Chapter Two

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Age: 10

Naruto age:12

Iruka POV:

I looked over to the door opening and what I saw made my eyes go wide. I saw a mini girl Kakashi, standing right Infront of me. "K-Kakashi?" I asked slowly. She looked up from her book and looked me eye to eyes.

Hanako POV:

I looked Iruka-sensei in the eyes as a closed my book. "No. I'm Hanako." I said looking at him. What a crazy person. How could I even be close to looking like my dad? I mean, people say we look like twins but really? Whatever, after he got over his shock, he pulled me into the room so I was looking at the whole class. They all looked at me a little strange. Maybe it was my clothes? They were a bit big on me. "Everyone, this is Hanako, she's your new classmate, any questions for her?" Iruka asked. Hands went up left and right to you called on one of them. "You. Pink haired girl with the big forehead." I pointed at the girl with the pink hair (Sakura). "My name is Sakura, and, HOW IS YOUR HAIR DOING THAT?!" She said pointing at my hair. "Oh this, yeah I don't know." You said. You pointed at another kid in the class, it was a boy and he asked you the dumbest question ever. "How old are you?" He asked smiling at you slightly. "Ten years old." You said. "WHAT?!" Most of the class yelled. "You with the blond hair" you said pointing at the blond boy (Naruto). "IM NARUTO UZUMAKI BELIVE IT! HOW COME YOU GET TO COME HERE BEFORE WE GRADUATE WHEN WE SPENT YEARS HERE?!" Naruto screams at you. "Calm down blondie. It was the hokages order." You said calmly with no emotion in your voice. "You with the long pale hair." You said pointing at the girl (Ino). "I'm Ino and my question in do you like anyone in the class?" She said. "I've been here five minutes." I said deadpanning. "WELL DO YOU THINK ANYONE IS CUTE?!" She screamed. You looked around the room and saw one thing you liked. "That dog over there on the boys head." You said pointing to the small white dog with brown ears. The boy holding the dog blushed as the girls growled. "NO, I MEANT A PERSON!" Ino yelled. 'oh, that's what she meant.' "No. I don't have time for things like that." You said looking at her. There were no more questions so you went and took a seat in the very back by a window. You saw the hokage looking at you through a window so you threw up a peace sign. You took out your book and began to read. 'This will be a long day.' You flipped a page.

Hokage POV

Me and the Jonin teachers watched as Hanako walked into class and start to answer all the questions thrown at her. I watched Kakashi get really pissed when one boy asked her age. And then calm down when she said she didn't like anyone. She took a seat at a window and put a peace sign to the orb that we used to spy on her with. "Kakashi, I didn't know you had a twin." Asuma, my son said to said man. "You met her Asuma. She's my daughter." Kakashi said pulling out the same book Hanako was reading. 'This will be a long day...'

Hanako POV

I was now an hour into class without even looking away from my book. Well, until I heard this. "Hanako, lord third wishes to see you." Iruka said. "Thanks." I said leaving the class. Once I was out the door a ran to Gramps office. I was there in a half second. I walked in without knocking again. I walked in and saw all my dad's friends with the hokage. Like usual I bowed to Gramps and waited until he said I could stand. "Hanako, stand please." Gramps said so I did. "Did you need something Gramps?" I asked him. "Hanako, you need to be more friendly before you stay with them forever. Understand?" He asked. "I still don't understand why I need to do this. It's pointless." I said unfazed by his threat. He could never tell me that I wouldn't stay captain or his left-hand woman, I'm too important to the village for survival. "You need friends. During the training I will make you chose a partner. Understand." He said and I growled, looking away. 'there's nothing I can do against him. "...Fine." I said after a minute. "Good my child. Go back to class now." Gramps said and I left that moment. I ran back to class like always. I got to the class and took my seat in the back again. This time I didn't look at my book. I looked at the class to see who I would choose for my partner. 'Maybe I should choose that cute dog. Well his owner. Or maybe that Naruto kid, he looks lonely, and maybe he would be my friend on the spot.' I was thinking to myself until Iruka said we were going out to train. I got out of my seat and was at the back of the class, walking to the training field. 'This will be fun.'

Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now