Chapter 17

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☔︎ Recap ☔︎
'"S-sure Yoonie but if you call me that again I'm not gonna be able to stop myself so stop until the time comes ok"'

"I-I'm sorry Kookie hyung I'll stop if you don't like it"

Yoongi was actually sad that Jungkook didn't like him calling him daddy he thought maybe that would spice things up.

"NO I mean n-no I like when you call me that but only in bed you understand"

Jungkook used his deep voice and liked the reaction he got from his baby boy a nod then a flushed face.

"Well Yoonie I made us a very special dinner it's your favorite tteokbokki"

Yoongi lifted his head from his hyung's neck were he was hiding his blushed faced and smiled at the set up table his hyung made look so pretty.

"Thank you hyungie I'm happy with everything you have done for me I-I love y-you"

Jungkook was shocked from what he heard at the last words that came out of Yoongi's mouth he was happy though.

"I love you too Yoonie always till the end of time that for sure"

Both Jungkook and Yoongi were happy in each other presence they both wished time could stop so this moment could go on repeat.

"Well come on let's eat we wouldn't want to waste any of this food"

Jungkook put Yoongi down on the floor and he pulled his chair out for him like the gentleman he is.

They both started to eat and Jungkook was nervous and scared he wanted to ask Yoongi if the tteokbokki was good.

"OMG hyung this is the best tteokbokki I've ever eaten before can you please make it for my birthday please"

Jungkook was glad his baby boy liked it and was really happy that he wanted it for his birthday.

"Thank you Yoongi but can I ask when is your birthday"

Yoongi forgot that he hasn't told his hyung his birthday.

"Sorry hyung I forgot my birthday on the 9th of March so make sure you put in on your calendar"

Jungkook chuckled at the last part he found What Yoongi said most of the Rhine or cute when he was shy.

20 minutes later

"Thank you hyung that dinner was amazing but what do we do now"

Jungkook almost forgot he was gonna ask him out but thank goodness he remembered.

"Well Yoonie I wanted to ask you a question I know we barely became friends but since then I've started to feel things I haven't before and I just wanted to ask if you could please be my boyfriend"

Jungkook was out of breath after saying all of that he was wondering what Yoongi was gonna say.

"H-hyung I would love to be your b-boyfriend"

Right after Yoongi said that Jungkook bare hugged Yoongi like there was no tomorrow until he couldn't breathe anymore.

"Thank you thank you Yoonie you just made me the happiest and luckiest man alive"

Yoongi blushed madly and started to whine from what his hyung was saying.

"S-stop hyung your making me b-blush"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi face and wanted to squish it so bad because he looked so adorable.

"Well what do you want to do know do I get a surprise for making you dinner and can it be in the bedroom"

Jungkook smirked at the thought of Yoongi riding him and he wanted to see Yoongi's reaction.

"H-hyung stoppp but I mean y-yes but please go slow"

Jungkook was happy and excited but nervous because this was actually his first time.

"It's ok Yoongi I'll go slow this will be my first time too so don't worry"

Yoongi was actually surprised that this was his hyung's first time with a boy or anyone.

✹ Cuties ✹✭ Omg I have an algebra benchmark this Thursday We haven't even learned it Were still taking 8th grade math I'm in math accelerated 1 semester 8th math 2 semester algebra ✭

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✹ Cuties ✹
✭ Omg I have an algebra benchmark this Thursday
We haven't even learned it Were still taking 8th grade math I'm in math accelerated 1 semester 8th math 2 semester algebra ✭

Author p ♥︎

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