Chapter Thirty Two

854 13 7

Age: 13
Sasuke age: 15/16

Sasuke POV:

I watched with sad eyes as I had to put my Hanako under a genjutsu. It was the only way she would come with me...

Her eye became lifeless and her body became still, sitting in the chair of the hokage. I can't believe she actually became Hokage...

"W-What does this girl have to do with killing you brother?!" Karin asked as she picked up one of Hanako's arms.

"Karin. Don't touch her." She jumped away from her. "And she's here for reasons that you do not need to know." I walked over to the desk and grabbed her hand. She stood up and walked when I walked.

"Let's go. We need to get out of here." I said, looking around. I could feel people coming to the office, we needed to leave before I was caught.

And, why was Hanako in the Hokages seat? Hmm...

Hanako's POV:

Everything was... black. Like I was asleep. But I felt like... I was still awake.

What was happening? Wasn't I just working? And why was-!?

I was falling all of a sudden. Falling into more darkness. What was I thinking? I don't remember...

Wait, why wasn't I at the hokage tower working?! Where is Tsunade!? And why was-?!

Sasuke POV:

We were walking to a village located in Konoha, but far away from the Hokage and Naruto.
hey so uh,
i'm so so so soooo sorry all of you amazing people, all of you have been so kind to me and my first wattpad story, but unfortunately i can't continue it. i have lost all inspiration for this and i'm sorry. i've tried but i've failed and i've failed you all, but anime isn't really my thing anymore. i love you all and thank you again. here is part of the chapter that i could write. and i'll tell you all what i was thinking for the rest of this story. i was thinking that Naruto and the rests could save Hanako, and bring her home. she would return to hokage things but be heavily protected by her anbu black ops squad. Also by kakashi because he doesn't become hokage. a little bit of time passes and now there in the war with madara. she lets Tsunade do hokage things then while she fights. she's able to almost get Madara down but while she tried to kick his face, he grabs her long hair and she has to cut it off to get away, that makes sasuke VERY angry. they al fight together and a lot happens. skip a few years and now Hanako has an unwanted child with sasuke, who married sakura. yeah u can tell what happens. in the end hanako retires and passes on to naruto and moves out of the village with her child and they go and tour the world away from everyone, and all the time they go and visit kakashi because they are a very tight family. that's the end of this story. thank you for reading.

Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now