(Part 8 extra) Ready

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Lex was sitting in the front row when Steve's wrestling team took the all-around gold at the state tournament. Two days later in the morning, Steve was sitting in the front row when Lex presented his doctoral dissertation on effective omega birth control methods to an "Understanding ABO Symposium" at the college.

"Congratulations Dr. Luther," Steve whispered intimately in his ear as he held the car door open for him afterward. Lex turned to catch his adorable lover's kiss and asked again where they were going. All Steve would say was, "to celebrate."

The last two years were difficult for them both, adapting to new physiology and pursuing big goals. They were busy, but at every opportunity they turned toward each other, and the resulting intimacy made them both feel secure and happy in the midst of their challenges.

They pulled up in front of a real estate office and Lex was confused. "How are we celebrating?" He asked, realizing 'where' was the wrong question. Steve jumped out and opened the back door for the professionally dressed middle aged lady waiting on the curb.

"This is Lisa Bloom, and she'll be showing us three possible houses for us to consider buying that would make good family homes. Which direction Lisa?" Steve asked.

"Steve?" Lex didn't have to ask the whole question. They'd known their busy season was ending and decided it was time to quit birth control before Steve's last heat. But they didn't know if he would become fertile again right away or if there would be a residual affect from using the birth control for so long.

"The first house is up on the left there," Lisa interrupted, not realizing an enormous question hung in the air. "It's a three-bedroom, two and a half bath newer tract home."

Lex and Steve looked out the window. "It has a great-room layout inside. And you can see how close we are to the high school. Shall we?" They approached the front door but turned when she mentioned the high school, and indeed, you could see it from the front porch. They'd need to talk about whether that was a good thing or too close.

The next house was in a higher end neighborhood midway between their workplaces, but it needed more work than they felt comfortable doing themselves.

The last house was in a slightly lower end neighborhood than the first, and older, but all its issues were cosmetic. It also had a slightly larger yard and five bedrooms, living room, den, office, sunroom. The place was equipped for a big family that liked to have gatherings.

Steve investigated a large shed in the back and could picture turning it into a home gym. He could imagine inviting the wrestling team over for a barbecue after a match. They couldn't see the school, but it was a short walk. He stood in the doorway of an upstairs bedroom with his hand on his belly and imagined filling four rooms with babies, and it didn't freak him out. He wanted a big family. He and Lex would be great parents.

Lex was impressed first by the fruit trees all around the lot. The previous owners had planted a nice variety, though they needed pruning. Other than that, the yard looked like the real estate agent told them to clean it up and mow the weeds, so they looked like a lawn at first glance. There were old attempts at garden boxes and halfhearted hedges that would have to go, but the concrete patio was nice, and the brick fire pit could easily be refreshed.

The house had solar already, and a rainwater catchment system, and greywater for the garden that could be planted but hadn't been this year. At least not yet. There was still time. The garage was a little bigger than a tract home two car, so they could actually park both cars in it in the winter and keep them out of the snow. All the critical systems were in decent shape and the kitchen had been remodeled in the last five years.

The master bathroom was an orgy of tile. Just...everything imaginable f*cking everywhere. Someone without taste enjoyed a creative moment in there. But it was sound, and there was both a massive tub and a shower for two.

When Lex came back out of the master bedroom, he saw Steve standing in the door of another room with his hand on his belly having a moment. He stepped up behind his lover and wrapped his arms around him, placing his hands over Steve's. "Are we asking baby what they think?" Lex asked.

"Hmmm," Steve nodded. "I think they like this one."

"Me too," Lex agreed. "Will this be the nursery?"

"No, that one," Steve pointed next door. "This one is a teenager room. It has cool ceiling angles and a view of the driveway to see when friends arrive."

"True. The other one is closer to our room so we can hear when baby wakes up," Lex agreed.

"Yes. And the windows are safer for little ones in that room," Steve pointed out.

They could hear Lisa climbing the stairs. "Have we made a decision, or shall we plan another day out? There are quite a few on the market right now. The three I picked to show you are in kind of different categories so you could get a better feel for which category you prefer." She stopped when she saw them embracing. She knew that look. They'd found their home. "It's getting late. We can talk about making an offer on the drive back," she suggested, then headed back down the stairs to wait.

"Are you pregnant for sure?" Lex asked.

Steve nodded and turned his face up and back to plant a kiss on Lex. "We're doing this. No turning back."

"Never," Lex agreed. He squeezed and Steve 'oof'ed. "I love you. I was so nervous for my presentation earlier. Thank you for being there for me, today and all the days I spent studying and preparing. You helped me in practical ways, but you also inspired me. A doctorate never mattered to me until I wanted to take care of you. I wanted to be the best version of me for you. You're amazing and I feel so lucky that you were my fated mate."

"I think I'm the one that got lucky," Steve protested. "That I have a mate who lives for me as much as I do for him. You've chased away all my doubts and insecurities. And you gave us space. By figuring out birth control for me you gave us space to get us figured out so we can do a good job being parents together. I love you, too." Steve turned in Lex's arms to embrace him back.

"Let's go make an offer on our house. This was a fantastic way to celebrate. We are so ready for this." Lex took Steve's hand to walk downstairs. Steve looked back at the empty baby's room and imagined it in a mint green with a white crib in the corner.

"We really are," he agreed.

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