Chapter Twenty

753 16 6

Hanako Hatake does not own Naruto



Age: 13

Sasuke age: 16

Hanako POV

"IM HOME! NARUTO UZUMAKI HAS RETURNED!!" Naruto you're so stupid. Just shut up already. Actually, I don't really want to see him so let's just go to lady Hokage and get a new mission.

I started to walk to the Hokage's office. I knocked at the door and waited for the come in. Once done so, I walked in. I don't really bow anymore, I don't feel like she likes it.

"Mission complete. I request a new one." I held my hand out as she dropped the bag of money in my hand. She handed me a scroll and I left the office.

I started to walk down the hall, still reading what was in the scroll. Another assasination for this old dude somewhere in the village. I close my eyes for a split second as I sigh then. Someone bumps into me. I fall to the floor and my ANBU mask falls off.

I didn't have my headband on so I only opened my right eye to see who did it.

I look up to see the most terrified Jiraya ever.

"S-Silver! I-I'm so sorry! I-I!-" Before he could finish he was knocked out cold. Dumb shit. Don't bump into me. I pick him up and put my mask back on. I turned around to see Naruto and Sakura. My, 'team mates'.

They looked scared out of there fucking minds. I growl and walk past them to Lady Hokages office. They follow me. I get to her office and Sakura nocks for me. She says come in, I kick the door open.

"Huh? How dare!-" Before she can finish her eyes widen.

"Lady Hokage. Tell your friend. Next time. Keep your damn eyes open. I don't have time for this shit." I through the perv on the floor. Naruto gasps and charges at me.

"How dare you do that to pervy sage! I don't care who you are!" he tries to punch me but I catch his fist, not even moving anything but my right arm. And he came from the left. I lightly push him but he still goes flying.

I start to leave the office pulling out the scroll again. I look at his information.

The Huuya clan? Yeah sure. He lives by the cemetery? That's sad. I start to jump there, let's just get this over with. I pull out my katana and start into his home. I look around for the old man and see him sitting next to a lit fireplace. I walk up behind him and slice the back of his neck.

I cut his head off and push his body into the fire place. There done. I teleport to the hokage office. I look around and everyone is still there and that perv has woken up. I toss the head to the hokage and she gives me my money. I also grab the scroll that had 'silver' on it.

Then I teleport to my room in the ANBU HQ. I start to change out of my bloody clothes and into clean ones. I open the scroll and start to clean my sword as I clean. Another assasination. Yay. Maybe I should go home? It's been 3 years since I've seen dad, actually.

I miss him. I stand up.

Let's get this over with. She's living somewhere in the Inuzuka clan. I start to go there. Her name is Hana Inuzuka. Huh, Kiba's sister. Oh well. Once I get to there home I break the door open. I walk in, my katana in hand.

I look around and see Kiba there with Akamaru. Good god he got big. He looks over to me and I put him under a genjutsu. He falls over and Akamaru growls at me. I just keep going into the house.

In a room I find the girl, sitting on her bed, without a care in the world. I take out a kunai and stab her right in the head. Her eyes widen before she falls over. Just to make sure I cut her head off. It's something I do to everyone I kill.

I drag her blood out the door before I teleport to the office. I toss the head to lady hokage and she hands me my money. She also hands out a scroll but I don't take it. I toss her the head.

"I'm going home for the day Lady Hokage." I bow to her.

"Oh! Yes please! You've done so much! You may go!" I leave the office and walk back home. I went to the ANBU HQ first and change into my normal clothes. Mask and headband with my scarf. It may be hot but I like wearing my dad's scarf.

I also grab all of my sacks of money, sealed into a scroll. Way to much to count. Who knows how much this could buy.

I teleport home. For the first time in three years. I open the scroll and all the money filled up our living room. What the fuck. Did I really work that much?! I fell over onto the floor and look at all the money in the room. It's seriously taller than dad.

I will never get past this. It's even on the stares... I just kind of... sit on the floor... looking at the money... wide eyed.

I don't really know how long I was sitting there. But I heard a click at the door and a sigh. My guess, it was dad.

"Hm...?! Hanako?! Is...that...:" Before he finishes he looks at our house.

"Dad... I think I overworked...:" My voice was small.

I heard him laugh and I looked over to him. He had an... Odd look on his face before he became a five year old again.

"LET'S GO SHOPPING!" He jumps into all the money. What the actual fuck. Well, I still love you dad.


Hope you enjoy! The next chapter will be part of the actual story line

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