All the Cheesecakes

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Water and appetizers were delivered to the table within seconds of Richard and the Sheik being seated. "What are these?" Richard asked the server.

"Loaded potato tots, crispy fried cheese, stuffed mushrooms, and dynamite shrimp," the server replied, pointing to each.

"That's all well and good," Richard responded, "but where are the cheesecakes?"

"What kind of cheesecake would you like sir?" She asked.

"Bring me all the cheesecakes."

"All the..." the server wasn't sure what to make of this command.

"One of each kind. There are plenty of empty tables around to put them on. You can wrap up whatever we don't eat to go."

"One slice of each?" She tried to clarify.

"One of each cheesecake, the whole cake, quickly, the baby is craving cheesecake!" Without Brad to help the poor folk who met Richard, bumbling along the edges of their world, to understand him, he could come across as a bit of a prick too. The server hustled off to bring out his cheesecakes.

"What an excuse," the Sheik laughed. "The baby is craving cheesecake. You think your lackey is still going to drool after you when you're three hundred pounds?"

"It's divine, isn't it. And yes. He will. He can't help it. Without me he spirals down helplessly into unconsciousness." Richard sighed happily.

"How are you okay with this? No one likes to fool around more than you," the Sheik wondered.

The cheesecakes began arriving then and Richard's mouth was too full to answer for a while. The Sheik was hungry himself, so he sampled the appetizers and made rude comments about each of them before calling the server back to bring them something different. "Just...bring everything on the menu and something will be edible," he directed her. She smiled a fake smile this time and put the order in. When she'd checked with the manager about the cheesecake order, they told her to do whatever these customers wanted. A 25% service fee was included with their type of order.

"You thought my cheesecake order was unreasonable," Richard pointed out. "Now you're ordering everything on the menu?"

"I'm not gonna eat it all. It's the easiest way to find something I like." The Sheik frowned. "What is this restaurant?"

"Hm. It's a mediocre chain, but there aren't many options out here. And the cheesecake is good," Richard explained. "Plus, Brad likes it."

"You go where your lackey wants now?" The Sheik accused.

"You're a moron Sheikey," Richard said. "I've loved Brad since high school. But he wasn't ready, so I had fun while waiting. The day he couldn't resist me anymore was one of the happiest days of my life. I'm glad I finally have him and I will give him everything I am and everything I have, with pleasure. He still runs around following orders out of habit. It's how we're used to being together. But he knows he never has to. He knows I can't live without him either. Yet he took my name without any hesitation." Richard sighed deeply before continuing.

"If I'm smelling the pheromones right, you're experiencing the same reciprocal mate thing with your servant. You just don't have the history to know that it's going to make you happy. Every reciprocal pair has been happy eventually. It's like having a built-in biological matchmaker that knows exactly who will make your best mate. You only suffer when you fight it. Give this guy a chance to show you why you should love him."

A few silent bites from various plates later, a suit arrived, and the Sheik excused himself to change. He came out looking as fly as a man can in an off-the-rack suit. He was quite happy eating and making small talk with Richard until his servant arrived looking...

Richard whistled a long slow catcall when he saw Brad's handiwork. They understood each other so well. The Rolex was a nice touch. The look on the Sheik's face was worth every penny. He was seeing his alpha in a whole new light. Brad placed his hand or Richard's belly, leaned in for a kiss, and was rewarded for his excellent work with two happy babies.

"You feeding him sugar again?" Brad glanced over at the cheesecake table. "You're gonna regret that later."

"But I'm loving it now," Richard whined, then giggled and kissed Brad again.

Everyone else was spared this disgusting display because they were still focused on the jaw-droppingly restyled Naseer. The Sheik reached out to touch the face he'd scarcely bothered looking at before. It was hard to see behind long hair, and when always dropped submissively in his presence.

When he saw the diamond in Naseer's earlobe, he pulled back. A diamond was...he was the only one who could change the nature of their bond. He reached angrily for his servant's ear and pulled Brad's diamond out, replacing it with a larger one from his own ear. Then, he grabbed his servant's hand and drug him away, back to their hotel.

Brad was midway through his French dip when he realized he was alone with Richard and shouldn't be. "Where'd the Prick go?" He asked.

"He got horny," Richard explained. He picked up the diamond stud the Sheik left behind on the table. "Hmmm." He pulled the back off and poked it through the hole in his own ear, a relic from his wild youth. "I think I understand why. Why don't we go home and play pretend?"

"Let me finish eating. I'm obviously going to need the energy," Brad pleaded. He'd earned this French dip by eating every horrid thing Richard cooked for him for a month. Richard didn't know Brad made this deal with himself, but Brad knew Richard didn't like any real food at this restaurant so, while Richard was willing to come whenever for Brad's sake, Brad didn't make the reservation often.

"Take your time. They have a lot of cheesecake to pack up forme."

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