Chapter Fifteen

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Hello! Thank you all so much for the love on this story! I love you all so much! Enjoy the next part of the story! Updates will be slow for I just started school! Please help me get to 1K reads by SHARING THE STORY! Thank you!



Age: 10

Sasuke age: 12

Hanako POV:

I woke up and looked at my clock. 'Six am? Really...' I think as I hop out of bed. I go to the bathroom and strip out of the bloody clothing I slept in and stepped into the shower. When I got out, I was just in a towel, walking around my empty house. Just when I was about to get dressed an ANBU appears. "Silver-Senpai." He calls out and I look back at him, my face already masked, rinnegan glaring at him. "What." He gulped and said the hokage called for me. I sighed and nodded. I get dressed quickly and run out of the house to the Hokages office. Here we go...

Third Hokage POV:

"You wanted to see me lord Hokage?" Hanako asked... Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have yelled at her about her team... "Hanako... I'm sorry. I'll let you pick your team mates." I say, looking into her mask's eyes, or her eyes. "Okay, where will they be?" She asks and I stand, walking to the ANBU HQ. She follows closely behind me. When we make it there, we both walk into the front gates, and to one of the rooms that holds everyone but Hanako's team. When we get in, everyone stops and looks at us. "Silver here will be choosing her team. Line up and she will choose." I say and watch as everyone lines up.

Hanako POV:

Everyone lines up and I look at everyone. I sigh. This will be a long day. "Everyone masks off." I order and everyone does as told. I look at all of them. I want two girls and two guys. Then it's even. Five people. I walk up to one of the girls. "What can you do?" I ask her and watch as she tenses. "Well, I am a master of tai-jutsu Silver-senpai!" She yells and I sigh. No. Not good enough, I need master of everything on my team. "No. Go sit down." I say and she leaves with a sad look in her eyes. I walk up to a different girl and look at her. She was beautiful. Like she doesnt train much. "You. Powers." I growl and she looks scared as shit. "I am a master of tai-jutsu, gen-jutsu, and water style!" She says and sigh again. I need tai-jutsu, gen-jutsu, and nin-jutsu! "No. Next." The rest of them go, and then I couldn't find ANYONE to go on my team, so I sigh and leave with the Hokage. "So Hanako, anyone you want on your team?" The hokage takes a long drag out of his pipe. I shake my head as we get to his office. "Really? Well then, I guess there's no one else so, what do we do?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "I guess no team and you send me on a mission by myself." I say, not looking right at him. I hear him sigh and then he says yes. I look back at him as he scrolls through the ss-rank missions. "Here we go." He says as he hands me a scroll. I look at it and take in all the details.

SS-rank mission:

Time: 4 months

Place: Sound village

Mission: Join Akatuski to learn there strengths and weaknesses

Once you have read this, burn it, then leave for the sound village. Send in messages everyday. DO NOT DIE. Good luck.

I finish reading it and then burn the scroll. "Good bye Gramps." I say then leave the room. This will be one heck of a mission. I think as I pack for the mission, money and leaving a note to dad. Bye Village. Don't anyone die on me! Especially you...


O O F 

who do you think shes talking about?!

Don't forget to






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