How to Marry an Introvert

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It was months before the quarantine ended. Three months of consistent monitoring of the alphas after determining their physiological transitions completed, were finally deemed enough. The omegas who didn't find mates would stay in quarantine longer as their transition completed, but their ongoing heat cycles were not yet manageable or even fully understood.

Dr. Blitzer's alpha quarantine team at GenLife continued to work on suppressants during that time and they were making progress. The omegas might have to remain sequestered until something was available to protect them from their heats. He worked doggedly toward that goal. But it wasn't his whole life.

Noah filled up the rest. But that wasn't exactly saying it right. Noah expanded his life first, and that gave him added capacity to furiously work toward his other goals. Having that sweet honest young man loving him and backing him up made him feel superhuman. What could he possibly give him in return?

As the day his quarantine would end approached, he diverted a small amount of his attention to a side project for his sweetheart.

Noah agreed to a shift at the coffee shop the morning GenLife scheduled alpha quarantine to end. They released the alphas one at a time after final check-ups and Alan would be last. Noah figured he'd be antsy sitting at home waiting. When his shift ended. He picked up a sandwich in the deli and settled in the courtyard with a book to wait.

Mitch showed up at about three in the afternoon and insisted on taking Noah inside to meet Alan. He handed him a fresh white dress shirt and gave him a moment to freshen up in the restroom but that was it. Noah didn't understand the rush. When they got off the elevator on the fifth floor the whole place looked empty. Mitch hurried him around the corner to the emergency stairs where he started dragging Noah up.

The doors burst open and Noah found himself at the end of a long aisle leading through the rooftop garden to a gazebo. His dad appeared behind him clearing his throat loudly for attention. Noah jumped in shock. Swallowing back some strong emotion, his dad said, "If you don't want to marry this fellow, tell me now and I'll help you escape. But if you do, take my arm and I'll bring you to him with my blessing."

Noah was in shock, but nothing could stop him from taking his father's arm and following him to where Alan waited. Chairs were set nearby the gazebo for their close colleagues and family. Not more than ten. Alan wore a white dress shirt open at the collar with black slacks, like Noah's. He shook his father-in-law's hand when he handed Noah over into Alan's care. It wasn't the fanciest wedding, but it meant a great deal for them to have any parental blessings. Alan's parents no longer acknowledged their son.

A local judge lead them through the simple and timeless vows of matrimony, promising to love, honor and cherish each other. Mitch and Ryan handed over the rings and signed as witnesses. Trina prepared the reception dinner as her final meal in the quarantine kitchen, which she'd continued to manage for the duration though she was free to come and go since she found her mate in Dr. Placer.

Noah barely remembered the reception. He remembered gazing endlessly into Alan's eyes and never letting go of his hand. The wedding was a rather annoying delay to the intimate meeting Noah looked forward to. But in the end, he felt relieved to have it over. He didn't have to anxiously dread it. He didn't have to pick out a suit or flowers or a hall. The wedding wasn't important to him. But the being married...oh he was happy to the depths of his soul.

When he pulled Alan into the master bedroom where he could finally kiss his husband freely, his heart sang with joy. His husband, his husband, his husband!

Alan knew his beloved so well. He knew Noah dreaded the idea of a wedding but longed for the security of marriage. He'd seen plenty of Noah's anxious side. Now, he was enjoying his young husband's newly liberated exuberant side. He could hold nothing back. He offered his lips and his body and his heart completely.

The buttons popped off Noah's shirt in one go and Alan salivated at the sight. He'd waited so long for this. And the pheromones...they faded so quickly from fabrics. His beta's pheromones didn't spread as efficiently as an omega's, they didn't make him lose all sense and he had to be close to fill his nose with them, but they enticed him like nothing else. Now that he could hold Noah in his arms whenever he wanted...there were no words for this feeling. It went so far beyond any prior experience.

Large steady hands gripped Noah's waist and held him firmly while his husband plundered his mouth, ears, and neck. His moans turned to yelps when Alan moved down to suckle a tender nipple. "Please, oh please!" Noah begged. He noticed that Alan kept smelling him and he knew about pheromones. They'd exchanged pillows for that reason. But he'd never thought about how erotic it would be to have his alpha breathing him in.

Noah couldn't detect pheromones. He only smelled the usual warm musk of his virile man, an erotic enough fragrance to satisfy him. But he knew his body responded to them. He felt completely at ease. His usually tense body relaxed open as Alan lay him back on the bed.

A fresh wave of pheromones hit Alan in that moment. "You're blooming for me," he whispered in Noah's ear. Noah's face flushed red and another burst hit Alan. He breathed it in, feeling satisfied and hungry at the same time. He didn't give Noah a chance to think about anything else as he kept up his relentless attack on the younger man's senses. This was his mate, and he could only be satisfied by bringing him complete bliss.

Noah wanted to do the same for Alan, but he was caught in an undertow and drowning in the pleasure of Alan's hands as they stroked his cock, kneaded his ass, and teased his opening. Every gentle stroke preparing him to finally join with his alpha brought him bliss. At moments he thought he could feel the pleasure in each individual skin receptor cell. His body hummed with it.

Then he was there, right there, at Noah's entrance, and Noah felt like it was his first time all over again. Perhaps because this would be his last first time. Perhaps because it mattered so much more than any other time. Perhaps because it was Alan, and Alan had mystic powers of sex. That last one was probably it, Noah thought as the tremors hit. Alan's fingers had reached the secret spot inside that made him fall apart. When he couldn't take it anymore the fingers pulled out and Alan replaced it with his magic wand.

He paused for a moment, letting his beloved adjust. Noah squirmed under him pleading incoherently for more, and Alan delivered. He plunged steadily ahead feeling like he was shoving his heart inside its new home. He belonged inside Noah. That's all there was to it. The pleasurable pressure built and built until Noah burst, squirting his pheromone sweetened cum between them and Alan filled his adorable husband with his seed.

Neither were prepared for the sudden knot to form. "Ah, oh, ah!" Alan grunted.

"What? Ah. Ahhh!" Noah screamed. The added pressure sent him into a second orgasm while Alan realized that he was still in the middle of the longest orgasm of his life. They didn't know if Noah's womb would be fully functional or not, but in this moment the desire to impregnate his mate consumed Alan. His cock wasn't moving but he still thrust his pelvis against Noah in short bursts of instinctive aggression.

The feeling of being so desired, so filled, so made Noah feel complete.

"Mine!" Alan grunted. "You're Mine."

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