Chapter Twenty Eight

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(Photo is owned by me)
I don't have much to say so let the chapter start!
Age: 13
Sasuke Age: 15/16
Hanako POV:
I walk to the gate of the village and see that Naruto and Sakura are already there.
"Hey." I wave my hand ever so slightly.
"Ah! Hanako!" They yell. Naruto smiles a large smile and Sakura barely smiles. (Useless B*tch)
Soon that Sai guy comes. There's something off about him. And I don't like it.
"Hello everyone." He smiles too, but it's fake. You can just tell. He can't do it very well. And If your going to try, at least practice a bit more, so it looks genuine.
Then Yamato come's. He doesn't even greet us.
"Good, it looks like we're all here. Alright team, lets more out." We all walk out of the village.
We all start to walk, Yamato in the front, Sakura, Sai and Naruto in the middle. And me in the back. Naruto and Sai were arguing and I sigh. Sakura didn't seem much help either.
I just tune everything out until I heard Sasuke's name.
"No, I am not like Sasuke. From what I've heard, Sasuke is a traitor, running off to an enemy of the leaf. So no, I am not like Sasuke." I snapped when I heard that. So did the others.
Sakura held Naruto back from attacking and I held her back.
I punched him and he fell back into a tree.
"Don't you ever, and I mean EVER talk about Sasuke like that!" Naruto screamed.
"Because we're friends!"
"He's like my brother!" Sakura admitted.
"My lover." I glared at him.
"And our team mate. The real member of team seven. And you will not talk about him like that." We all said. Sai just stared at us blankly.
We all started to walk again after Yamato yelled at us, threatening to put us in a wooden cage.
(Time skip bc I don't remember and I really dont wanna find the episode lmaooooo)
We had gotten to the Tenchi bridge and we were hiding in the bushes while I helped Yamato make a wooden Sasori. Me being the best bet at making an accurate Sasori.
"There, now you look like him." I said.
"Great, now let's-"
"Your voice, his is much deeper." I pointed out. Sakura nodded behind me. Oh right, she did manage to kill him with Lady Chiro.
He changes his voice pitch up and down until the perfect pitch comes. Soon enough were waiting for the spy to come.
We're all hiding in the bushes waiting, until a clocked man comes.
Naruto and Sakura seem to recognize him.
"Kabuto?!" Naruto tries his best to not scream out his name when he sees the man with no hood on. So I'm guessing his name is Kabuto. Someone who works for that snake Orochimaru.
They have a conversation before the snake himself comes. Kabuto cuts Yamato's disguise in half. My eye widens.
"My lord, is that Sasori's real form?" Kabuto asks, pointing at Yamato.
"Why, of course not." Yamato gives the signal and we all jump down.
Sai stands in front of Yamato, holding his sword in front of his body. Sakura stands to the right of Yamato, still in the front lines though. Naruto stands in the middle of all of this, on all fours, growling like an animal.
I stand to the right side glaring with one eye, holding my own katana in front of my face. The sharper part of the blade facing the enemies.
"Give Sasuke back." Naruto growls.
"Now, we can't just 'give him back'. He came to us willingly! Or have you forgotten that he doesn't want to come back?" Kabuto smirks at us. His eyes travel back and forth before they stop on me. I put my head down slightly. My sword covered more of my masked face.
"Oh! It's you, you know Sasuke has covered his walls in pictures of you... And if anyone looks at them, he will kill them..." My eyes widen. Sasuke... He... He what?!
"I think you should come with us... He would really be happier..." Kabuto's arms were open. I start to growl and I held my katana so tight it started to shake.
I couldn't stop shaking until I teleported. I just moved in front of Kabuto. I wasn't thinking. This wasn't the best strategy... why did I do that?! All for that stupid Sasuke!
I hit my katana into his abdomen as hard as I could when he grabbed it.
"Now now... I would be defeated so easily..."  Kabuto only smirked as he tried to push me away. Though, I wasn't that weak so I held my ground. We kept pushing each other until he fell back.
Naruto started to claw at the floor when a red chakra took over him...
Let the fight begin...
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Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now