Trés Sheik

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Some billionaires, especially self-made ones, become philanthropists and use their wealth to do remarkable things on the earth. Others, who were born with wealth and have a stunted sense of empathy, become entirely self-indulgent and a pain to everyone around them. While the former had a high likelihood of being alpha material, it was the latter who firmly believed they did and were psychologically detached from reality enough to fly to Las Vegas and pay to rape a woman infected with the ABO disease.

Self-indulgent personalities are generally neither ambitious nor nurturing. Most of them became betas. But a few genuinely foolish souls became omegas. One of those, an Arab Sheik, planned carefully, buying enough follow up treatment for himself and his harem before getting infected and spreading it. He had no doubt he'd become an alpha. Then, he'd impregnate all his omega's repeatedly and have a thousand sons.

First, he was shocked and disappointed with his own change to omega. Then, his harem was in complete disarray as the women changed in a variety of ways and were compelled by their biology to mate outside. Lastly, he was mortified to find his servant, who was a man, so appealing that he lost control and begged to be taken. The servant tried to refuse but the Sheik always had his way in the palace. Now, he was always keeping the servant beside him because it drove him crazy to be apart. But it also disgusted him to be dependent, so he arranged a trip to GenLife to demand they fix this situation.

The servant loved his master. That's why he refused sex to begin with. His master rescued him from the streets, and he was kind, if indifferent, toward his staff, so the servant felt his life was good. He worked hard and hoped to one day become head of his master's household. His master was handsome and wore fine clothes. The servant was rugged and scarred from his early life. If he envied the harem on occasion, he did not admit it, even to himself. He was not worthy.

But he knew he was ambitious within the context of his world, so it did not surprise him to become an alpha. Part of him always wanted to possess his master, body and soul. But he was nothing. His master could have him beheaded with a single command. As it was, his master dragged him halfway around the world and pulled him along forcibly as he barged into the GenLife lobby, demanding to speak with the man in charge.

Carey happened to be helping in the coffee shop that morning and texted Daryl directly about the commotion a minute before security informed him. Daryl had them escorted to his office.

A billionaire Sheik was not someone Daryl could afford to piss off, but his demands were ridiculous. Fortunately, he had a mate, and Daryl had a secret.

First, he could pretty much guess how this particular subject got infected, and he could be the break in the case they needed to prosecute Stephanie Hartley's kidnappers. He held up her picture and asked, "Do you recognize this woman?"

Angry that he wasn't getting the answers he wanted at once, the Sheik scoffed, "What if I do?"

"If you do," Daryl answered, "there is a chance I will help you. Go to the police and provide them with a statement about how you met with her, provide names and any trail of evidence you may have. Text messages, deposit receipts, everything you have so they can prosecute her kidnappers. If you do everything you can to help her, I will do everything I can to help you."

"Can you help me?" The Sheik asked.

"As far as we know right now, we can't undo the change, but there are things we can do to help. And we can expand our research in any direction we have funding for. The serum changed you on a genetic level, which means your children will also have ABO genes. Our investors are taking a long view as we pivot research and development from creating the change to helping omegas integrate safely back into society."

"I will pay you anything to help me right now," the Sheik promised.

"Money will not be enough for you today," Daryl calmly replied.

The Sheik stomped out, leaving his servant behind for a moment. Daryl seized the opportunity. "Do you think he should testify to help this woman?"

"It is not my place to say," the servant replied, but he looked at the photo with sadness in his eyes.

"Have you ever told him what to do? About anything, even tiny things like wear these sandals," Daryl asked.

Balking, the servant replied, "Of course not! He's my master."

"I'm going to trust you with a monstrous secret. You must use it wisely. An alpha can command his omega and the omega cannot disobey the command. However, it can be obvious to the omega if the alpha commands them against their will and as soon as they've completed the command they are released and able to retaliate. If you told him to tell the police everything, he would have no choice, and I would help him."

That was the moment the Sheik stomped back into the room and drug his servant out with him, so Daryl didn't get a response. He hoped he made the right decision. That spoiled brat needed a capable alpha.

After he saw the Sheik leave, Carey waddled up to Daryl's office with a fresh cup of coffee to exchange for gossip. Daryl smiled broadly at the sight of his awkwardly balanced mate. He kissed Carey sweetly and wrapped his hands around his belly hoping to feel one of his baby's occasional hard kicks. "Hey, baby!" He greeted them both.

"Hey, handsome," Carey cooed back. "What was that all about?"

"It turns out harem life is not compatible with the ABO disease," Daryl answered dryly.

"There goes an entire erotic fantasy genre. Shame. I rather like it when you lay me out the sheepskin in the tent room and pretend you're my lord and master of the desert," Carey teased. The twinkle in his eyes was irresistible.

"Hmmm, me too," Daryl agreed and kissed his pregnant lover with clear intent to continue this in the evening.

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