Chapter 32

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☉ Recap ☉
'Jungkook hung up on his hyung and raced to his grandmas room and was ready to hear what the doctor had to say.'

Jungkook just made it before the doctor started explaining what his grandma had.

"Well Mrs.Jeon from the test we took it seems that the type of cancer you have is Leukemia"

From hearing what the doctor was saying Jungkook's world stopped he couldn't believe she had Leukemia.

"W-what do you mean she has Leukemia she can't"

The doctor and Mrs.Jeon looked at the youngest in the room and saw tears overflowing from what he was hearing.

"It's ok Jungkookie Leukemia is treatable so I'm ok calm down and come give me a hug"

Jungkook walked over to his grandma and started silently crying in her embrace.

"Well Mrs.Jeon it looks like the type of Leukemia is the slow-growing one so it is treatable but we will have to monitor you"

Mrs.Jeon was glad that she would be able to get it treated and was happy that she may see her little Kookie grow up and get married.

"That's good to hear but when can I start getting treated for it"

As the doctor and Mrs.Jeon started discussing her treatment Jungkook blocked it out and started wondering what was happening with his baby.

"We will have do chemotherapy to help your body fight off the infection we will come when it's your time to get treated"

The doctor walked out of the room because he could tell the patient needed to talk with her grandson.

"It's gonna be ok Jungkookie your grandma is gonna fight this cancer and get back to being strong but for now I need you to be strong for me"

Jungkook looked up at his grandma to see her smiling down at him.

" I- I will try grandma I'm gonna be s-strong for you but y-you better get better"

Mrs.Jeon just laughed at what her grandson said and started humming to sound that she knew would start calming him down.

"Trust me my little Kookie I will get better but I need you by my side"

Jungkook knew if he responded he would start crying again so he just nodded and what to be in her embrace but he remembered he had to see what was wrong with his baby.

"I'm sorry grandma but I have to leave I have to go see my boyfriend it looks like something happened to him at school"

Mrs.Jeon was happy her grandson had someone in his life that would care for him and that he cared for.

"Well go on don't keep him waiting also bring him here after your done I wanna meet him"

Jungkook just laughed at what his grandma had said and nodded he could imagine how worried Yoongi would be to meet his grandma.

✩ Kookie ✩Heyyy it's me soo ima try to update a lot since it's summer also ima be going on diet or whateva for myself and bc I wanna look good for my first year of hs or whateva yk soooo enjoy teehee

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✩ Kookie ✩
Heyyy it's me soo ima try to update a lot since it's summer also ima be going on diet or whateva for myself and bc I wanna look good for my first year of hs or whateva yk soooo enjoy teehee

Author p ♥︎

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