Arabian Nights

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To say something was different between servant and master from the moment he walked into the restaurant would be a massive understatement. To say that words could not express it would be wrong, as they are about to do exactly that. To begin with, the Sheik barely registered his servant as human before seeing him standing next to Richard's lackey looking every inch an alpha fit for a king.

The man in the suit draped with a gold chain made the Sheik hot, the rings made him irritated, the Rolex jealous, and the diamond earring furiously possessive. For him to cast off the offending article and replace it with a larger diamond from his own ear was a flagrant announcement of his ownership and personal esteem for his servant. This was the Sheik's man and woe to anyone who touched him. It wasn't a conscious decision, but was, as Brad predicted, his happy reaction to getting everything he wanted in one package, his alpha as arm candy. It was no surprise that he immediately took that arm candy off to devour it.

They didn't make it back to the hotel. As soon as they closed the door in the back of the limo with the black tinted windows, the Sheik was on him. He'd had his servant before. That's how they both transitioned. But again, this was different. His servant wasn't just acquiescing to his master's demands or his body's instincts. He was in control of himself and participating. His master's diamond earring made him bold.

"Master," the servant said, coming up from a deep kiss, "do you know my name?"

"Of course I know it!" The Sheik pouted at the interruption and went in for another kiss as he rubbed the length of his body against his servant.

"When you are happy with me, will you say it?" He asked.

"Do you think you can make me happy?" The Sheik replied.

"I will dedicate my life to it," Naseer promised.

At this point the limo arrived at the hotel. They both instinctively straightened their suits and the servant emerged first to prepare the way, but as soon as the Sheik emerged, he swept him off his feet and carried him inside, directly to their room. Two bodyguards rushed ahead to clear the way and open the doors. Two followed behind. The Sheik clung to his servant's neck and prayed no one was watching. But on a deeper level, he didn't care. His alpha was sweeping him off his feet and it made him breathless.

The bodyguards quickly swept the room and exited to take up their posts outside. The servant placed his master in the middle of the feather mattress and lay with him, body stretched along body, tongues entwined, until his master was twitching and moaning. At that he pulled back, sweeping his fingers along the face of his precious master, and looking him in the eyes, deeply searching those eyes for the first time. The Sheik felt enraptured. Few people looked him in the eyes and most of those were his enemies. What he saw in the depths of those brown eyes made him uncomfortable and hot, but he couldn't look away.

As his servant finally moved to begin disrobing, the diamond in his ear winked at the Sheik, and the seriousness of what he'd done in the restaurant hit him full force. His bodyguards had seen. Word was probably already circulating among the rest of his staff at home. For a master to place his own jewelry on his servant was to declare him his equal, his treasured and trusted friend. If it were a member of his harem, she would be singled out as his lover.

As a bondservant, the man beside him had already promised to serve him for life, and he to provide for and protect his servant in exchange. A vow the equivalent of marriage, but for the bedding. And the household knew he'd forsaken his harem and fucked his servant as his transition escalated to the point where he couldn't control himself. Even as he'd forced himself on his servant, the man sheltered him and protected him from anyone who might have taken advantage of the situation.

He watched as his servant disrobed, only telling him, "leave the chain." Something about the gold draped against his tanned skin made the Sheik's temperature rise. He stripped to his underwear and then approached his master and began untying his shoes. He worked slowly and methodically, removing each article of clothing. The Sheik was panting and his heart racing when his servant slipped his fingers under the elastic waistband of his underwear and began to gently pull them down.

The servant had been passive before, afraid to trust whatever was happening to their bodies and afraid to love his master as he wanted to, but he wanted his master to be happy with him, and he wanted to matter as much as his master's rash jealous actions made it seem to others.

He removed the last article of clothing from the body he worshipped and then quickly shucked his own underwear. He began licking his master's feet, slowly washing every inch of his master's body with his tongue, moving upward along his legs until he reached the proud staff that declared his pleasure. Taking that in his mouth, he moaned his worship as his fingers sought the tight opening behind and began to prepare it to receive his offering.

"Please, more," his master begged semi-coherently. "Please, inside." His temperature was rising, and he felt his sense of touch heightening. A slick fluid began to soak the servant's fingers as the master's tight ring of muscles loosened and readied for him. The fluid was much more than before, and his master was whimpering so the servant pulled his master's legs up and out and sank his engorged love stick into his master's ass the way they both desperately wanted it.

He couldn't hold it in anymore. "I love you," the servant cried.

"Naseer, more!" His master screamed.

Neither had taken the time to learn about their condition enough to know that the Sheik was going into his first heat, but as instinct took over, Naseer's loving adoration tempered his alpha aggression. He thrust himself inside over and over, his hands holding tight to the only real thing in his world, his master.

For a moment, after biting the Sheik's neck, Naseer had enough sense to fear repercussions, but his beloved master only screamed his name, "Naseer, yes! Yes! Yes!" And so on, as his alpha filled his womb with cum and then he wept tears of happiness on his alpha's chest while they were bound together by his knot. He felt complete now. Whatever had made him discontent before...the feeling of something missing, it was gone.

In the aftermath, before the next wave of his heat hit, the Sheik spoke to Naseer as a person, as a lover, asking intimate questions and making sweet promises. Naseer only asked one thing. "May I know your name?"

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