Ill Fated Mates

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Jonathan knew he led a blessed life. He'd gone through a bit of trouble right out of high school when he'd been tempted and gave in to sin. But he'd made it right, and he loved his firstborn son all the more for the sacrifices he made caring for him while going through Bible College.

There was a sense of solidarity, like they made it through together, that he hadn't built with the two younger boys, yet. Perhaps because he had a wife who dedicated herself to looking after them so he could turn his focus outward, to the ministry. He didn't spend as much time on their day-to-day care as with the first. She'd worked while he was in school, so they shared the caring-for-baby duties more equitably. But they were all beautiful boys, and she was a perfect wife, and he loved his little family.

He also loved his work and his congregation, and when news broke of the GenLife serum getting out into the community, he was a first responder to the spiritual and moral crisis this created for many.

It was not an easy task for him. Most interpretations of scripture were based on a straight cis-gendered world view. While some people of faith still argued homosexuality was a choice, thus allowing themselves to continue their lives without re-examining scripture, the complete biological alteration of human reproductive anatomy brooked no argument. It forced a complete review of all human ideologies.

Jonathan's father had definite opinions about anyone on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Jonathan wasn't so sure. To begin with, he had personal experience straying from the path and paying the price to return. Every sin he could think of had commensurate natural consequences. The Bible said every sin is against God except sexual sins. Those are sins against one's own body. Whatever the natural consequences, perhaps they were enough? He figured God set the world up that way and he didn't need his followers' help heaping more punishments on sinners. This wasn't bedrock theology for him, but an acknowledgement of mankind's limited understanding of God.

Moreover, he didn't feel qualified to judge what constituted sin for anyone but himself. Scripture harshly forbid followers of Christ from passing judgement anyway. He subscribed to a 'love first, ask questions later' brand of ministry. This endeared him to all but a few relentlessly bigoted senior parishioners. He spent countless hours comforting victims and families affected by this bizarre crisis, realizing how much they remained human and children of his loving God no matter what happened with their bodies. But he found himself, in his alone time with God, asking a lot more questions.

Then, his blessed world fell apart. Not only was he exposed to the ABO disease and transitioning to an omega, but it was through his wife's infidelity. That was the bitter pill he kept choking on. And now he was sitting in a meeting room at the GenLife hotel with the man she'd cheated with, reading a letter which revealed his precious firstborn son, Josiah, was not his at all but was abandoned by his real father. AND SHE'D GONE BACK AND HAD AN AFFAIR WITH THIS MAN!!! Then, given HIM temporary custody of their children when she ran away.

But what was even worse...what took the prize in this competition for his life's destruction...was the smell that filled the room when Lance Rosenfeld walked into it. The way Lance's nostrils flared and his eyes dilated showed he experienced the same from Jonathan. They both knew instantly that they were a reciprocal pair, and they both resolutely ignored it.

Lance hadn't even considered the possibility of this pheromone reaction when he made plans to bring the pastor's children to visit him. Josiah kept asking for a visit, and Lance needed to get official temporary custody papers signed by their father to enroll the little ones in preschool and Josiah in summer camp so he could get back to work.

That the pastor was unhappy with him, with his wife, and with this custody arrangement was not surprising. In fact, he'd have been disappointed if the man didn't feel angry about it. But he didn't have a lot of options. And with the final painful reveal about his eldest son...Lance could clearly see the way his heart broke through the windows of his crystal blue eyes. He didn't cry. He sat, unmoving, until Josiah, seeing his reaction to the letter but having no idea what it contained, rushed around the table to hug his daddy.

That was the lifeline Jonathan needed to get through this moment. To Josiah, he would always be 'Daddy.' He would always be needed and loved no matter what this letter or anything or anyone else said. Feeling left out, the little ones toddled over and made it a group hug.

Lance watched, quietly, wrestling with himself about what to do with this little family. From the moment he walked in the door his instinct was screaming, 'MINE!' He was in control of himself, but it remained there like a flashing neon light from his subconscious pulling at his conscious mind, hijacking every train of thought. As his son hugged the pastor, the possessiveness expanded to include him, and then again with the little ones. They were his. His family that he'd never even thought about wanting before. Stephanie had been a placeholder, keeping them apart but connected until they came to this moment when fate revealed it meant them for each other. It was entirely irrational thinking, but he felt there should have been a choir of angels. Instead, there was a pile of shit to clean up.

They managed, through all this internal conflict, to remain civil so the children wouldn't become distressed, and they accomplished Lance's legal objectives to provide for their care. Jonathan gave Lance his key for the parsonage so he could access any of their things the children might be needing. Lance graciously offered to bring the pastor any of his things that he might want. Then, they exchanged cell phone numbers so the kids could FaceTime with their dad whenever they wanted, and the meeting ended with a promise to get the children ice cream on the way home.

When they left, Jonathan locked himself in his room to fast and pray. There were no answers for this within himself. He needed his savior.

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