We Need to Eat

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"Trina is taking over for you up in the alpha kitchen. I hate to be relieved that anyone was affected, but I was relieved to have you up there then and I'm relieved to have her now." Daryl introduced himself and took Ryan down to get coffee from the shop before returning to his office for more private conversation. "I'm relieved I have Carey and that he's so capable with the logistics of caring for people. And I'm relieved that Dr. Martin has found a mate, though I'm deeply sorry for you having been sucked into a relationship based on a biological attraction."

"Was it the same for you? It seems like your relationship developed rather quickly," Ryan observed.

"That's hard to say. I fell in love with Carey the first moment I laid eyes on him. We weren't under the influence of the serum, transitioning, but who's to say that wasn't a biological attraction. In a certain sense all attraction is biological. But the serum creates an artificial biological attraction and for that I'm sorry."

"Is it artificial? From what Dr. Alan was telling the alphas, the serum enhanced what was already in us. Perhaps it's the same for the attraction. It's an enhancement that's scary because it overrides reason, but it might be pairing us together more efficiently than our reason ever could." It seemed silly to argue against the boss's apology, but it was interesting to consider.

Daryl nodded to himself as he thought about that. "It might be," he finally conceded, "but only time will tell. If that's true it could turn the serum's biggest fault into an advantage."

"It's fault?" Ryan asked.

"If an established couple comes to us seeking fertility and they transition, and they're not compatible after, that's a major disadvantage of the treatment. But if transitioning makes subjects more sensitive to their best fitting mate, then it becomes a fertility treatment with a matchmaking component that can be marketed to singles. Of course, it's way too early to say. You and Dr. Martin are the first data point in that aspect of the study." Daryl sipped his coffee thoughtfully for a few minutes after this explanation until Ryan cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. So much to think about. I wanted to talk to you because you are the second data point now of a mated alpha, after me. I wanted to compare notes. Find out what we feel in common." Daryl left off here and waited for Ryan's insights.

"Um...it's kinda strange. I wasn't gay before," Ryan started.

"Shit!" Daryl exclaimed.

"But I don't hate it!" Ryan added quickly. "Far from it actually. The sex is incomparable."

"Yes, I agree but thought it could just be because it's him," Daryl agreed with a sigh. "How else do you feel?"

"With my hands," Ryan's lip quirked up on one side as he teased. Daryl raised one eyebrow in response. Ryan quickly cleared his throat and continued. "Protective, possessive. If I'm honest, a little possessed. Happy, comfortable when I'm near him. A little weird when I'm not. There was one moment when another alpha looked at him in the hall that I felt rage, but it passed quickly because I was able to shove Tom into my room and close the door,"

"Yes, that's consistent with the video footage from the hall. When Dr. Martin's scent got out the other alphas gathered in the hall and fought."

"They did?"

"You were occupied."

"Ah. Yes. That was something else. I couldn't stop myself. They probably couldn't either."


"Hey, I'm glad to hear Trina is taking over feeding the alphas, but how is the rest of the building getting fed?" Ryan asked.

"Delivery," Daryl answered. "The hotel we acquired has a restaurant and the staff has been kept on for feeding the omegas. Trina begged some retired friends to come back and open the deli for her. You managed to find enough workers to cover the coffee shop. It's just us couples who can't go home so we get breakfast at the coffee shop, lunch at the deli, and delivery for dinner. Would you like to be included?"

"Yeah. And I need to get something now to bring up for Tom. Neither of us has eaten today," Ryan explained. "Are we done for now?"

"Sure. We can plan to talk again over dinner in the conference room. Carey will text you a time. Here's an ID card so you can get down to the lobby and back up." Daryl handed Ryan the card.

"Thank you," he said as he took it and left. He could leave now if he wanted too, but he had a feeling his body would compel him to return to his mate before long. He picked up both, pastries and coffee from the coffee shop and sandwiches and snacks from the deli since it was already after noon. His phone buzzed in the elevator on his way back to Tom's office, but his hands were too full to check it.

Tom met him at the door with a frantic look in his eyes. "You didn't answer my text!" He accused.

"My hands were full," Ryan held up the food.

"Oh, okay," Tom answered but his face looked completely dejected and he held himself a bit away, just out of reach. Ryan put the food down and checked his phone.

"Come back now. Can't hold out any longer." Tom's text read. Ryan walked over and pulled his mate into his arms.

"Why did you wait until you were desperate?" He asked.

"I wanted to see how long I could go," Tom answered. He was still a scientist, and this was his big experiment. Of course, he'd test his limits.

"Don't push yourself. We're one day into this relationship. Now, we need to eat." But Tom didn't seem able to separate once he was back in contact with Ryan, so he sat halfway in Ryan's lap on the couch as they ate. By the time they finished he was ready to go back to work, but Ryan was tired again. It seemed okay for him to nap while Tom worked. In the same room was proximity enough.

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