Chapter 28

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☡ Recap ☡
'Good because I'm yours and your mine Kookie but I know she has something up her sleeve so I don't want you near her'

Yoongi was waking to the cafeteria happy to see his friends and his daddy of course.

Lisa was right behind a corner that Yoongi was turning to to get to the cafeteria hoping she would find him to put her plan in place.

"L-Lisa what are you doing there you s-scared me are you waiting for someone"

Lisa looked up and smirked ready to put her plan in action and get her oppa back from this little twink.

"Yes I was waiting for you I just wanted to tell you something without Jungkook oppa being there"

Yoongi looked at her confused but he kept his guard up to make sure she didn't do anything fishy that would ruin his day.

"I just wanted to tell you that you should break up with oppa and give him to me"

"He texted me when I came back that he loved me and missed and that he didn't want you anymore that you were ugly and fat"

Yoongi looked up with tears in his eyes from what she was saying but all he saw was her smirking at him thinking she won.

"L-leave me alone l-lisa Jungkookie would never say that about me your just lying"

Yoongi didn't believe her he knew she was lying but maybe there was a chance Jungkook did that but he had hope.

"Why would I lie to you Yoonie I consider you a new friend of mine I would never hurt you no matter what and would never lie"

She smirked that this boy was believing her lies to think that he was the top student in this school but fell for a lie.

"No shut up Lisa your just lying to get me to break up with Jungkook so you can have him but I don't believe you he would never"

Yoongi pushes her out of the way and stormed into the cafeteria looking mad as ever as well as sad wanting to have hope that his Jungkookie would never do this to him.

"Yoonie what's wrong are you ok do I have to beat someone up and make sure they feel it"

Yoongi looked up and immediately started balling while going over to his hyung's lap and hugging his tighter while Namjoon whispered sweet nothing's to him.

"It's ok Yoongi bear just tell me what happened I will beta anyone up for you and my Namjoonie"

Yoongi looked up to see his hyung and everyone else at the table smiling at him making sure he knew that they cared.

"L-Lisa came up to me and told me that J- Jungkook didn't like me and was just pretending saying that he wanted her back"

Jin's blood boiled at the thought that someone would speak to his Yoonie bear like that but he had to calm down for the sake of Yoongi.

"Don't worry Yoonie bear she's just trying to get in your mind and get you to believe her Jungkook would never do that to you and if he did he will be six feet under"

Yoongi giggled at how protective his hyung was over him but he had to cheer up and get himself together and still continue with school.

"W-where's Jungkook he came to school I want to cuddle with him"

Everyone at the table cooed at Yoongi's cuteness but knew he wouldn't like what they would say.

"Yoongi he went home because he got a call from his parents that he need to be home immediately"

Yoongi looked sad but he had to cheer up and make sure he wasn't sad and call his daddy after school.

✌︎ I will protect him ✌︎Heyy soo you all need to check my other two books out like not bc you love me and I love you yk hopefully u like it also don't hate Lisa i love her she will turn good promise

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✌︎ I will protect him ✌︎
Heyy soo you all need to check my other two books out like not bc you love me and I love you yk hopefully u like it also don't hate Lisa i love her she will turn good promise

Author p ♥︎

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