Chapter 25

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⇳ Recap ⇳
'Jungkook places a quick peck on his baby boy cheek and started driving he saw that he was blushing madly from what he just said and did.'

•At the restaurant•

"Finally you guys came I was starting to think Jin hyung would start attacking people from how hungry he is"

All three of them started laughing when they saw him at the table looking mad for how long he waited.

"Good now that we're all here since you two decided to take your time let's order"

They all opened the menu and were looking to see what they were gonna eat Yoongi decided to get a burger.

"Hello gentlemen I'll be your sever for tonight what would you guys like to drink"

Everyone ordered water Yoongi was kind of getting bored so he decided to start to tease his hyung.

"Hyungie I'm kind of horny when we get home can we do stuff I'll be your bad boy for today"

When Yoongi whispered that into his hyung's ear he got the reaction he wanted form him.

"Baby if you say something like that again I won't be able to hold myself and I really don't wanna reck you right here"

Yoongi blushes madly Jungkook loved the reaction he got form the younger but he had to calm down his hyung and Namjoon were infront of them.

"Well Jungkook as Yoongi's favorite hyung I have to set some rules and if they are broken I will personally kill you myself don't test me"

All three of them choked from what they just heard from the eldest at the table and were interested in what he had to say.

"H-hyung you can't kill him he's my boyfriend and I l-love him so stop being a m-meanie or else me and Namjoon will do something"

Jungkook was excited because his baby boy said he loved him but he was scared for the look his hyung gave him.

"Yoongi I won't hurt him because I want too but if he hurts you in any way I will hurt him with every bone in my body"

Yoongi knew his hyung meant well but he knew that Jungkook would never hurt him or so he thought.

"Yea hyung stop being a meanie to Jungkook let's give him a chance I've never see Yoonie so happy so stop it"

Namjoon told his hyung to stop but immediately he'll his hand and squeezed it as a way to tell him to calm down and that he was there too.

"Fine fine I'll give him a chance but if I see a tear of sadness come down from those cat like eyes that belong to my baby I'll kill you"

Namjoon kind of got jealous of the thought that some one else was his hyung's baby but he knew his hyung meant well so he let it slide.

"Stoppp calling me your baby hyung your making Namjoon jealous and I'm not your I'm Jungkook's and he's mine"

Namjoon blushed he just got exposed and looked up to see Yoongi smirking and laughing karma will be a meanie to him.

•Time skip•

All four of them were laughing and enjoying their time talking to each other after they just finished their meal.

"Hyung remember that one time we're Yoonie was trying to carry all his books and then he fell down and started to cry but then we cheered him up with ice cream"

Yoongi was getting really embarrassed and flustered today his hyung and best friend were telling Jungkook stories about him.

"S-stop telling him embarrassing stories about me or else"

Everyone at the table cooed because Yoongi said that with the cutest pout and he crossed his arms his face was super red as well.

"Awww calm down baby it's ok I will love you no matter what I hear from them your still perfect to me in my eyes"

Jin noticed how Jungkook said that with love in his eyes and he knew that he was the one for Yoongi but he wondered if he would hurt him.

"Jeon Jungkook is that you"

All four of them turned their heads to the side to see a pretty girl the same age as them standing there.

"Oh hi Lisa long time no see how have you been"

Yoongi was already getting jealous of the thought that this girl knew her man and he could already tell he hated her but maybe it was jealousy taking over his mind.

"I've been good sorry for ruining whatever this is I'll introduce myself my name is Lalisa Manoban but you can call me Lisa"

Lisa was looking at all four of them but she really was there just to talk to Jungkook and maybe get her ex back.

"Well these are my friends Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin and this is my boyfriend Min Yoongi"

She looked at all of them and gave them an "innocent smile" she looked and this Min Yoongi and thought that was her competition.

"Well I just wanted to say hi it was nice meeting you guys hopefully I'll see you guys at my new school if we go to the same one"

Yoongi was glad that she was leaving it's not that he hated her but he got a weird vibe from her.

"Well we go to bangtan high if go to there just come up to one of us and say hi"

"I will surely do that Jungkook bye for now it was nice meeting you again"

⇫ Some one's Mad ⇫Hi my sluts it's me again soo I have a science benchmark tmwr and um scaryy literally also umm I asked my algebra teacher if I could do geometry in the summer so when I'm a freshman and I can already be taking algebra 2 and she s...

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⇫ Some one's Mad ⇫
Hi my sluts it's me again soo I have a science benchmark tmwr and um scaryy literally also umm I asked my algebra teacher if I could do geometry in the summer so when I'm a freshman and I can already be taking algebra 2 and she said yes soo what do u think I should or no prob still am also how's the chapter is it juicy and is the tea good teehee

Author p ♥︎

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