Chapter Twenty Six

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Lol I made that
Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter, I really have no inspiration for this story, so if y'all have any ideas let me know.
Anyways on with the story!
Age: 13
Sasuke age: 15/16
Sasuke's POV:
Hanako... It's been some time... I wonder what your doing now... that I'm gone.
I looked at my mostly blank wall in this hell hole. Only to kill that man...
On my wall hang pictures of Hanako... my beloved. Now granted, I've only known her for some time, but she is my everything.
And once I'm done with that man, I'll come back to her. Forever.
Hanako's POV:
I sat next to dad. He was passed out, cold. I just sat still, reading my book. I don't think he will be awake for a bit.
But, the world wanted to prove me wrong, so dad grunted and opened one eye.
I put my book down and looked at him.
"Good morning dad. Nice to see your awake." I waved.
"Ugh. Hanako... how long was I out for?" He had a small voice and tried to sit up. I put my hand out and pushed him down.
"Days. Lay down." All truth, it had been five hours, but he won't know that. He needs the rest. So,  no missions for a while.
Sasuke's POV:
Hanako's POV:
Sasuke's POV:
Please don't forget about me...
Hanako's POV: (A/N: holy shit a lot of POVS)
"AHAHHHHHH" we both screamed as I pushed him down onto the bed, tackling him.
(Smol time skip)
Eventually I got dad to lay down, and by lay down I mean tape him to the bed.
I sighed and sat down next to him.
"This will be a long week..." My eye closed.
"Ughhhh Hanako..." dad grunted.
"No. Here I'll read you a book." I pulled out his book and sighed as I started to read it aloud.
I didn't get that far before dad started to giggle. A few minutes of him giggling while I read that pervy Jiraya walks in, through the window.
Here we go. I set the book down to see what he wanted
This chapter was kinda weird but meh, it took like 16000000000000000000 million days to write lol
Plz let me know if u have any type of idea or way u want the story to go, but other than that, I may not be posting a lot. Sorry
Hanako Matooka

Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now