Ms. Doctor

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The matchmaking experiment was disappointing for Trina. She'd gone into it so hopeful. She knew her lifestyle choices limited the type of person she attracted under normal circumstances, but she was a romantic at heart. She wanted to fall in love with a delicate lady and care for her 'til death do they part. She thought her new pheromones might be able to attract the type of lady her face could not.

Each time she opened a bag with a towel and smelled it she tried to imagine the pretty omega who would enslave her with the chains of love. Some smelled better than others, but none were her. None belonged to her mate.

When the researchers posted results and the matches began meeting online, she hid in the kitchen banging pots and pans around in anger and frustration. Where was her mate? Why wasn't she represented? How would she ever find her? She had to be out there somewhere. Whenever Trina imagined her, she was waiting desperately to be found, to be rescued. Instinctively she believed her mate was somewhere hurting and needing her.

Life went on despite biological transformations, and her rapidly growing dick didn't excuse her from running her business. Two days ago, she'd finally got through to the Big Boss, as she called Daryl, and made arrangements to go down and handle paperwork in her office after hours. She brought a bunch more back upstairs with her so she could file her quarterly taxes and was currently using it to distract herself from glaring jealously at the alphas now excitedly preparing to meet their mates.

Someone knocked on her door and she grunted permission to come in. As soon as she saw who it was, she jumped up and apologized to The Big Boss for her gruffness. He was holding something behind his back and her face asked the obvious question.

"Um, I'm not sure I should do this, but I think I've found your mate," Daryl said.

Trina dropped back into her seat and whispered, "what?"

"I'd like to confirm before I tell you anymore." He pulled a plastic bag out from behind his back. In it was a ruffled pink and black ladies' jacket. The kind of delicate feminine garment Trina's dream girl would wear. He handed the bag to Trina and she opened it. Daryl observed carefully as Trina's eyes dilated and her nostrils flared. She pulled the jacket up and breathed in deeply again and again.

"It's hers," she confirmed, "it's hers." And some very uncharacteristic tears rolled down her cheeks. "Where is she?"

"I thought as much," Daryl concurred. "She had a strong reaction in the deli after you'd been there. Her scent wasn't included in the experiment because she was running it. It's Dr. Placer's jacket. She changed into her lab coat for the meeting and ended up leaving it behind in the locker room."

"Dr. Placer," Trina echoed, a look of awe on her face.

"She...figured out that you're her mate yesterday but seems to be trying to ignore the fact. She's from a preeminent east coast family with old-fashioned values and I don't think she ever considered the possibility that her mate could be another woman. She's never shown any signs of homophobia while working here," Daryl rushed to add, "just...never thought about another woman for herself, I think. But what probably did her in was the motorcycle." He grimaced.

"Motorcycle?" Trina asked, but her face showed she realized what he meant less than a second after she asked it. This was such a tragic meet-cute that it was comical. Laughter bubbled up and spilled out of her in great uncontrolled bursts. So much so that more tears leaked out of her eyes and she couldn't gather herself back together to finish their conversation for a good five minutes.

All her anxiety about not knowing her mate's whereabouts melted away and she quickly shifted mindsets to determination. She would win the heart of this fair lady. This was her mate. Their biology said so. With that trump card she couldn't lose. She buried her face in the delicate jacket once more and inhaled the scent of heaven. "I'm gonna make you the happiest little lady on the planet," she promised the jacket.

Daryl was smiling a lopsided grin when she looked back up at him, clearly satisfied with her response. "Dr. Placer is a valuable member of my team and I'd really like to have her back, so I'm willing to help you. Think about how you want to woo her and let me know." He moved to the door, clearly finished with this bit of business.

"Sure thing," she promised, and waved him out. He didn't ask for the jacket back. She held it reverently, taking deep sniffs and leaking tears of joy to have finally found her mate. Her new dick, which thus far hung limply between her legs defying attempts at stimulation, began to stiffen and respond. It was amazing.

Despite favoring masculine aesthetics, Trina never wanted to be a man, but to be a woman equipped to satisfy another woman...that was a prospect she liked. She reached down to see what it felt like to stroke that stiffening member and shuddered with pleasure.

"Ms. Doctor," she murmured as she stroked herself and imagined the lady who wore the heaven scented jacket walking in her front door and taking it off like she lived there. "I'm gonna make you so happy, and then I'm gonna make you cum with pleasure over and over again until you beg to have my babies."

She imagined everything. Peeling back the rest of her prim suit and uncovering pink lacy underthings. A woman like her doctor lady would surely wear pink lacy underthings. The way she'd go down on her pretty pussy and make her cum with her tongue and fingers. And then, having something more. This amazing new appendage to fill up the beautifully disheveled Ms. Doctor and make her scream with pleasure. A way to make sure she never missed the man she'd imagined settling for.

Trina imagined and stroked and shuddered until she pictured putting a baby in that pretty pussy, and that was too much. She came, ejaculating from her newly developed appendage for the first time. Ah, it was too fast. She'd have to work on holding out longer before she actually found herself in her dream scenario. She had the dick of a pubescent boy right now. But it was still growing. She smiled happily and got down to planning her seduction.

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