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bert mccrackhead

oct 31st, 2022
9:00 PM / 21:00
tsongas arena, lowell, massachusetts

"Hey y'all!" Raven shouted into the mic as the audience erupted with screams and responses.

"How have y'all been doing? She smiled.

"You nervous?" Alex semi—shouted across the stage as Luna smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, it gets easier after the first song, trust me."

"Okay, y'all should know this song from our newest album, POCK RUNK !. This one's called Giving Up," Raven chuckled a bit at the end as the band began to play the song, the crowd screaming.

10:56 PM / 22:56

"Alright y'all, it's been fun tonight. Can't believe y'all sacrificed y'all's Halloween to be here, too!" Raven laughed into the mic.

"And I wanna hear some noise for our friend Luna here, she's gonna be playing rhythm guitar with us for this entire tour!" Raven screamed into the mic as the crowd erupted with screaming and cheering, Luna smiling and waving at the crowd.

"But unfortunately, it's time for us to go," Raven sighed.

"Wasn't so bad now, was it?" Alex asked, walking over to Luna. "You were right, it was fun."

"BUT," Raven said loudly into the mic, catching everyone's attention, even though the crowd was already focused on her.

"If y'all didn't already know this, today is, obviously, Halloween," she chuckled, taking the mic out of the mic stand so she could walk around with it.

"Which also happens to be our bassist, (Y/N)'s, birthday!"

Oh god, no, (Y/N) thought as the crowd started screaming again.

"And we brought a few friends from My Chemical Romance to our show tonight, they're currently back stage," Raven stated, the crowd getting louder as Mikey, Gerard, Frank, and Ray walked on stage.

Hmph, what ever happened to Bob? (Y/N) thought, since he wasn't walking on stage with the other four boys.

Not that she was complaining, though.

"And it's also their rhythm guitarist, Frank Iero's birthday!" The crowd got louder and louder.

"Sorry, I just really wanna flex real quick," Alex ran back over to her mic and shouted, "he's also my boyfriend. Yeah, that's it."

"You must hate her so much right now," Frank chuckled as (Y/N) flinched, not realizing Frank was right next to her.

"I do. I do very, very much."

"So why don't we all sing them happy birthday before we overplay our set?" Raven smirked, turning to (Y/N) who was giving Raven the death glare.

"Happy birthday to you," Raven started singing as the crowd and everyone on stage did too.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"I'm going to murder her before we even play tomorrow's show in Boston," I muttered, making Frank laugh.

"Happy birthday dear Frank and (Y/N)..."

"Oh, don't do that. Then you wouldn't be able to play the second show of the tour. Or any show. Or make any new albums. Impressive that you guys sold this place out though. Six thousand people? Now that's a real flex." Frank stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Happy birthday to you!"


"You guys were great!" Gerard chirped as they all got backstage.

"Thanks," Raven smiled, running her right hand through her white, shoulder length hair.

"Hey, what's your name again? Luna?" Gerard smiled, looking over at Luna.

"Umm, yeah, hi," she awkwardly smiled back at him.

"Well, nice to meet you," Mikey smiled.

"And you," Mikey turned to (Y/N), "I'm not gonna see you for four months!"

"Four? I thought we were only touring for three?" Mai said, confused. "They're gonna start touring near the end of November, so," Alex explain as Mai stopped paying attention afterwards.

"You made it three years, you can survive four months," (Y/N) chuckled as Mikey rolled his eyes, hugging her.

"Aww. Oh well, live with it, Mikes," Raven smiled sarcastically as Mikey rolled his eyes at her.

Gerard checked his phone.

"Oh! Guys, we gotta go," Gerard exclaimed as we all looked at him.

"Wait, why—" "I have a date in 30 minutes! Either I leave you here and go or I'm dropping you guys off at home, now!"

"Ooh," Alex smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Gee's got a date," she teased as his face turned a light shade of pink.

"Shut up!" Gerard whined as he walked away.

"Bye guys," Ray waved as he followed after Gerard.

"See you," Frank said, walking away.

"Bye," the girls said in unison, now looking at Mikey.

"Are you going to let go of me now?" (Y/N) chuckled.


"Mikey... I'm literally going to be at your house tonight. We have one show in Boston tomorrow before we leave. You're being oddly clingy.

"Okay, Fine," Mikey groaned, releasing (Y/N) from his embrace.

"Bye," he sighed, pecking her on the cheek and walking away.

"Bye," they all said, once again in unison.


I don't know where to end this chapter so I'm ending it here

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