(Part 1 extra) Let's Go Home

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It was a horrifying revelation. Carey knew that. But it was too big and too unmanageable for his brain to get a handle on in that moment. He'd reached the end of his ability to care about the rest of the world. And he could tell that Daryl had too. They needed a break. He looked down at the thick bleached blonde locks of the man he loved, and his heart ached. "Hey handsome, let's go home tonight."

Daryl moaned in response. So, Carey continued, "I know you meant to stay for as long as you have employees in isolation, but it's not helping them for you to sleep here. You need to recharge. There are others who can keep things going while you take a day off." Daryl was shaking his head back and forth against Carey's belly, so Carey decided it was time to use his ace. "I need you to take a break. Please give me 24 hours."

Daryl groaned loudly again, but his head stopped shaking. He'd resolved to stay at work until the crisis was over, but it just kept getting worse with no end in sight. He couldn't keep this up, but he doubted he could rest even if he took the time. Still, he couldn't deny Carey. His beloved was the only thing more important than his job right now. He'd stood by Daryl and cared for him, keeping him going throughout this whole disaster. Without Carey he'd have collapsed from self-neglect long ago. When Carey made his request personal...

"Okay?" Carey asked again.

Daryl nodded.

He needed to put things in order and give directions to others before leaving, so Carey went home first. When Daryl walked in the front door of his house for the first time in two months, an amazing array of scents greeted him. Jasmine, vanilla, and roses were his go-to candle scents and Carey lit all of them throughout the downstairs, so they underlay the aroma of steak and potatoes with buttery zucchini and...did he detect a hint of chocolate?

He dropped his belongings where he removed his shoes and followed his nose to the kitchen where he spotted a plate heaped with fresh baked brownies before catching an eyeful of the sexiest thing on two legs, Carey, naked except for a pink ruffled apron. It was...it was...his brain must have short circuited because he stood there incapable of further movement as tears flooded his face.

Carey knew when Daryl came in, but he was in the middle of pulling the meat out and wrapping it in foil to rest. And he had to pay extra attention since this apron didn't provide as much protection for all his parts as regular clothes would. As soon as it was secure, he gave the zucchini a final shake in the pan and turned off the burner.

Finally free to turn his attention to his lover, Carey looked up, saw his sweetheart crying, and grew suddenly and painfully hot all over. He gripped the counter to steady himself. "I...help!" He whimpered. That small cry released Daryl from his immobilization, and he rushed forward to catch his beloved.

"Shit, I went to all this trouble making dinner and I can't stand up to serve it." Carey tried to laugh off his sudden discomfort but spoiled the effect by wincing at the end. Daryl didn't laugh. All the delicious scents of dinner were suddenly overwhelmed by the most delicious scent of all, his omega.

He scooped his beloved up in his arms and carried him across to the den. It was furnished as a big soft nest, and he laid his precious cargo right in the middle, then shed all his clothes and returned to kiss and suckle all the exposed sweet-smelling skin behind the ruffled apron. He tried to be gentle, but Daryl felt overcome, like in their early transition sex. This was...Carey was probably going into heat.

His earlier tears were cleansing tears, as the tension of being at the lab 24 hours a day fell off him. Now this, the scent of his mate in heat, evicted every other thought and concern from his mind. He must pleasure his mate. Must make him squirm and cry out. Must join them together like one body and plant his seed deep inside.

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