Chapter 7

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⚔︎ Recap ⚔︎
'Yes hyung can I get some water please'

Jungkook's stomach started to turn from Yoongi's soft voice calling him hyung, he wanted to hear him say that everyday to him.

"Yoongi can you call me hyung more often I like the way you say it"

Jungkook turned to Yoongi with a smirk Yoongi got all flustered from hearing what he just said.

"S-sure hyung"

Jungkook didn't know what confidence came inside him to say that but he liked the way Yoongi reacted.

"Well let's go to my room so we can get started k"

As Yoongi followed his hyung all he could think about is how he loved the way his hyung loved how he called him that and how he was enjoying the feeling in his stomach.

"Well here's my room Yoongi I think we should sit on the floor so we can have more space"

Yoongi forgot everything because he was too excited to get started and be finish with the project by the end of the day.

"Ok hyung let's start searching and looking at stuff for it so we can finish today"

Jungkook was jungshook did he just hear his dongsaeng right they were gonna finish tonight when they had week (forgot to add that part oops 😬)

"D-did you say we're gonna finish today when we have the whole week"

Yoongi just remembered that he forgot to tell hyung that he likes to finish his projects early so he can go through it and make sure it's perfect.

"I like to finish them in the first day and have the rest of the week to perfect it sorry"

Damn Jungkook thought how could someone finish a project in one day when he can't even finish it In a week.

"Nah it's ok Yoongi I just was surprised that u finish it that early"

Jungkook really wanted to finish and make Yoongi proud of him but he doesn't know why though.

"Well let's get work now k"

Four hours and thirty minutes later (lazy)

"Well Jungkook hyung were done so I should get home my parents are probably worried or something"

Jungkook was actually happy they finished and he was happy to know more about his dongsaeng.

"Well you could stay here overnight because it's about it rain I don't want you to get wet"

Yoongi started to get flustered because of thought of him staying at Jungkook's place.

"N-no it's ok hyung I can just walk home"

Jungkook was not gonna let his dongsaeng leave in the rain.

"No your gonna stay here that's final"

Yoongi couldn't say no to that dominant voice of Jungkook's.

"O-ok let me call my parents"

Yoongi took at his phone and started to look for his appa's number.

"Appa can I stay at a friends house because to start to rain and he won't let me leave"

"Yes you can stay there for the night make sure to be polite ok"

"Ok appa love you see you tomorrow"

"Ok son good night love you"

Jungkook was excited from what he heard he could spend the night and maybe cuddle with Yoongi all night.

"Good you can stay the night you can wear one of my sweater if that's ok with you"

Yoongi was getting all shy from his hyung's compliments and little comments he's saying to him.

"S-sure hyung but can you turn around while I put it on"

"S-sure hyung but can you turn around while I put it on"

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☯︎ Yoongi's gonna wake up to something hard ☯︎

Author p ♥︎

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