Waking Up Is Hard To Do

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"We can't keep the alphas all isolated forever," Carey stated the obvious.

Daryl held his omega close and tried to think through the fog of panic. "I don't think I can manage this locally anymore. I've informed the CEO, but I'm going to have to ask for help now. I can't be liable for these kinds of decisions alone. It's gonna put Dr. Martin at risk which could be bad for your manager."

Carey squeezed him tightly. "Do what you have to do. You can't protect everyone at this point."

"We've fixed all the paperwork, so it looks like this is a deliberate drug trial. It's possible this can be framed as an unfortunate discovery, but if we get the government involved in containment, and they'll definitely want to be, who knows what they'll do to our test subjects or whether our paper trail will hold up to close scrutiny. And if sex with an alpha reproduces the process, our drug has little value in the market. The investors won't like that."

"What if you change tack?" Carey asked. Daryl looked at him questioningly. "This can't be contained. There's no way we can stop everyone affected from ever having sex again. Especially with the intensified mating impulse. It's a losing proposition." Daryl looked pained by this assessment but what could he do? "The next big demand is going to be for suppressants. A drug to help people regain control of themselves. Right now, GenLife is the only company that knows this drug is needed. You already have an intimate understanding of the process. You're the only company with any research in this direction. By the time the others catch wind you could have a drug ready for market if you start now. If you're lucky, you can have something ready before the government gets involved here and you can end the isolation by providing it to the test subjects until they mate consensually."

"Easier said than done. But I think you're right. It's the only way out of this mess." Daryl agreed.

"Just, think about the omegas, too. Their heats are brutal. When I checked in on them...they're brutal. And it's possible something in them could spread the gene too," Carey added.

"Yes. I'll make sure we do. After all, our kids will definitely carry these genes as well."

"Hey," Carey took Daryl's face in his hands to emphasize what he wanted to say. "It's not your fault this happened, and even if you did a controlled trial, this side effect would be throwing everything into havoc. When the first person transitioned, the future changed. I've watched people's drama my whole life. I don't think this will be the end of civilization. In fact, I think people will adapt faster than you imagine. And it's a miracle for us. It will be a miracle for others too." He dropped a tender kiss on his alpha's nose and then got captured for a long intimate kiss and embrace that served to dispel the remaining tension in Daryl.

"Will you check in on the new couple for me while I make some calls?" Daryl finally asked. "Normally, hosting investors is part of my job, but I'm up to my ears with this new discovery and they just need to be checked on frequently. Let me know when they wake up and if they need anything."

Carey agreed and wandered back up to check on mated pair number 3.

The helpless look on Richard's face earlier when Carey found him had a serious impact on Carey. When subjects didn't get their treatment followed up or mates were separated, that's what transition looked like. When he checked in on the couple, he found them snuggled up asleep together on a narrow hospital bed. The tech pointed at a monitor and explained the wavy lines meant it was normal sleep. Richard's secretary, Brad, wasn't comatose anymore.

The lines got wigglier and his eyes opened. Brad's ability to assess his situation was greatly hindered by the fact he'd passed out in his own bed and was waking up in a hospital bed. He wore nothing under the blanket. The only thing the same was that his bratty boss was still with him, curled up to his side like a needy child. Well, it's not like he expected the man to behave any other way.

He figured he was in a hospital because of the bed and the monitors but something wasn't exactly right. The room was larger than it should be and there was a large mirror on one side that was obviously one-way glass. So, the insane fucking was over for now. Even reasonable fucking was out. Brad was not an exhibitionist, despite being horny as hell.

Unfortunately, Richard moved at that moment, unconsciously rubbing his naked body up against Brad's and Brad's reaction made them an embarrassing little tent. Dang he was huge. If this was the result of GenLife's research they were gonna make a fortune. Not like his boss needed more money, but...dang. They just needed to curb whatever it was that made him practically rape Richard. If he hadn't been willing...Brad wondered if he could have stopped.

For being willing...for still being here beside him, Brad was grateful. He wasn't sure what to think about their relationship, but he was grateful that he wasn't alone. He slipped his arm around Richard and thought back to all the things he'd said that day, about having his babies. He remembered the things he'd said in the heat of passion. What did he know about PTA and Site Councils except his own mother made sure to be involved in them and she was a super mom?

Richard probably had no idea either, which meant he was in a state to agree to anything. That was awesome to think about. He'd made the playboy lose himself so completely. Could he trust the things Richard said? The things he promised? Did it matter? His chest hurt thinking about it. It must matter. Why? When did Richard start loving him? How was he supposed to know when he had a different partner every week? He'd be worried about STIs right now if he didn't personally take his boss to the doctor for testing between each partner. And all that time he really wanted Brad? It was too much to believe, but it physically hurt to reject Richard now. How much of this was GenLife and how much was himself? It felt a bit like he was caught up in someone else's dream with no way to escape.

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