Sweet Relief

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These weren't normal dates. Daryl designated four observation-equipped exam rooms on the second floor, where Dr. Placer's team could carefully control everything, for the meetings. They brought the omegas over in vans and outfitted each pair about to meet with a multitude of sensors to record their physical reactions throughout.

Dr. Placer watched from the observation room as pair after pair met and embraced. The embracing seemed compulsory. They couldn't be in the same room and not drawn together, usually within seconds. Often with one or both parties moved to tears. The physical reaction mimicked relief. They were physiologically relieved to be together. The bold kissed, and one particularly desperate couple were currently fucking like rabbits in exam room three.

They managed to get through twelve meetings the first day. The second day the meetings continued. Dr. Placer sipped an amazing cup of coffee the boss's mate brought her and they both watched as the last alpha of the day entered an exam room.

"Wait, where's their omega?" Dr. Placer asked the assistant. Then she looked at the alpha again and realized who it was. "Wait, no..."

"Hello?" Trina tapped on the one-way glass. "Um, do you know where my omega is?" She asked, cupping her hands around her eyes against the glass to try and see through. "I think she's rather shy, and I maybe didn't make the best first impression with my photo."

In the observation room, Dr. Placer vibrated at the sound of her alphas voice. Carey watched her reaction carefully and caught the coffee cup when she started to drop it. "H-how...?" She choked out.

"Um...," Carey didn't want to tell her that he'd set this up at Daryl's request.

"Darlin'," Trina continued, "I'm sure I'm not what you expected, but if you give me a chance, I think I can be everything you need."

The woman on the other side of the glass wasn't as intimidating as her picture. She wasn't clad in head-to-toe leather, studded with spikes and chains. In fact, she wore a grey suit perfectly tailored to her tall lanky build. The dress shirt was a soft pink and the tie a shiny silver. The final look was more androgynous than masculine, like a runway model. She stepped back from the glass and put her hands in her pockets, her casual posture so confident it compelled admiration. Dr. Placer was not immune.

"I know you're in there Ms. Doctor, wondering how you got stuck with me. I'm sorry if my picture disappointed you. That's one part of my life. I have fun with my dykes, and I'd love to put you on the back of my motorcycle and take you for a ride. But that's a completely different world from the one you live in.

"I wanted you to see I clean up pretty well too. And I'll do everything I can to make you proud to have me stand beside you in your world.

"Ms. Doctor," Trina looked up and it seemed she was looking right through the glass into her omega's eyes, "I'm so amazed that I can call you that. My omega is a doctor lady. You are an incredible woman to have achieved so much. With this whole alpha/omega thing you must be worried that your intelligence and achievements will be dismissed or ignored even more than they probably already have been because you're a woman.

"I was trying to think of all the things you must be worried about that would make you afraid to reach out to me. I know I'm not as smart as you, or as successful. But I'm happy with who I am so you won't have to make yourself any less to satisfy my ego. I'm an alpha, not a man." On the other side of the glass Dr. Placer couldn't restrain a laugh at that statement. Trina continued, "In fact, I'll be your biggest cheerleader. I'll destroy anyone who tries to dismiss you. I'll bring you lunch when you have long days at work and rub your feet when you get home.

"I want...," Trina put one hand against the glass and stared deeply into eyes she couldn't possibly see. She wasn't sure she should say this much, but it kept tumbling out of her. "I want to be a family with you. I have a house with a hot tub and a barbecue and two extra bedrooms to put kids in some day. I want to clean out 80% of my closet for you to put your designer suits and shoes in. I want your makeup all over my bathroom counter. I want to find your dirty bras lost in the couch where you shed them as soon as you get home.

"I want to see you walk in the front door tired from a long day at work but smiling because my arms are your resting place. I've never seen your face but my soul longs for you. For the life I want to have with you. If you understand even a little, will you let me try to woo you? Can we meet online? Hello? Can you give me a sign if you're there?" She tapped on the glass.

Behind her the door opened and she turned reluctantly to go. The Big Boss hadn't promised anything but a chance to talk to her through the glass. To her amazement, there in the doorway stood her angel omega. "Ms. Doctor?" Trina confirmed, her voice cracking with emotion.

Anna nodded. Her eyes brimming with tears. Now that they were both in the same room their pheromones went crazy, but neither could move.

"May I?" Trina asked, extending her arms.

Anna nodded again and slowly, cautiously, moved into the taller woman's embrace. An embrace so firm it pulled all the broken bits of her heart back together again. Every disappointment she'd had when overlooked or dismissed because of her gender, even her brokenness at ending up an omega, her career success hadn't come without a lot of painful disappointment and rejection. And she'd been so afraid that any alpha would insist their omega give up their career to be the submissive mothering type. She couldn't give up something that cost her so much. If her alpha could love her like this, if they could show her how to be a family without asking her to give her career up, then maybe it was okay to be an omega. Maybe it was safe to be an omega with a female alpha. Maybe she didn't feel safe before with men and that's why she never had time for relationships.

She couldn't stop herself from taking deep drags of her alpha's scent. Trina buried her nose in Dr. Placer's hair and did the same. "You're here," she murmured. "I can't believe you're in my arms. I've been dreaming about you. I wanted to find you and rescue you. But you didn't need rescuing, did you? I needed you more."

"I did need you!" Anna protested. "I've been sleeping with your towel for more than two weeks. It was only a matter of time before the desperation won out. But I never imagined..."

Trina chuckled into Anna's hair. "I'm sure you didn't."

"I think...maybe the pheromones know us better than we know ourselves. What you said about being a family...that's exactly what I want," Anna confessed.

"I'm sure they do, Ms. Doctor, because you're everything I've everdreamed of holding in my arms, and so much more that I couldn't have imagined."

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