A Lazy Weekend

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Steve let Friday night happen as it usually did, only telling Lex that he'd made surprise plans for them for the weekend, "so be sure to be available." Lex complimented the plant and made spaghetti for dinner while Steve wrapped up his notes about how the day went at Sports Camp and answered emails. They did Pilates together after dinner and then both fell asleep on the couch watching a romcom. They'd packed their schedules since coming out of quarantine and they were working out together on top of it, so sleep had to come before sex.

When Lex woke up in the middle of the night with a full bladder, he took care of his business and then roused Steve enough to move him to his bed. Steve wouldn't let him go this time, and since he wasn't drunk or in heat, Lex conceded and crawled in bed next to him, both still too tired to do anything but sleep together.

When the morning sun poured through his window and roused Steve, and he felt the warmth and smelled the delicious scent of his alpha next to him, he decided it was time to make his move. He rolled toward his alpha and snuggled up against him, laying his head on Lex's chest, stretching a leg provocatively across his groin, and slipping a hand under the edge of his t-shirt to stroke his fingers across his newly developing abdominal muscles.

His alpha got the message but was too protective to simply go with the flow. "Does this mean you want me to hold you?" Lex whispered. Steve nodded his head against his alpha's chest. "You have to say it," Lex prompted.

"Yes, but be gentle," Steve whispered. "I'm still scared." The warm chuckle in Lex's chest rumbled against Steve's ear and his hand went from stroking to clutching the other man tightly. Lex stroked the tense hand and arm until they relaxed again and moved to dawdle around his belly button.

Magic hands stroked Steve's hair and back, until the tenseness in his body relaxed and he felt like purring. Lex was less experienced with sex than Steve, who'd been married and popular before that, but he was intensely attentive to his omega's every reaction. He felt when Steve relaxed enough to lie back and receive his kisses. He knew the right moment to press for his mouth to open and deepen the kissing. When his hands stroked across the smaller man's chest, he noted the points of sensitivity and lavished them with attention.

Every step of the way, Lex seemed to know the right moment to make another move. He didn't know he knew it, so he stayed alert, but for Steve it was effortless, like falling into a stream that ran with pleasure. It washed over him in gently lapping waves.

Lex had prepared for this, educating himself on the internet so he would know what to do when the opportunity came, and quizzing Ryan over coffee about whatever remained uncertain. He moved slowly and methodically through each step, removing their clothes, kissing and licking his way down, pleasuring his partner with his mouth first and making him cum so he'd be relaxed when he started prepping his back door. Steve pulled three kinds of lube out of his nightstand and Lex chuckled again. They were both over-preparers.

In the end, Steve didn't need much lubrication. A normal anus produces no lubrication, so all the information online emphasized the need to apply it liberally during anal sex. But omegas formed a womb off their anus and something in their new anatomy released a slick fluid when they were turned on, making sex feasible without adding products. And, Lex imagined, more comfortable for a poor omega who might be attacked by an unprepared or uncaring alpha during their heat.

While the lubricant seemed superfluous, the advice to stretch and prepare the muscle still held true. Steve's opening was tight, and Lex's equipment had grown larger during his transition. It was not going to be an easy fit. With his tongue and his mouth he worked that tight muscle until it stretched and relaxed for him. He barely noticed Steve squealing and begging him to, "put it in, now!" Until the omega grabbed him by the hair and pulled.

Then he did, and he knew it was a moment he would never forget for as long as he lived, when he became joined with his beloved mate. Tears sprouted in his eyes and his heart felt like it swelled up and clogged his throat. He couldn't speak loving words of reassurance to his mate. He could only hold himself there, in that moment, waiting for his mate to relax around him and accept him completely. When he did, the alpha's tears rained down on him.

Steve looked up at that face pouring out Lex's love for him and that was the moment he would never forget. The moment he fell in love and accepted his alpha completely, accepted Lex Luther, the man who surpassed Superman and Captain America to become Steve's favorite and most personal hero. It was Steve's turn to choke up and sprout tears. He wanted to tell Lex he loved him but couldn't make his voice work.

It didn't matter because his body communicated his acceptance and Lex felt it and began to move, slowly, gently, deliberately, bringing soft strangled mewling sounds out of his partner, which let him know he was successfully pushing him over the edge into unspeakable pleasure. Gradually, his tempo and pressure built until Steve was gasping for air and begging in half syllables for something he'd never experienced before but knew was so close.

At last, Lex's face screwed up in ultimate pleasure and he exploded inside his mate. The pressure threw Steve over the edge and he came harder between them than he ever had in his life before. And it wasn't over so quickly. Lex thrust in again and then stopped as his knot grew and locked Steve in place. Steve didn't know what this was, but it pressed on his over-stimulated pleasure place and he whimpered. Lex gingerly moved him so he was on top where he could control his position and get more comfortable. He winced and adjusted, but that wasn't what was important right now. He was getting his voice back and he needed to say it.

"I love you, Lex. I love you," he said between pants as he tried to catch his breath. "I love you. I really do." He pressed his face into Lex's chest to hold back the threatening tears. And Lex's low chuckle rumbled against his head.

"I love you, too. I love you with everything in me."

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