(Part 8) F*ck Supermen

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Coaching high school wrestling was the one thing about Steve Beauregard's life that still made him happy. He'd been a featherweight star in high school, All-American in college, and gone on to the Olympics, though he returned home without a medal. Frankly, he'd surprised himself by getting as far as he did. Ever a practical man, he used his wrestling scholarships wisely and got a master's in education with a minor in chemistry so he could fall back on teaching when his wrestling days were over and be in a position to coach other aspiring young athletes.

It was in a biochemistry class that he met his wife, Christine. She was taller than him. Well, nearly every girl was taller than him. And she was blonde and outgoing and geeky about science and comic books, basically the perfect woman. He was a star on campus in those days, and that's probably why she agreed to date him, but apparently, he didn't live up to his potential.

He supported her though all her advanced education and moved to follow her career opportunities. Her job at GenLife is what landed them in middle America, but that was fine. High School Chemistry teachers were in demand everywhere. He was doing what he expected of himself, so he was blindsided by her disappointment in him. What did she expect?

Their marriage was already cooling off, and that baffled him, when she came home from work at four am one day and told him she'd been exposed to the serum GenLife had developed. She was vulnerable in that moment and seemed to want comforting. They had sex for the first time in months. And for the last time, it turned out. A week later, when he finally decided to go to the doctor for whatever was making him sick, she told him he should go in for testing instead because he'd also been exposed through her. He was lucky, he hadn't passed out because he'd had her nearby. Because she was a beta, they allowed her to go home, but he turned out to be an omega. They shuffled him off to quarantine in a dorm room on the local college campus.

His transition was miserable, compounded by the delivery of divorce papers. Apparently, they were both ready for the divorce because neither tried to hold on to anything or get even with the other. It was amicable because neither cared anymore. They had no children. He'd wanted a family, but she didn't want to derail her career. He joked during the divorce proceedings that if they stayed together now, he could have the kids. She didn't laugh. She'd never wanted kids. She just didn't want to turn him down flat. So, his whole marriage was pointless. It would never have progressed to building a family.

He could have babies now, but he couldn't go outside, couldn't go to work, had no wife, no family, and worst of all, no wrestling. He participated in the matchmaking experiment not in any hope of falling in love, but as a means of escape. He wanted to get out and start getting his life back. When the results came back with a strong match to an alpha, he was shocked, and when he saw the name, he thought it was a joke. Who named their kid Lex Luther? Kids got named after superheroes all the time, his dad was a Captain America fan, but the villain?

He remembered the scent that caused his body to react. It was still reacting and feeling painfully needy. But that was biology. It had nothing to do with love or emotional or intellectual compatibility. In fact, it seemed to be a way for these new supermen, the alphas, to exert dominance over omegas. None of the omegas could resist when they found their alpha's scent. It enslaved their bodies. His body was increasingly demanding to be with that damn alpha. Too late, he realized the experiment wasn't going to free him. It just transferred ownership. He'd rather suffer alone than belong so completely to someone else. He refused to even FaceTime with the bastard.

Lex Luther didn't expect much to come of the matchmaking experiments. He'd been every girl's best friend for so many years that he'd given up on actually dating anyone. He thought about dating other guys, and it didn't gross him out. There were lots of homosexual men working at GenLife so there was a decent pool of available partners, but they friend zoned him too. He was friendly, and funny, and fun to be around. That's what the girls told him. But he didn't excite them. Their mothers adored him, which was another point against him. He was the kind of guy you settled down to have a family with, but they weren't into that. What a hurdle to jump, be exciting enough to attract a girl until they change into a woman who can appreciate a reliable family man.

It was fucked up. He wanted to keep being himself, and he refused to become a disgusting incel, so he decided to be self-satisfied instead. Whatever sexual stimulation he needed, he could provide for himself until a miracle happened and someone else wanted to join him. In that way, he kept his equilibrium, his optimism, his good humor, and his many girl and guy friends.

When he smelled the towel, his mate's towel, he was shocked. There was someone meant for him! He did his best to play it cool, but his mate wasn't interested. He wouldn't even meet him online. He'd been fine with himself before smelling the scent of his mate, but now...he couldn't cum. He couldn't forget. He could barely hang on to his sanity and the weeks passed and his need grew.

The other pairs were moving on to in person meetings, but his mate refused to even exchange photos. Lex found himself 'an interesting test subject' to the lab techs as he slowly went insane because his mate wouldn't have him.

As the omegas began cycling though their third heats, the team monitoring the omega dorms urgently called out Dr. Placer. An omega in heat kept begging for his towel. She looked at Steve Beauregard and felt no sympathy. Lex Luther suffered the same in the alpha isolation rooms. "You want his scent, but you won't give him even a hello? We set this experiment up to help you, but you're rejecting the results. If I give you his towel, can I give him yours?"

Steve hated this. He hated that he cried and begged. He hated it most when that damn doctor came in and chastised him for trying to remain independent. He'd been officially divorced for less than a month. He didn't want a new relationship, and certainly not one predicated on this weird new biology. He didn't want to crave his Superman villain. Everything was against him. "Yes, fine, yes. Just give me the fucking towel, now! Please!"

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