Chapter 2

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☻︎ Recap ☻︎
'That better be the last time you come in late again Min'

Yoongi started to walk to his desk to be met with his one of his only friends Namjoon.

"Hey Yoongs"

Yoongi looked to his right to see his best friend looking at him with worry in his eyes.

"Hey Namjoon"

All Namjoon could think is why did Jungkook have to bully Yoongi he was adorable,cute,smart, and funny.

"Did he do it again Yoongi"

Yoongi didn't really want to tell Namjoon that he let Jungkook beat him up so he wouldn't be late even though he was.

"Yes he was waiting for me at the gate"

All Yoongi could think about was how pathetic is friend might think of him from telling him this .

"It's ok Yoongi maybe one day he'll stop bothering you"

All Namjoon wanted to do was to put some sense into Jungkook but he knew if he tried he would get beat up by him and Jin wouldn't like that.

"It's ok joon maybe just maybe he'll stop"

Time skip (lunch time)

Yoongi's POV

Finally I can eat and just chill for a little bit without being bothered I thought.

"Sup Min"

Ugh just when I thought I could just go eat and chill with Namjoon and Jin hyung.

"What do you want Jeon"

I'm really getting annoyed with him like I never did anything to him can he just leave me alone so I can be in peace.

"It's time for fun Min"

If only hyung was here he could protect please come hyung I need you.

"Leave him alone Jeon"

Thank you Jesus I will repay you one of these days thank you thank you.

"What are you gonna do about it Seok-jin"

I better get out of here and bring hyung with me before a teacher comes.

"Hyung can we just leave please before we get in trouble"

I hope he listens to me.

"Fine let's leave but I'm not done with you Jeon"

Yes finally I can go eat with my two only best friends and be a third wheel for the rest of my life.

"You guys are no fun but I'll let you leave for now"

"You guys are no fun but I'll let you leave for now"

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☘︎Little angels ☘︎

(They won't be enemy's forever just wait)

Author p ♥︎

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