Chapter 16

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☃︎ Recap ☃︎
'As Jungkook heard that he started hearing cute little snored coming from his baby and he just wanted to squish him to death.'

Jungkook was nearing his house because one he wanted to have sex with Yoongi and two he wanted to ask him out.

"We'll cooking powers are gonna come out today and I'm gonna make a romantic dinner for my little Yoonie bear"

Yoongi awoke mid sentence but he didn't want his hyung to know so he pretended that he was asleep and waited to be put in bed.

"Damn you keys I never know which way to put you in stupid door"

Yoongi so wanted to laugh at Jungkook because how could someone so dominating be so cute and childish at the same time.

"There well looks like no one is home so me and my Yoonie can eat peacefully and maybe have sex right after I ask him out only if he wants to though"

Yoongi blushed at the thought of him and Jungkook having sex but he really wanted to ride him so bad so he really was excited.

"Here baby I hope you have a good nap I love you hope you don't hate me when your limping"

Yoongi forgot everyone was gonna notice that he was limping at school he's gonna pray for his and Namjoon's ass.

Jungkook's POV

"Time to cook let me look up a recipe for my soon to be baby boy"

As Jungkook was looking up a recipe he wondered if Yoongi was gonna say yes to him he hoped he did or maybe it was too early to ask but you know what who cares.

30 minutes later

"Finally I finished I hope my Yoonie likes it because it took me forever that for sure"

Jungkook was scared of waking up Yoongi be maybe he would be mad that he didn't take him home.

"Yoonie baby it's time to wake up I made us some dinner I'm guessing your hungry I'm i right"

Yoongi didn't want to get up but he was hungry so he mad a plan to ask his hyung to carry him to the kitchen.

"Hyungie can your carry me I-I'm tired please d-daddy"

Yoongi added to daddy at the because he knew Jungkook couldn't resist him and he guessed Jungkook had a daddy kink.

"S-sure Yoonie but if you call me that again I'm not gonna be able to stop myself so stop until the time comes ok"

"S-sure Yoonie but if you call me that again I'm not gonna be able to stop myself so stop until the time comes ok"

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  ☂︎ cute ☂︎
✻ So you ppl did not go look at my new book sksksksksk plz look for me plz thank you for 2k ✻

Author p ♥︎

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