were going through all the papers until you found one that you could use SOME ninja skills for. 'D-rank mission. Finding lost cat Tora.' You read off the paper. 'Perfect.' "Gramps I found the most perfect mission for them! Finding a lost cat!" You said jumping out of the window cell and slamming the paper on his desk. Gramps looked at the paper and smiled. "Well it must have been hard to find it; you've been here for two hours. Go on to the academy child." Gramps said putting the paper down as you rushed out of the room. "BYE GRAMPS SEE YOU LATER!" You ran out of the room and too the hell hole. You got inside the academy and walked back to the class room and saw that Naruto and Sakura were yelling at each other and emo duck ass was sulking in his seat. You walked into the class and took a seat in the very back of the class like normal, just waiting for Daddy to come. You were staring at the door when Naruto put a chalk filled eraser in the door, to prank the sensei for coming in late. When a hand grabbed the door, and a head went through the door. The chalk filled eraser fell on Daddy's head. 'Damn' Naruto started laughing and pointing at Daddy. Sakura started to apologize to him and Sasuke just raised an eye brow. While I started to get nerves. 'What a great first impression on him...' You thought. "My first thought on all of you...You're all stupid. Meet me on the roof." Daddy said as he made his way to the roof. You stood up and ran to the roof and sat on Daddy's shoulders, waiting for the others to arrive. "You could've been nicer to them." You said softly. "And you could've made friends." He said back to you just as the others arrived on the roof. Every one sat on the roof while Daddy was standing with me on his shoulders. "Okay, so let's start with introductions." Daddy said to everyone. "Um, but Sensei, what are we supposed to say?" Sakura asked Daddy. "Well, say your name, likes, dislikes and your dream for the future." Daddy said to them. "Sensei, maybe you can go first and show us what we should do?" Sakura asks Daddy. "Me? Okay. My names Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes, not for you to know, and my dream for the future? I haven't really thought about it." Daddy said. "Well, that wasn't very helpful, all we got was his name..." Sakura complained. "Okay you go first." Daddy said pointing at Naruto. "MY NAMES NARUTO UZUMAKI! I LIKE INSTANT CUP RAMEN AND I ALSO LIKE THE RAMEN IRUKA SENSEI GOT ME! I hate the three minutes you have to wait after I pour in the hot water. My dream is to become the hokage!" Daddy rubs his head and says "Next, you with the pink hair." Daddy says to Sakura. "Well, my name is Sakura Haruno, and I like...*Giggles and looks at Sasuke* My dream is...*Giggles more, eyes not leaving Sasuke* And my hobbies are...*Blushes and looks at Sasuke*" "And what do you hate?" Daddy askes. "NARUTO AND HANAKO!" She screams out. Naruto starts to anime cry and I look like I couldn't care less. "Don't worry Sakura, I hate you too." I say back to her. She growls and goes back to Sasuke. "Okay, your next." Daddy points to Sasuke. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I don't really like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." Sasuke says, Sakura blushes even more and Naruto looks a little scared. 'So, he wants to knock up some girl and then kill his brother for something that's not his fault...Great' (Yes, she knows this because she is the Hokages right hand woman) "Okay you last." He says looking up at me.


Hope you liked it!



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now