(Part 3 extra) Barefoot, Pregnant, In the Kitchen

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Brad felt like he was living in a fishbowl during their transition. Richard was with him, but they were both under close observation since no one fully understood how the presence of his mate awakened him or whether there would be any lasting side effects. He was frustrated by feeling that he must restrain his instinct to mate with his omega. He wasn't an exhibitionist and didn't want to share even the view of his mate shirtless, much less trembling with his orgasm.

From an external view he may have looked cold toward his mate, but inside he was on fire. A carefully banked inferno that only Richard was aware of. The moment they were alone, with privacy, his switch flipped. He went from acquiescent professional secretary to completely dominant lover in the space of a heartbeat.

Having a broad base of casual experience with past lovers, Richard could say with certainty that nothing else compared to Brad, the man he'd always secretly loved, taking full control of his omega, body and soul. Everything he owned and everything he was belonged to his mate, because he could hold nothing back. He did not possess the will to say no to Brad about anything.

This might have been a recipe for an abusive relationship if Brad weren't so completely possessed in return by the need to satisfy the quivering submissive Richard, in bed and in every area of life.

Within a week of waking up, Brad negotiated to rent Carey's house for the duration of the quarantine the governor put on the town, and convinced Daryl to release them from constant observation. They'd have to come in for daily checks until their transitions were complete, but they'd have privacy apart from that.

After making mad passionate love just inside the doorway, they unpacked and got comfortable, then made mad passionate love in the living room.

Carey moved all his personal belongings over to Daryl's house, but left all the furnishings and appliances so the house was still well equipped. Richard's haphazard shopping the first few days resulted in full, if poorly planned, wardrobes. But they only wore clothes to go out.

For the duration of their transition, they mostly stayed home. Daily visits to GenLife were required, along with regular reports about any changes they experienced. But they ordered in groceries and restaurant food. Any actual business that needed handling could happen remotely. Richard was primarily an investor, so he didn't do much besides decide where to put his money, and Brad managed the rest of his life. Since the rest of his life right now was hiding away with his alpha and fucking like rabbits, it was job well done for the secretary.

To keep busy between sexy times, Richard watched YouTube videos on how to cook and practiced. He threw out a lot of food and set off the smoke detector so often Brad got irritated and disabled it, but it didn't matter in the slightest. When he did get it right, the viciously possessive look on Brad's face made it all worthwhile. He'd waited so many years for this man to want him. This was pure happiness.

The first time Richard bled from his ass he panicked. But he wasn't the first male omega to get that far in the transition, so he'd been warned, or rather Brad was warned. Richard wasn't paying attention to the menstruation part of the talk after hearing about how omega rats experienced heat. They expected him, and all the omegas, to start experiencing heats soon and they might get dangerous with an alpha present.

When his heat did come, all hell broke loose. Or at least that's what it felt like with his sudden spike in temperature and the way Brad's eyes dilated completely when he walked in the room.

Brad found his omega in the kitchen, quivering with need, bent over the sink, holding on to keep from falling on the floor. He scooped the smaller man up in his arms and carried him to the kitchen table where he could splay his arms and legs open like a feast. He stood staring for a moment, drinking in the scenery. All of this belonged to him. He would mark it today. Fill it with his seed and make it unable to live without him. He had barely enough mental space to realize his generally sensible self was gone, replaced by a Neanderthal. Not enough mental space to fight the Neanderthal.

Richard moved to curl inward and hide his private parts, but Brad uttered, "stop," in a tone so authoritative he responded without thinking, opening back up and laying like an offering on the table.

"That's good," Brad cooed like he was addressing a baby. "What do you want from me?" He asked, holding himself back from touching the treat in front of him.

Quivering again at the sound of his alpha's voice, Richard managed to say, "You, I want your dick, and your cum. Make me pregnant with your babies. I'm all yours."

"That's right, you're mine," Brad agreed. "I'm going to devour you until there's nothing left, and then I'm going to fill you back up with my cum until you've got a baby growing inside that new womb of yours." He reached out and ran his fingers along the length of Richard's body. His lover jolted and whimpered at each touch. Brad chuckled. "So responsive. Your body needs me now, doesn't it?" His hands stilled as he waited for an answer.

"Yes! Yes! It needs you. Fuck me! Please!" Richard begged.

The end of Richard's self-control was coming quickly. He had just enough to take his lover in his mouth first and bring him right to the edge, so he'd orgasm as soon as Brad plunged into his dripping wet ass. The smell of his omega's heat was amplified when he came, and Brad snapped, driving hard and fast until he came and knotted, locking his sperm inside his lover, guaranteeing pregnancy if it was possible.

But that satisfaction only lasted until his knot released. He needed to take the omega again immediately. This time he flipped him so he was bent over the table and drove into him from behind. At the final moment he bit down hard on Richard's neck again, like he'd done the first time they came together back in his apartment.

He'd had a number of conversations with Daryl about why that happened, but in this moment he knew it was pure possessive instinct. He was marking the omega. "MINE!" Screamed repeatedly in his brain until he came down from his orgasmic high.

Richard didn't utter a single word of complaint about the bite or the brutal pounding he'd just received as Brad carefully disconnected himself and pulled his omega in for a gentle embrace. Richard clung to him, still shaking but seeming okay for the moment. Brad helped him into the bath with nothing but good intentions, but the sight of his slick wet body and the still desperate look in his eyes brought the alpha back to his side for another good fucking.

Likewise, the night found them embracing again and again. Brad brought food up to Richard in bed in the morning and brought warm wash rags to clean up his lover. The desperation was beginning to wane for both of them so they could think of other needs. But they weren't through yet.

Two days later, Dr. Rogers knocked on their door. They hadn't gone in for check-ups so the GenLife team assumed Richard's heat came. Dr. Rodgers was the obstetrician on the team.

He'd already seen Carey and then Tom whose transitions were a few days ahead of everyone else, so he had a little bit of an idea of what to expect from the other mated omega. A quick check confirmed that the timeline on his part of their GenLife project was about to accelerate. Richard was pregnant as well. That meant 100% fertility during their first heat. The omegas were so fertile it was frightening.

Richard wasn't happy to hear that he wasn't the first to get pregnant, but Dr. Rodgers calmed him by reminding him that babies didn't come exactly nine months later. They had slightly different developmental progress so he could still give birth first. And if they needed c-sections, he promised to schedule Richard's first.

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