If You Could Get Pregnant

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The way Carey came apart in his mouth made Daryl's ego swell. He licked up every drop as his lover gasped for air. "That was sex sweetness, and I think you liked it." Daryl's voice was more than a little smug. He didn't expect Carey's response.

"That's it?" He gasped. "I thought there was more." Gasp. "What about yours?" Heavy breaths. "Doesn't it go in somehow?" Gasping he struggled to pull Daryl's head back up so their eyes could meet.

"This was level one sex. You came and I'm happy you liked it. I'm not sure you're ready for level two yet. And level three is where things start going in."

"Don't stop. We have all night. That was amazing. I...," suddenly his voice went shy, "I don't want it to be over."

Daryl's stroked his fingers through Carey's hair and gazed deep into his eyes until he was sure. "Okay. Level two is when you touch me too. You said you never wanted to before, so I don't want you to feel pressured."

"I...," he seemed to be examining his feelings for a moment, but his face cleared and he smiled brightly. "I want to touch you. Can I make you feel as good as you made me feel?"

"Oh sweets, I'm already halfway there just hearing you want to." Daryl stripped his underwear off entirely so Carey could explore to his heart's content and Carey reflexively stripped his off the rest of the way as well. Rather than crouch down, he turned his body around and straddled Daryl's chest so he could see clearly as he spread Daryl's legs apart and took a good long look at another man's equipment for the first time in his life.

It was huge, and twitched like it was urging him along. He'd never thought about it before, but it was beautiful in its own way. A tool for pleasure and productivity. He leaned forward and licked the bulbous tip. It was like licking any other skin, except for the salty bit at the tip. So, that's what comes out, he thought. It's not so bad. He could do this. He wanted to do this. He wanted to see if he could make Daryl come apart the way he had.

He licked again up the length of him and Daryl moaned loudly. "Yesssss, like that." Licking wasn't enough. Daryl had wrapped his whole mouth around Carey's erection, so that's what he did next, imitating everything that made him feel good. The groans and moans coming out of his lover urged him on until he got lost in what he was doing. The sudden sensation of Daryl's hands spreading his ass and his mouth holding his balls pulled him out of the moment and he bucked backward, the dick in his mouth forgotten. "You like that? Are you ready for level 3?"

"You," pant pant, "you haven't cum yet," Carey protested.

"I'm so close sweetie, but I'm holding back because there's more and you wanted more. I want to give you everything you want. But it's not gonna be easy so I want to be ready to cum reasonably fast so I don't wear you out your first time. Can I cum inside? I know you're clean. I am too. I haven't done anything since I was tested last, but I'll understand if you don't want it."

"I want it. I want everything with you. Please, don't stop. I want my body to be filled with you like my heart already is." Carey squeezed his arms around Daryl's ass, his nose bumping against that giant twitchy cock he couldn't get enough of as he said this. What a confession! Daryl's chest constricted painfully in response.

"Level three it is," Daryl announced as he flipped them around so he was kneeling in front of a splayed open Carey, ass elevated to meet those soft lips that did magic everywhere they went. And this was magic as his tongue came out and played with Carey's virgin hole. It twitched in protest at first but was soon sucking at Daryl's tongue demanding more. There was a bottle of lube tucked by the edge of the mattress and he grabbed it, prepping his fingers to make their entrance.

Carey panted and groaned in pleasure until the first finger went in. "Ahhhhh," he yelled. But no sooner had he got the sound out than the pain subsided and an odd sort of sensation took over. While his fingers worked, Daryl's mouth distracted his lover by sucking his sweet staff. It wasn't small, but it was nowhere near the size of Daryl's. It didn't need to be, not when Carey became an omega. It would still be his little treat, but it's the ass that mattered. Inside there was the bundle of nerves by his prostate. That would expand into ovary production and a little further in would be the uterus.

He'd make this man his mate and then they'd have a family together. The family he'd given up on ever having, now, with Carey, it might be possible. He wanted it. He wanted their love to be a tree that bore fruit. As his fingers stroked and found each place that produced pleasure, his heart sang with hope. Love with this hope was a million times better than love just for pleasure.

Would Carey think so? He'd never thought much about sex so it was likely he'd never thought of having babies. "If you could get pregnant, would you still let me cum inside?" He asked. Stupid stupid stupid. What a question to ask mere moments before finally reaching level four.

"If I could get pregnant?" Carey asked. "Do you think of me as a substitute for a woman?"

"No sweet thing." He cooed as his free hand stroked the hard thigh and muscled abdomen of a man no one would mistake for a woman. "I love every inch of you as a man. It's just a thought. Something we've been working on at the lab."

"Male pregnancy?" Carey asked. "Oooooohhhhh, more of that!" Pant pant. "More of the finger stuff." Pant pant. "I'd have to think about pregnancy." Pant pant. "But right now, I don't think anything would stop me. Ooooaaaahhh!" Pant pant. "I can appreciate why teen pregnancies happen." Pant pant. "If you stopped now I think I might snap your head off and eat it like a praying mantis." Pant pant. "Aaaaahhhhh. Please I want it. The real thing."

The pressure built up in Daryl's balls was painful, but he had to go slow. He slicked himself up and aligned himself with the sweetest asshole in creation. Bit by bit he pressed in. "Relax sweetness. Push out against me when you feel like clenching down. That's it."

"Ahhh. Ahhh," Carey squealed.

"Is that the spot?" Daryl pulled out just a little and pushed back against the same spot again, earning more squeals. Then, he seated himself fully inside and stopped for a moment. He leaned forward so he could whisper in Carey's ear. "Relax, just let yourself relax around me." He stroked his sweet treat down below, distracting Carey to help him relax. When he felt it happen he moved and slowly began the process of opening up this precious flower that he loved so much. Whispering reassurances and stroking his sensitive spots until he was panting and thrusting himself against Daryl, begging to cum again himself, and he did, at the exact moment Daryl's control broke and he thrust in hard and fast to his completion.

Daryl pulled Carey close and held him tightly as they both came down from their euphoria. Daryl didn't go completely soft but he pulled out anyway. Carey would be sore in the morning. He didn't need to be pushy. Carey promised not to run. There's no way he wouldn't want more once he had a chance to calmly analyze his feelings. Daryl understood that aspect of his beloved's personality. He would need to understand himself. But he definitely liked sex.

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