(Part 7 extra) Testing the Beams

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Pablo lit the candles on the dining table. Frank had texted that he was on his way home. With the number of male pregnancies he had to deal with now, Frank came home late quite often. But today was special. The last contractor packed up their tools and cleared out today. Construction was complete on their dream home. Most of the rooms were still empty, or sparsely furnished, but the structure was sound, the systems were updated, and the master bedroom and nursery upstairs were ready.

In the attic room, Pablo had his drafting table and computer desk arranged. He'd made sure to stay caught up with his work for the construction company because his maternity leave would start soon. Frank's mother sent them an adorable baby swing which Frank set up next to Pablo's desk as a reminder that they had extended family loving and supporting them as well. Also, so Pablo could get a little bit of work done after the baby was born.

The pool guys trucked in water yesterday and told Pablo it would be about a week before it was up to temperature and chemically balanced for use. He'd eyed its construction longingly throughout the last month. The awkwardness of his body with loose joints and a precariously balanced baby in the middle kept him from getting any good rest, and it showed.

But tonight, it was all over. No more early wake-ups to meet contractors. No more invasions of their privacy. Best of all, he was ready to show Frank the new medical office with its private entrance from the side of the house. He'd been finishing it in secret. Carey, Richard, and Tom all contributed to make it extra special. Daryl agreed to letting Dr. Rodgers work part of his time from his home office while still being employed by GenLife, and he was looking forward to spending more time close to Pablo after the baby was born.

It was Carey who persuaded Daryl, insisting the pregnant men would feel more like patients and less like guinea pigs if their doctor saw them in a medical office not attached to an experimental laboratory. GenLife did provide some high-end equipment that a normal OB/GYN office wouldn't have so Dr. Rodgers could provide them with additional data normal pregnant patients wouldn't need.

When Pablo brought the plans to one of their water aerobics classes to share, everyone jumped in with ideas and offers. Richard hired an interior decorator of his own accord to make sure the office was high class and to get it up and running as soon as possible. Carey supplied the break room with the right equipment for Dr. Rodgers and the two nurses and receptionist who worked with him to make their favorite brews on site and serve tea to the clients.

Tom knew the medical supply houses and made sure the new office was well equipped. The men bonded over their disgust for the normal juvenile fabrics of scrubs and gowns in the OB GYN supply catalog and Tom found another catalog aimed at high end plastic surgery centers with stylish black ones. Richard wondered aloud how women tolerated so much condescension it even manifested in their fabric choices.

Pablo felt so touched by their generosity he wanted to give them something in return, so he spent a little of his spare time, between work and building the house, on making unique cradles for each of the men. A miniature variation of Daryl's UFO bed for Carey, a reproduction of the royal cradle from a picture book version of Robin Hood for Richard, an Art Deco dark walnut and white ash design for Tom, and a reproduction of a Queen Anne era one for himself to go with the refurbished house. They were all up in the attic with bows tied on them, waiting for delivery.

Pablo kept checking his watch during dinner and somehow managed to wrap everything up at 7:00 on the nose. Then, he blindfolded Frank and walked him around the outside of the house to the public entrance of his new medical office. There was a comfortable outdoor furniture arrangement on a stone patio in front of the waiting room window. Daryl and Carey, Tom and Ryan, Richard and Brad, the nurses and receptionist were all gathered around it. Pablo brought Frank right up to the door and unlocked it. Everyone gathered around to see their favorite doctor get the surprise of his life.

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