Chapter 1

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Yoongi's eomma was screaming from downstairs so he wouldn't be late to school.

"Ok eomma I'm up stop screaming"

Yoongi calmly said from his door by the looks of it today was gonna be a bad day he thought. He did his daily morning routine and headed down stairs to be met with a furious mom and a delicious breakfast.

"Morning eomma Morning appa"

Yoongi walked into the kitchen grabbed a toast and a piece of fruit and was about to leave but got stopped by a new voice.

"Son you should eat what your eomma put hard work into"

Yoongi quietly walked backed into the kitchen and sat down and started eating. The whole time Yoongi was eating he could feel a hard stare on him. He shifted in seat uncomfortably and finished his food.

"Thanks eomma for the food bye appa"

Yoongi was glad that he could finally leave but then he remembered that the devil was waiting for him at school so he could bully him.

Finally arriving at school he saw the devil himself Jeon Jungkook standing by the door waiting for him so he could pick on him for the rest of day.

"Hey Min I was waiting for you so you could get your morning beating"

Yoongi looked up from the broad chest to see the devil himself standing there with a smirk waiting for his response.

"Fine lets get this over with I'm late for first period"

15 minutes later

"Thanks min that was pretty fun"

Jungkook left just like that Yoongi got up and went to his first period like nothing ever happened between the two .

As Yoongi was limping to his first class he could see his teacher in his vision walking the same direction he knew he was gonna get detention so he started making and excuse to tell her.

"Min Yoongi why are you late"

Yoongi looked up from the floor because he was still thinking of an excuse to tell her they he got so he started to limp to her to make his excuse more realistic.

"I'm sorry I accidentally fell down so I went to the nurses office because I got a cut"

He slowly looked up to see her reaction but she had a expression less face as she always did.

"That better be the last time you come in late again Min"

"That better be the last time you come in late again Min"

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♣︎Damn I see you Jungkook ♣︎ 👀

Btw if anyone is reading tell me how it is please thanks ♡

Author p ♥︎

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