(Part 10 extra) Bonus Daddy

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Lance was not pleased when the opportunity to set precedent by defending an alpha who'd gone crazy over an omega slipped through his fingers. The DA declined to prosecute, and the victim and their family could not be riled. But then, he watched the way Jonathan went about his life, taking responsibility for problems he had not created and finding ways to heal those who hurt him, and he couldn't help feeling a twinge of conscience over the matter.

A boy had been kidnapped and hurt because he was an omega and seduced an alpha. But that didn't mean he was as innocent and precious as Lance's omega. Jonathan was something better and more precious than any other human being. How else could he forgive Stephanie and pray for her safe return every night with her children? And when the call came, he stirred up all those judgmental church people to receive her back like the prodigal daughter.

They redecorated the spare room at Rhonda's house and brought in Stephanie's things, so she came home to a home that felt like her own. She had years of follow up care ahead of her, but they could do it all at the local hospital and having her boys nearby was good for her mental recovery.

It was good that she was not responsible for their day-to-day care during this time as she was barely capable of caring for herself. She watched the way Lance cared for her husband and her children with a jealous eye. She would never get her family back. Still, she signed all Lance's paperwork, speeding up the divorce and allowing his adoption of the boys, because she knew it was best for them. They needed a whole family to raise them, and the last few months broke her into many pieces.

Also, Lance promised to handle her civil case against the casino owner who kidnapped and sold her if she cooperated with the divorce. She'd burned bridges with the community when she hurt her husband, sacrificed her beautiful skin to escape her captors, and never had any marketable skills to begin with, so the civil settlement was her last chance at money to live on into the future. Lance laughed at her when she mentioned alimony.

Stephanie's civil case did represent a substantial bit of money and was extremely high profile. It could be a chance at some of the prestige that had slipped away when they dropped the alpha case. With the recent opportunity to depose a client of the casino owner, a Sheik, his case was coming together nicely.

Meanwhile, weddings were in the works. While his denomination was still debating how to address the new ABO situation they could not be married in Jonathan's church. They wanted it to be a special event including the boys, so Lance had an idea. Jonathan would never have thought of it if only because it was ridiculously expensive. But he agreed it would make it a day to remember for all of them.

That's how they ended up gathered with their parents and closest friends in Cinderella's Castle in Disney World to repeat the vows they'd made in private a few months ago. Lance added a promise to the boys to love and support them as his own sons. It was a strange thing to be adopting the son who was already his by blood. But they all needed this public acknowledgment that they were now a family.

Since they were traveling, no one brought gifts to the actual wedding. But one precious package was on the bed when they returned to the hotel. The boys left the reception with their grandparents so the couple could have a wedding night alone, so it was just Lance and Jonathan in the room to cry over Josiah's gift, a drawing of their family with Daddy, Mommy, and Bonus Daddy labeled above their heads.

When Josiah asked Lance why he wanted to adopt the boys he'd explained that he wanted to be able to take care of them like a parent and the law required adoption for him to do it. But he wasn't replacing their mommy. Kids could have more than one mommy and daddy. He was like a bonus daddy, an extra person to love and take care of him and his little brothers. Josiah thought about this for a bit and then asked if he could call Lance B-Daddy. He couldn't possibly say no, and now he was stuck with it. When Zeke called him B-Daddy too, he knew it was permanent.

Back in their hotel room, Lance was sniffling over the picture, and Jonathan fishing something out of a bag. It was matching mouse ear hats with 'Daddy' and 'B-Daddy' embroidered on them. He smiled and handed them to Lance saying, "I asked my mom to pick them up for us. Also," he handed Lance a piece of paper. "My birth control failed last month so you're gonna be daddy again."

Going from sniffling to full on ugly crying, Lance grabbed his precious husband around the waist, pulled up his shirt, and planted a hundred kisses on his belly.

"I hope it's a girl this time," Jonathan said. "Although, Dr. Rodgers said that really doesn't matter as much since she'll inherit the ABO disease and secondary gender will matter more."

"She's gonna get spoiled rotten," Lance moaned and Jonathan wondered if it was a promise or a threat. "Josiah will be happy," he added.

"He will?" Jonathan asked.

"He asked me if he was going to get more siblings. He hoped he would. He wants a sister, too," Lance said. His hands began roving, enticing his lover toward their marriage bed. Jonathan was not opposed to that direction but was still a bit surprised that his firstborn wanted more siblings. He'd seemed as overwrought as his mother with two babies crying all night. That's why Jonathan agreed to the vasectomy. He couldn't add stress to his family no matter how hesitant he was about making a permanent end to his paternal potential. Now, God gave him a chance for more, and opened all the hearts he cared about to receive more.

Again, and again, this disease unraveled his bad decisions and gave him a second chance for happiness. All he had to do was keep loving in spite of all the weirdness.

Then again, that's what Jesus did. He loved people persistently and he lived a weirdness gospel, picking the most rejected people in the culture of his day to hang out with, doing weird stuff that upset religious people, and then telling parables about it that he specifically acknowledged most people wouldn't understand, turning the religious teachings of his day on their heads, and loving, and loving, and loving, even to the point of death. Loving most the ones who were furthest from God. Jonathan understood that better now.

He suddenly remembered that before any of this happened, he'd been praying for God to teach him to love like his Heavenly Father. He probably wouldn't have prayed that if he'd known then what a dangerous prayer it was, but he'd have missed out on so much.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Lance interrupted his thoughts and he realized he was now half naked on the bed under his husband.

"Just...about my next sermon," Jonathan confessed.

"I must not be doing my job right if you can think about a sermon," Lance pouted cutely.

"That's not it. It's just...about how amazing the love of God is. And how I understand that better from loving and being loved by you," Jonathan explained.

"I think," Lance said, "that I need to start doing some things that are not sermon appropriate so I can get your attention back in the present." And that's what he did.

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