I Don't Like Sex

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Daryl laughed. "What does that mean? You just said you don't dislike this, and practically yelled at me not to stop. Are you sure you don't like sex? Maybe you just don't know whether you like it."

"I...I, I've never wanted it before. I'm pretty sure that means I'm ace," Carey confessed.

"You've never wanted it before. Does that mean you might want it now?"

Carey's face twisted up in a grimace. "I don't know. I've never felt like this before. I've never even bothered to find out what gay sex entailed. I didn't like anything I saw about sex with girls and never really felt attraction for anyone, so I thought that was enough to know." Carey turned his face away in shame at this point but Daryl wouldn't accept that. He reached out and gently stroked his fingers along Carey's jawline until he turned back to look in Daryl's eyes.

"Hey, it's okay not to know. I won't do anything you don't like. I won't hurt you. But I think what you're feeling now is desire, and if you want to explore that feeling and find out...I would be honored to be the man you allow to explore with you. Hmm?"

Carey paused for a moment to consider. This...no one else ever made him feel like this. This might be the only time in his life he could try it. He was suddenly overcome by a deep yearning and leaned down nodding vigorously until their lips met again in a searing kiss. Daryl's hands moved from his beloved's face down to his waist and he pulled him off the chair as he stood so they were both upright, bodies pressed together as they explored everything a kiss could be.

When they broke apart Daryl didn't let them lose body contact. He pulled Carey along toward the staircase like there weren't abundant locations to explore his sexual potential on the ground floor. When he caught sight of the question in Carey's eyes he answered simply, "not here. These rooms are too dramatic. You won't believe it's real. I want to bring you into my most intimate place so you can feel safe enough to fall apart in my arms."

Carey still felt unsure of what was happening with his body, but what his heart felt was becoming clearer to him. His life was simple and pleasant enough, but he must have been lonely without ever realizing it because Daryl's attention shone on him and brought his emotions to life like the sun coming back to the tundra after a long dark winter. He'd seen it in a documentary once, how the birds sang and the rabbits hopped about and the lemmings reproduced in a frenzy until they ran recklessly off a cliff to their deaths in the sea. He might be a lemming in this scenario. He felt everything intensely.

When Daryl opened the door to the master suite and Carey saw the cocoon bed like a gleaming white spaceship in the middle of a midnight blue room with bits of mica sparkling in the paint like stars, he was captivated. The floor was blue marble with sparkly bits in it as well, but soft sheepskins were piled on the floor at the opening to the bed.

"This isn't too dramatic?" Carey choked out.

"It's dramatic, but it's genuine. It's my little nest in a big universe. The place I go to rest. The place I go to cry when my heart is broken. And the place I want to curl up with my love and make him feel safe. The place I feel safe to open up every bit of who I am to you. This is new for me too you know. Not the sex, but the desire. I've never wanted like this. Come inside with me, please?"

He released Carey from full-body contact and instead took his hands and walked backward to the bed, drawing the smaller man along with him, alert for the smallest bit of resistance.

When they reached the bed, Daryl sat and pulled Carey close, wrapping his arms tightly around his middle. "I've never brought anyone else in here before." He confessed.

Carey smiled. "You've only lived here for a week."

"But I've had this bed since I was a child. I talked my grandma into it when I was five. She took me with her to get one of those dual old people beds that tilt like hospital beds and it was there on display in the same store. I wanted to sleep in the space ship and I was her precious only grandson." He chuckled. "My parents were appalled. I've never brought another man into this bed. I had this weird feeling that I needed to protect it for the right man. The moment I saw you standing on my front porch I knew it was you. I clearly know a lot more about sex than you do, but I'm as new to all these other feelings as you are. Suddenly...I'm afraid to let you in. Afraid that I won't be able to keep you here. Afraid that I won't be able to sleep alone after having you. It's crazy and I want you in here so much at the same time. Promise me something...anything...so I won't be afraid."

His hands slipped under the edge of Carey's shirt and his breath feathered across Carey's abdomen as he pleaded for a promise. What could Carey promise? What was he sure of? "I promise I won't run away from you when this night is over. Whatever I feel, no matter if I'm happy or angry or horrified, I won't run away. I'll curl up in here beside you and talk to you until we figure it out so you can sleep peacefully again." Was that enough? He wasn't an impulsive man. He could promise not to give in to the impulse to run no matter what emotions overcame him, right? "If I do spook, you have my permission to tie me here until I calm down." Yes, that was what his promise needed. Permission to enforce it. What good was a contract without an enforcement clause?

It must have been enough because Daryl's hands started moving, stroking the planes of his chest and nudging his shirt ever higher so he could clasp those soft lips around a pretty pink nipple and suckle until he felt Carey's legs collapse underneath of him.

That's when he pulled his sweet neighbor inside and started unbuttoning him from head to toe, licking and nipping at each bit of newly exposed skin until his lover was stripped to his sporty black boxer briefs and writhing with a need he didn't understand.

"Please...Daryl," he begged as his own hands tugged and struggled with Daryl's clothing in a futile attempt to imitate the master's patient seductive disrobing process. He took pity on Carey, and himself at this point, and stripped the rest of his own clothes off, down to his sexy strappy underwear.

Then, he was rubbing against the smaller man, lined up at the hips so their cocks pressed together and glided smoothly across the silky performance fabric. His hands were buried in his lover's hair and they kissed again, body to body, skin to skin, until they were both breathless.

"I like this," Carey gasped out. "I still like this." Daryl hadn't realized how much he needed that reassurance. Something was holding him back before, but it was gone now. He reached down and stroked Carey's erection, knowing he was probably the first person to ever do so. His own throbbed almost painfully after that full contact kiss, but Carey said he didn't like sex, so Daryl was more than a little relieved to find his partner also affected.

Carey groaned with the contact and Daryl's desire broke loose. He kissed his way in a frenzy down his lover's body stopping only briefly to worship those pink nipples and the hollow of his belly button before sliding his long fingers under the waistband of his underwear and releasing that beautiful untouched member directly into his hot mouth. Carey bucked against him instinctively. Oh baby, you like sex, Daryl thought to himself and smiled around the incontrovertible truth in his mouth.

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