(Part 3) The Missing Man

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Brad felt like an idiot driving halfway across the country on his boss's whim to check out the new GenLife campus, discreetly of course. He knew he wouldn't get past the lobby. He told his boss, but Richard only heard what he wanted to, and had too much money on his hands to care about wasting a couple thousand on a pointless trip. So, Brad drove a rented Kia three days straight out to middle America, sipped a cup of coffee in a shop off the GenLife lobby, and drove three more days back to San Francisco.

His boss invested heavily in GenLife and teased Brad incessantly about giving him babies, but Brad wasn't interested. He'd worked too hard for his place in the world to give it up for motherhood, no matter how miraculous. Besides, he was gay, not stupid. He wouldn't have Richard's baby for all the money in the world. The bastard changed partners every two weeks. He needed someone who could tame him, not someone dependent on him.

His worthless playboy of a boss would be better suited to maternity anyway. No one at the office would miss him since they only ever interacted with Brad, his personal secretary extraordinaire. The only reason Richard kept an office was because he liked bending his lovers over the desk or hiding them under it.

If not for that, the entire team could work from home and coordinate over email and phones. They helped the boss manage his investments and social engagements and that didn't require an office in the city with a sexy receptionist.

The drive home was weird. Brad kept feeling like his hunger was out of control, and then he'd be tired, like when he was a teenager having a growth spurt. His clothes felt a little tighter, especially in the arms and thighs. He dropped off the rental car and took an Uber to his apartment. He couldn't report back to his boss after six days on the road without showering. The driver smelled funny. He rolled down the window, but it didn't help much. Oh well. He probably smelled pretty ripe, too.

The shower felt like heaven. His body seemed more sensitive than usual. He got a hard on just from running his soapy hands over himself. That hadn't happened since he finished puberty. Oh well, might as well enjoy it, he thought, but he wasn't happy that his boss's face popped into his head right before he came. An angry aggressive impulse washed over him in that moment. But it passed as quickly as it came.

He was pulling up his briefs when he heard the door to his apartment slam open. "Hey babe!" Richard's voice shouted from the living room. "What the fuck did you do that got the whole organization looking for you?" The bedroom door opened as he pulled a fresh t-shirt over his head. The smell that hit him when Richard barged in caused him to stumble backward against the dresser. He started salivating uncontrollably.

"What are you talking about?" He managed to ask. But he kept his face turned to the wall and started pulling on his slacks.

"This!" Richard shoved a printout in his face. The proximity was too much. Brad buttoned his pants, grabbed the paper, and moved out to the living room where he could put space between them. On the paper, Brad's photo from what looked like the coffee shop register security camera at GenLife accompanied text asking if anyone knew this man. This shocked him. What did it mean?

"I just ordered a coffee. I didn't even try to go through security. It's a publicly accessible shop."

Richard looked thoughtful, which was odd on his face. "Then you're probably not in trouble. But I think something happened there. They locked the whole place down for a while. You may have been exposed to something."

"I'm not fucking having your babies!" Brad wasn't going to equivocate here. Baby making serum was what they'd exposed him to if anything at GenLife. Or rather, womb generating serum. He'd read every piece of the literature they sent investors.

"Whoever asked you to? You'd be a horrible mother."

"What? You did. Back when you invested you asked me if I would give you babies if the research worked." How did this day go so wrong, Brad wondered?

"Yes, give me babies! Your incredibly handsome, intelligent, organized sperm in my adorable sociable happy boy pussy." He sighed dramatically. "Our kids would be perfectly genetically balanced. I could be the first gay man to give birth! If I can get into the trial." Richard was utterly serious about this.

Brad's head reeled, but his body responded. Richard's scent was intoxicating to him. He shoved his boss against the wall and looked down at his face intensely. "Let me get this straight...you want to have my babies?" He could feel Richard trembling, but he kept his gaze locked so his boss's tiny timid nod didn't go unnoticed.

"How long have you been planning...you invested eight years ago!" Richard was incredulous. "How long..." he didn't finish the question. He didn't want to know the answer. They'd gone to the same high school. He didn't want to see those memories from a perspective of being liked by the obnoxious party boy who kept pestering Brad for help with every little thing until they graduated, and he was able to hire his lackey outright.

"That long," Richard whispered the answer to the question obviously on Brad's mind.

"But all those other..." Brad stuttered.

"I'm slut. What can I say?" Richard explained in a tone too timid to match his words. "I like sex. I like fun. You aren't interested in casual hookups and you weren't ready for a long-term commitment. What was I supposed to do? Maybe you'd never be."

At this something hot and possessive arose in Brad and he slammed Richard back against the wall and pressed the full weight of his body against him. "Stop it! I don't want to hear it. I can't believe it. You're done. If you want me, all your fucking around is over. You're mine now!" And with that absurd declaration he kissed his boss until he felt the smaller man lose strength in his legs and fall into his arms.

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