(Part 5 extra) Heat Demands a Honeymoon

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Dr. Placer didn't want to abandon her matchmaking research, and GenLife still needed Trina in the alpha kitchen so they didn't get as much time together as they would have wished. But they had the same desperate need for contact the other pairs experienced in the beginning.

The weekend that followed their meeting, Anna moved her things out of the bare utilitarian apartment she'd rented and into Trina's craftsman bungalow. True to her word, Trina cleared out 80% of the walk-in closet attached to the master bedroom for Anna's clothes and her bathroom only ever had the essentials for a woman who never wore makeup, so there was plenty of room for Anna's cosmetics, the mask she'd always worn to be accepted by the men around her. There was room, but she threw out much of it. She wanted a simpler life, where she needed no mask. Although, her skin care regimen plus a mineral powder, mascara, eyeliner, her favorite eyeshadow palette, a couple of lipsticks, a liner...okay, she still had a lot of makeup. But compared to the pile of concealers, bronzers, highlighters, colors of liner, mascara, shadows, blushes, and lipsticks she tried and tried again without meaningful improvement, it was a major simplification. The pile in her trash can caught Trina's attention, but she smiled and said nothing.

Anna's newly purchased queen bed and matching bedroom set went into one of Trina's spare rooms. Trina had a king size bed in her master suite and outfitted the rest of her house with unique pieces that each had a story. She told them to Anna as she put her things away and adjusted the layout to suit her. Apparently, there was more in a storage unit if she wanted to make changes.

Anna didn't have any other furniture. There was little else in her kitchen but a toaster and coffee pot that Trina laughed at and put in the donation box. She'd brought only what fit in her compact car when she left her university in Massachusetts to join the team at GenLife. Her family sent no heirlooms. Her yearbooks were still in her undisturbed teenage bedroom at her parent's house in Connecticut. They expected her to return to them and settle down with a nice young man in the area where she grew up.

When she cautioned Trina about her family, Trina just hugged her hard and told her it would be alright. They'd stick together and do their best. That this was enough to comfort Anna amazed her, but she really felt okay about it after that. What more could anybody promise than to stick together and do their best? What more could anybody want from a partner in life?

The one time they came together consistently was when they collapsed in bed at night to sleep, often both too tired to do more than hold each other close and rest in the comfort of each other's pheromones. Trina was being cautious, not pushing Anna for more intimacy than she felt comfortable with. They'd kissed and made out, but mostly were just too tired or too timid to do anything more.

If she were honest with herself, Trina was hoping her dick would grow a little bigger before Anna saw it. The compulsion to mate was intense during the first phase of transition, which is why Dr. Martin tracked down his mate and they fucked compulsively. Then it cooled down a bit, which is why Anna and Trina were satisfied with cuddling. Then, omegas began to experience heats.

Anna's second heat after completing her transition, the first after meeting her mate, started while she was observing meetings on the second floor of the GenLife building. All the unmated alphas were in isolation so she didn't have to worry about anyone attacking her, but she felt like she couldn't even keep her feet under her. She didn't want this to happen at work, so she begged an assistant to drive her home and texted Trina to meet her there. Based on her observations, if they met up before finding privacy they'd likely fuck on the spot and she really didn't want that to happen.

The assistant got her as far as the couch before she heard Trina's motorcycle pulling up. Anna told them to head back quickly lest they find themselves trapped between an alpha and her omega. She expected this to get rough.

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