Time to Fly

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Richard was flexible when it came to sex. Men, women, top, bottom, he dabbled in fetishes, he liked sex, but he'd never experienced anything like this. He had a feeling he couldn't refuse if he wanted to. Brad touched him gently but possessively, teasing out all his secret sweet spots. Making his body come alive and shiver with neediness.

There's no doubt that finally holding the only man he ever genuinely loved amplified every sensation. Silent tears flowed back down the sides of his face into his ears when Brad finally filled him. He felt completely helpless, and happy.

"You don't get to be a slut anymore." Brad grunted as he slammed into Richards sweet ass over and over again. "I'm gonna turn you into my Madonna." Slam slam. "I'm gonna keep you barefoot and pregnant." Slam slam. "But not in the kitchen cause you suck at cooking." Slam slam. "You're going to close up that ridiculous office." Slam slam. "And join every PTA and Site Council for our kids' schools." Slam slam. Richard shuddered under the intensity of everything Brad's words meant to him.

Brad's mind recoiled at what kept spilling out of his mouth, but he couldn't stop it. His heart kept telling his brain to shut up and let himself be happy. But how could he be happy with this unfaithful brat as his partner. "If you ever cheat on me," slam slam, "I will lose control and probably kill you," slam slam, "so please have mercy on me," Brad begged. "I don't know what's come over me," slam slam, "but I don't think I'm in control of it." Tears were pouring down his own face as he drove in to the hilt and poured a ridiculous amount of seed into Richard's infertile ass. Even knowing it was useless, it felt like baby making. Without conscious thought he bent over Richard one last time and bit down on the back of his neck, drawing blood. Something was definitely wrong with him. His head felt fuzzy and before he even pulled out, he collapsed.

"Oi! Hey!" Richard struggled and shoved against the larger man. Fortunately, he wasn't much larger. Cum gushed out of his ass when he finally managed to pull away and get out from under his unconscious partner. He shook Brad to no avail, then checked for breathing and a pulse. They were there but this was not right. It wasn't normal sleep. He dug around through their discarded clothes for the flier that brought him to Brad's apartment and called the number on it.

"GenLife Laboratory, how may I direct your call?" An untroubled voice answered.

"I've found your missing man, but I think he needs help." Brad told the voice.

"Just a moment. I'll put you through." The voice suddenly sounded urgent.

"Hello, you've found our man? Is he okay?" Daryl was relieved and worried at the same time. They were pressing against the edge of their knowledge about how long a subject could go without the follow up treatments.

"He's unconscious. I think something's wrong with him," Brad told the man on the other line. "My name is Richard Weisman. I'm one of your investors so I know what it is you're researching. I sent him to verify the existence of the new facility, but he only stopped in for coffee. What was he exposed to?"

"I can't talk about it over the phone. I need you to fly him out here as quickly as possible. I'll send an ambulance to take you to the airport and a private jet will get you here in three hours. A medical team will accompany you to make sure his condition remains stable. Can you be ready in five minutes?" Daryl asked.

"We can," Richard affirmed.

Richard was a brat, he knew that, but he wasn't useless. He washed himself and dressed quickly, then washed Brad and managed to wrangle him into underwear before the ambulance arrived. While they loaded him up Richard grabbed him comfortable PJs and their wallets, phones, and chargers. Toiletries and any other clothes they could buy there.

Less than three hours later, thanks to a tailwind, an ambulance met them to take Brad back to the GenLife labs. He hadn't regained consciousness and the medical team seemed worried. Richard rode along, holding his hand like a lifeline.

Two men who were obviously a couple met them at the door. So weirdly unprofessional to hold hands in a situation like this. They didn't go to the gurney. It rushed right by into the hands of a team in scrubs. Instead, they stopped Richard and separated him from his lover.

"I'm Daryl Hancock, the General Manager here. We spoke on the phone," the taller man said as he held out his hand to shake. "Before anything else we need to know how he was behaving. Aggressive or submissive?"

"Aggressive. Definitely aggressive," Richard answered. The director pulled out his phone and sent a text.

"Please come this way, to my office," Daryl added.

"I apologize for the mess," he added when they arrived. The office looked like someone was living in it. "Desperate times..." he trailed off and sighed. "Tell me everything that happened. You've guessed correctly about his exposure to the serum. I promise I'll fill you in but I need to know your story first so we can help your secretary."

Daryl took notes in his computer and nodded until Richard mentioned the bite. At that he exchanged startled glances with the other man in the room. Everything happened so fast the General Manager never introduced this other man. Daryl's intense eyes returned to Richard and he exclaimed, "he claimed you? But you weren't exposed and you're not transitioning. I'm sorry. We only have two examples of alpha/omega pairs, so we thought this behavior only happened between them."

Daryl explained further. "It seems to be a mating behavior. Alphas bite an omega to claim them and they both calm down after."

"Wait," Richard interrupted. "There are already two pairs?"

"My partner and I were both exposed and found each other by scent. The other pair weren't dating before but also found each other by scent. They found it irresistible and mated before we could separate them."

"That makes sense," Richard observed. "He seemed to be bothered by my smell when I first barged in but took deep savoring breaths once he started making love to me. Maybe I am his omega. Maybe there's something in us that can be detected before transition."

"You really think so?" Daryl asked. "You think you could transition and be his mate and bear his children?" This was a strange couple, but he supposed it took that kind of strange thinking to invest in this research in the first place.

Richard looked him straight in the eyes and without hesitation answered, "yes."

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