Coffee & a Secondary Gender

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In Daryl's office, Carey from the coffee shop and Trina from the deli on the opposite side of the lobby listened with growing concern to the boss's explanation.

"You...I...what?" Carey stammered. Daryl wanted to hold his perplexed mate but restrained himself.

"Fuck," was Trina's response. "We don't get too many outsiders but I'll look them up."

"Thank you. We have security cameras outside your shops but if you have them at your registers that's even better. We can cross-check names with faces in case someone from outside came in and paid cash." He waved to one of the two security guards who'd been following him. "Please take Mr. Cryer here with you. He'll help you liaise with our security to get the footage and identify our employees. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. You'll need to be tested before you leave today as well."

"Sure. Nobody here is as fucked as you are. I'll do what I must. Am I gonna grow a dick?" Trina asked with a sudden cocking of her head to the right. "Cause that would be kinda awesome."

"It's a possibility," Daryl admitted.

"Damn!" Trina ejaculated on her way out the door. "Chicks with dicks!"

"Okay, that was surreal," Daryl said. Then, he turned to Carey and hoped against hope he wasn't so fucked he'd lose this newfound beloved. Carey didn't look angry, just stunned. That was good. Daryl waved the other security guard out for a moment so he could embrace his befuddled man. "Will you be okay?"

Carey shuddered. Despite normally repelling hugs, he felt a weird craving for this contact with Daryl so he let it be. Romantic relationships and sexual desire were new terrains for him. How long did one hug before talking? "I don't know. Do you?" He finally answered.

"Honestly, I don't know for sure either. But I think so. I think we both will. We talked about trying this anyway, for ourselves. It's not as controlled a trial but I wouldn't have proposed it if I thought it truly dangerous on an individual level. Are you still okay with it?" Daryl asked.

"I...I," Carey stuttered then his expression seemed to firm up. "Yes. I can do this. I want to do this with you. And you're going to need my help with this mess, right?" He looked up to see tears squeeze their way out of Daryl's eyes.

"Yeah," Daryl said as he pulled his lover in close again. "I'm gonna need your help. I'm so glad I found you before all this happened. I'm gonna need you."

"In any case," Daryl straightened up and wiped his face, "while I don't believe it's dangerous on an individual level, it's dangerous for a large unprepared group. The social implications caused by the changes could be serious. Especially if it affects anyone from outside the lab that we don't catch. Ms. Freitas will be your security liaison. The sooner we can find any outsiders the better. Do your test after. You'd have to wait in a long line if you went now anyway."

Carey nodded. "Got it. She's outside?"

"Yes. And, I'm sorry I won't make it to dinner tonight. I can't leave before we've identified every affected individual." Daryl answered.

"Then I won't go home," Carey said. "I'll send you food and take care of you here when I'm done with security. Work hard. I'm beside you."

"I'm not gonna say no," Daryl held Carey's hands a little longer. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you, too." Carey popped up on his toes to kiss the taller man on the lips before pulling away to go find Ms. Freitas.

The first outside person Carey faced would be Ryan. Ryan had no idea what went on in the lab. He made coffee for Carey. That was his job. And he'd been promoted to manager for this shop when it opened. This was supposed to be a good thing. Worker's compensation premiums for Baristas weren't much because it's not a risky profession. Worst case scenario is a serious burn or slipping on a spill. Not suddenly acquiring a secondary gender.

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